Find Burdwan Central Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank was founded in 1917 and currently has 38 branches in West Bengal, with Burdwan Main as the head office. It is the largest Central Cooperative Bank in eastern India. Use the Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank IFSC Code for online money transactions with the bank.
The Indian Banking System uses distinctive codes to facilitate online money and cheque transactions between two accounts. The IFSC code is used for internet and mobile banking services like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. The MICR code is used for cheque clearance.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) allots the banking codes to every bank branch in the country. The IFSC and MICR codes are used to streamline domestic transactions. The SWIFT code is used for international fund transfers online.
In this post, you’ll learn more about the IFSC and MICR codes, ways to find the codes online and offline, and how to send money through NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS fund transfer methods. We’ll also read more about BCCB in brief.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) allots a unique 11-character code to every bank branch. This code is known as the Indian Financial System Code and is used for online money transfers through NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.
The IFSC code is divided into three parts, where the first four characters are the bank code. The fifth character is zero (0), and the last six characters are the branch code. For example, the Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank, Head Office Branch IFSC Code is HDFC0CBCCBL. It is located at 64 G T Road, Burdwan, West Bengal.
Here the bank code is HDFC and followed by zero. The branch code is CBCCBL. The branch code can contain alphabets, numbers, or a combination. Using the IFSC code for online fund transfers will reduce errors and speed up the process.
But what if you enter the wrong IFSC code? The results can vary from one person to another. If both accounts are in the same branch and the beneficiary’s account number is correct, the transaction can be successful.
However, if the account number and IFSC code are wrong, the amount may get credited to another account, or the transaction may fail. In case of failed transactions, the amount will be reverted to your bank account in a few business days. In case of wrong credit, you have to approach the bank for help.
It’s crucial to find the correct IFSC code when sending money online to another bank account.
The MICR code is printed on cheques using the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology. This 9-digit code is allotted by the RBI and is used to verify the authenticity of a cheque during electronic clearing. It is not used by account holders for transferring funds online.
The Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank MICR Code is 713804102 for the head office branch in Burdwan. The MICR Code is divided into three parts where-
Unlike the IFSC code of Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank, the MICR code is not allotted to every branch. Some banks have non-MICR branches, where the cheques are manually processed instead of being sent through ECS (Electronic Clearing System). ECS makes it easy to confirm the genuineness of the cheque and deposit the money into the beneficiary’s account in less time.
Now that you know the importance of IFSC and MICR codes let’s read about the ways to find them online and offline. Fortunately, you can find the IFSC code of a bank branch in different ways. The online method is the best because it allows even senders to find the IFSC code.
Using an online tool is the easiest way to find the Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank IFSC Code. Find Your Bank is a free and trustworthy website with information about various banking codes. You can find the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes for every bank branch in the country.
Go to Use the form on the home page to get the required details. Use the drop-down list to select the bank and location of the branch. The webpage will refresh after every selection.
The webpage will load a table with information about the bank branch. The IFSC code, MICR code, and SWIFT code (if applicable) will be listed along with the branch address, phone number, email ID, etc., or whatever information is available about the branch. Copy the code from the webpage and use it for online transfers.
Find Your Bank is also available as a free mobile app on Play Store. Download it on your smartphones and use it anytime you want to get the banking codes.
The passbook contains major information about the account holder and the account. Every person with a bank account is provided with a passbook to record the transactions in their account. The front page of the passbook has the following information:
The cheque book is provided to account holders on request. The first page of the cheque book will contain the IFSC and MICR codes of the branch. These codes are printed on every cheque for easy identification and verification.
The MICR code is printed at the bottom of the cheque beside the cheque number. The cheque number changes on every cheque and is usually shorter than the 9-digit MICR code. The IFSC code is printed at the top of the cheque beside the bank logo.
The Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank has listed the IFSC and MICR codes on its official website. You don’t have to be an account holder to access the list. The phone numbers for each branch are also mentioned on the same webpage.
As a final solution, call customer care for the IFSC code. You don’t have to share any confidential information like PINs or passwords. Non-account holders can also call a bank’s customer care to ask for the IFSC code.
Transferring funds online is simple, easy, and convenient. It is fast and hassle-free. The Indian banking system offers a variety of online banking services. The most popular online fund transferring methods are NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.
You can send money to any bank account in the country using the above-mentioned methods. BBCB bank has an online banking facility, where account holders can register to do their account transactions online. Banks also offer these services at the branch.
Each method is slightly different and uses a different network to process the transactions. The Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank IFSC Code is required to initiate transactions through these online fund transfer methods. Let’s read about them in detail.
NEFT is the most used online fund transfer method in the country. It runs on a DNS system (Deferred Net Settlement), where the transactions are cleared in batches once every two hours. The payment you make may take up to two hours or more to reflect in the beneficiary’s account.
There is no minimum or maximum limit for NEFT transactions. You can send any amount of money on any day at any time. NEFT works 24*7*365 for users of online/ mobile banking services. The service charges for NEFT depend on the amount sent per transaction and range between Rs. 2.50 (plus tax) and Rs. 25 (plus tax).
You need the following information to send money using NEFT:
RTGS is an online fund transfer method that sends money in real-time through a secure network. RTGS is used for emergencies and large transactions where the money needs to reach the beneficiary immediately.
RTGS transactions have a minimum limit of Rs. 2 lakhs and no maximum limit. It also works round the clock, just like NEFT but runs on a different system. RTGS transactions are instant and safe but irreversible.
The transaction charges for RTGS payments are more expensive than NEFT. Transactions between Rs. 2 lakhs and Rs. 5 lakhs are charged around Rs. 25 (plus tax). Transactions above Rs. 5 lakhs are charged Rs. 49 (plus tax). You need the same information for RTGS and NEFT transactions.
IMPS was started in 2010 by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). It allows inter-bank fund transfers using MMID (Mobile Money Identifier) provided by the bank to a registered mobile number of the account holder.
IMPS is convenient and user-friendly. It can be sent through online banking platforms, mobile apps, branches, SMS, and ATMs. IMPS is also a 24*7 service and works on all days (including holidays). As the name suggests, the amount is immediately transferred to the beneficiary’s account.
The lower limit for IMPS transactions is Re. 1, and the upper limit is Rs. 2 lakhs. The transaction charges are decided by the bank but cannot be more than Rs. 25 plus tax). There’s no limit on the number of transactions per day. You need the following details to initiate an IMPS payment:
MMID allows fund transfers between two registered mobile numbers, and the IFSC code allows transactions between two bank accounts.
Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank (BCCB) is the largest Central Cooperative Bank in eastern India. The bank and its branches are located in the state of West Bengal. The Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank was founded on 26th January 1917. The bank had a share capital of Rs. 8000 when it was established.
The bank grew from a small setup, where it functioned in the Western Veranda of Zilla Parishad, the Burdwan Town Hall, and the District Magistrate Office before finally building an office in 1934. BCCB has thirty-eight branches, including the head office at Burdwan.
The main purpose of BCCB was to provide financial support and services to the agriculture, cooperatives, and small-scale industries. It offers internet banking services and other facilities like NEFT and RTGS payments, SMS alerts, etc. The bank also issues A, B, and C class shares for eligible customers.
Burdwan Central Cooperative Bank doesn’t offer a mobile banking facility. Contact your branch or the head office for a balance inquiry. Call (0342) 266 3162. However, the bank sends SMS alerts to registered mobile numbers.
You can contact BCCB on their number (0342) 266 3162 (Head Office) or by visiting 64, G.T.Road, Burdwan PO, WB. 713101.
You need the following to open an account in BCCB: