Chamoli Zila Sahkari Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Chamoli Zila Sahkari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Chamoli Zila Sahkari Bank Limited was set up in the year of 1961, 30th November. Though the bank started its business from the very first day, but it was grated license by the RBI in the year of 1981 29th September. Till date the bank has over 27 branches and along with it 80 PACS spread all across the districts of Rudraprayag and Chamoli. The main motive of the Chamoli Zila Sahkari Bank Limited is to provide services to the Small Scale and Medium Scale industry people. Facilities of loan, RTGS/NEFT, savings account etc. are made available by the bank.