Find Bhandara Urban Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Bhandara Urban Co-Operative Bank Limited is a functional bank. It started its journey on 21st January 1971. To be precise, it is one of the leading Co-Operative banks in the Vidharba region of Maharashtra. Right now, it has 25 branches amongst the five districts of Maharashtra. Well, the bank is providing a lot of fantastic facilities to their customer. So, here are some of the facilities that you will witness after coming to this bank. 1. Core Banking Facility 2. EVM Chip Based RuPay ATM card. 3. Point of Sale facility. 4. Real-Time Gross Settlement 5. National Electronic Fund Transfer 6. Transaction alert on the settlements 7. Direct Benefit Transfer 8. NACH Transactions support 9. CTS Clearing facility 10. Also, the mission of this bank is to provide fantastic banking solutions to the people.