Find Chitnavispura Sahakari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
One of Nagpur’s oldest, this Chitnavispura Sahakari Bank Limited registered as a cooperative credit society on November 24th, 1931. This bank aimed to aid the financial and banking needs of the local people. It was only after the independence of the country when the credit society turned into a bank. In 1966, this bank started with a share capital of Rs. 177115. Reserve Bank of India licensed the bank on November 11th, 1987. The bank has recorded 83 years of its journey without any flaws. It has maintained a personal touch, and it gave them fast and effective services with their attention. The bank as of now has 6 branches only in Nagpur. It has maintained an “A” grade in the Audit. They have increased deposits, advance and profit over the years. They have plans to open more branches shortly.