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On the 26th day of June 1996, the Ashok Sahakari bank was founded to help the financially backward common masses of the society. The bank, however, when becoming an adult of 18 years, have attended a huge success. The bank with a small capital base has grown with a deposit capital of over 148.60 crores. The bank has 8.29 crores of a net owned fund. Shri BhanudasMurkute was the founder of the bank, along with other directors. The bank has enriched and expanded its branches in Chakan, Savedi, Wagholi, Nerul, Alephata and some other places too. The bank has achieved customer satisfaction and trust, which is the main reason behind the bank running such prosperously. The Ashok Sahakari Bank Ltd. was founded in 1996 to help the financial needs of weaker economic classes and are catering their needs till now.