Balasore Bhadrak Central Co Operative Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Balasore Bhadrak Central Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

The Balasore Bhadrak Central Co-operative Bank has changed its name into Balasore Bhadrak Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. Balasore. It started functioning on the first of June 1916 at Balasore. The working capital was only 10000/- rupees when it started working. However, as the days passed by, the bank under very efficient Managers and Board of Directors members have grown over the years. The Balasore Bhadrak Central Co-operative Bank amalgamated with the Balasore C.C.B; the bank already had working capital of Rs. 3.29 lacs and with 7.76 lacs during 1956-57. The bank had an amazing growth rate over the years, as the working capital is now Rs. 1189.09 crores with a 626.61 crores deposit base. The bank has issued Kishan Credit Cards to aid the financial needs of the farmers here.