Find Abhyudaya Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank is an urban multi-state bank based in Maharashtra. The bank was established in 1965 and had its headquarters in Mumbai. The bank has all advanced digital facilities for its customers, and the Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank IFSC code has an important role here.
In the realm of banking services, the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes are unavoidable. These three codes have their designated functions. Let's understand them briefly.
The IFSC code helps with branch identifications of branches, the MICR code helps with quick cheque clearance, and you need the SWIFT code for making any international fund transfers.
We'll talk about the functions and benefits of the Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank IFSC code and MICR code in detail throughout the article. So keep reading to know how to avail their services and how to access these codes.
The IFSC code is for identifying bank branches; hence each bank branch comes with its unique IFSC code. The Reserve Bank of India started the system of IFSC codes where each branch got a unique eleven-character alphanumeric code.
The Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank IFSC Code also comes under the RBI standard formation. It has eleven characters with both numbers and letters. We can divide the IFSC code into three parts; all three of them have different functions.
For instance, the Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank Mumbai branch's IFSC code is ABHY0065018. Let's understand how the code's different parts work-
Introducing the IFSC code has proven to be extremely beneficial for people. Now people can send money within a fraction of seconds without taking the pain of standing in long bank queues.
Now you can use online fund transfer modes like NEFT or RTGS, and by entering the IFSC code, you can transfer money within minutes. We will also talk about the NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS modes of transferring money in the coming sections.
Banks understand that there is a significant section of people who still rely on paper-based transactions. The MICR or the Magnetic Ink Character Code serves the same purpose.
This is a special nine-character code that helps with faster cheque processing. The MICR code is printed using a unique magnetic ink that prevents fraudulent transactions.
Like the IFSC code, we can divide the MICR code into three parts. Here is a breakdown of all the three parts of the MICR code-
The MICR code of the Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank Bhandup branch is 400065004. All branches participating in the Electronic Clearing System have separate MICR codes.
Banks use the Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) for identifying foreign branches and making international fund transfers. The SWIFT code has eight characters which too can be divided into three parts.
The Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank SWIFT code is ACBLINBB. Let's see the functions of its three individual parts.
Banks use the SWIFT code for communicating crucial messages and customers use it to transfer international funds.
Finding the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT code isn't daunting. There are multiple sources from which you can get the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes. Find Your Bank is one the easiest and quick destinations to search for the Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank IFSC code, MICR, and SWIFT codes.
Follow the steps stated below to get the codes from Find Your Bank-
You can also download the Find Your Bank mobile app to get the IFSC, SWIFT, and MICR codes.
There are other sources where you can get the mentioned codes. Let's have a look at these sources as well.
Whenever you need the Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank IFSC code and MICR code, you can find them in your bank passbook and cheque book. Their leaves always have these codes printed, making finding the mentioned codes even easier.
The Reserve Bank of India website is another reliable source where you can find the IFSC and MICR codes. Since RBI keeps track of all banks' IFSC codes, you can easily find them on their website.
Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank has its online banking platforms like the website and its mobile app, which are other reliable platforms to acquire the codes.
You can ring up the bank's customer care team anytime you need some help with the IFSC, MICR, or SWIFT codes. The customer support team is always ready to answer all your queries.
The NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS have become rapidly popular due to their fast processing and ease of use. If you have a decent internet connection, a smartphone or a computer, and the receiver's details, you are all set to use these fund transfer modes.
Let's learn in detail about the NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS fund transfer modes of Abhyudaya bank: their limitations, charges, and timings.
National Electronic Fund Transfer sends money in batches, and it's one of the most widely used fund transfer modes. To send money via NEFT, you need the following beneficiary details-
Amount | Charges |
Up to Rs. 10,000 | Rs. 2+ Taxes |
Rs. 10,000 to 1 lakh | Rs. 4+ Taxes |
Rs. 1 lakh to 2 lakh | Rs. 14+ Taxes |
RTGS, or Real Time Gross Settlement, is used for making high-value find transfers, so the minimum amount for RTGS is two lakhs. Here money is sent in real-time, and it is available seven days a week all round the clock.
To send money via RTGS, you need the following beneficiary details-
Amount | Charges |
Rs. 2 lakhs to 5 lakhs | Rs. 24+ Taxes |
Above Rs. 5 lakhs | Rs. 49+ Taxes |
Another digital fund transfer mode is the Immediate Payment Method. You can use IMPS for making instant fund transfers both within and outside the bank. To send money via IMPS, you'll require the following details-
IMPS Charges
Amount | Charges |
Up to Rs. 10,000 | Rs. 5+ Taxes |
Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakhs | Rs. 15+ Taxes |
Abhyudaya C-Operative Bank was established in 1965 with the motto of helping economically neglected sections of society. The bank is operational in three states- Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Gujarat.
The bank started as the Abhyudaya Co-Operative Credit Society, and it got converted into Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank in 1965.
Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank has its headquarters in Mumbai, and from 2012 to 2013, the bank's revenue was Rs. 131,452.844 million. It was conferred the scheduled bank status by the Reserve Bank of India in 1988.
The bank was merged with Baroda-based Shree Krishna Co-operative Bank, Udipi-based Janata Co-operative bank, and Manekchowk Co-operative Bank on 11th January 2007.
Abhyudaya Bank was merged with Baroda-based Shree Krishna Co-operative Bank, Udipi-based Janata Co-operative bank, and Manekchowk Co-operative Bank.
Yes, Abhyudaya Bank is a nationalized bank that's working as a multi-state cooperative bank.
You can check your Abhyudaya account balance by giving a missed call at 18003135235.
You can transfer money from Abhyudaya bank by using NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS. You will need recipients' details and IFSC code to use these methods.