Find Coastal Local Area Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Reserve Bank of India, for the first time, introduced a local area bank called the Coastal Bank in 1999. The Bank is directly under the regulation of the RBI and has been operating smoothly for over two decades. The Coastal Local Area Bank IFSC code is irreplaceable for the smooth functioning of all banking services.
The Bank has around 49 branches in different states of India, with its headquarters in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. The Bank offers all necessary banking services like home loans, personal loans, multiple deposit schemes, and digital fund transfer facilities.
The IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes are necessary to avail all these banking services. We use the IFSC code for making online fund transfers, the MICR code for cheque payments, and the SWIFT code for international transactions.
To know in detail about all these services of Coastal Local Area Bank, continue reading this article till the end.
The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an eleven-digit code. The Reserve Bank of India introduced this code to make online fund transfers a hassle-free process. It basically helps identify bank branches irrespective of where they are situated.
Each bank branch comes with a separate IFSC code, which further makes identification of the branches easier. The IFSC code has three parts, each with a different function. Here is how the structure of IFSC code works-
For instance, the Coastal Local Area Bank Rtgsho branch, Andhra Pradesh IFSC Code is- MAHB000CB01. Here the first four letters, MAHB, stand for the bank name, the mid character is zero, and the last six characters represent the Rtgsho branch.
You need the IFSC code to make any online fund transfers. You can't proceed with digital transactions like NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS without entering the IFSC code along with other details of the remitter. The IFSC code identifies the recipient's bank branch and deposits the money in the right account.
The Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Code (MICR) is used for making paper-based payments. The purpose of the MICR code is quite the same as the IFSC code is the identification of bank branches.
The difference lies in their mode of functioning. We use the MICR code for offline payments and the IFSC code for online payments. The IFSC code has nine characters with numerics only.
We can divide the MICR code into three parts. The first part resembles the city name and pin code. The mid-part is for the Bank's name, and the final part is for the branch location.
The MICR is printed using a unique magnetic ink which helps in the rapid processing of cheques. It also prevents any fraudulent transactions. Wondering how to access the MICR code? Go to the following section of this guide to know-how.
Knowing the IFSC code and MICR code of your branch and the recipient's branch is paramount for making any form of transaction. Without these, wiring money to the other person is impossible so let's find out the sources to access the Coastal Local Area Bank IFSC code and MICR code.
Find Your Bank is one of the easiest places where you can get the IFSC code of Coastal Local Area Bank. We will mention the steps to use the Find Your Bank website.
Once you select all these, the IFSC and MICR code of the respective branch, along with the branch name and address, will appear on the screen.
Another convenient way to access these codes is through the Find Your Bank mobile app. You can download it from the app store and find the codes within seconds. Other sources to find the Coastal Local Area Bank IFSC codes.
The first page of the passbook has all the necessary information like the account holder's name, address, address, phone number, and the IFSC code as well. So you just have to look it up on the passbook to find your branch's IFSC code.
The cheque book of the Bank also has the IFSC code and MICR code printed on each leaf. You can find the IFSC code on top and the MICR code at the bottom.
Coastal Local Bank has its online banking platforms like the mobile app and website. Here also, you will have to select tabs like branch name, state, district, city names to access the IFSC and MICR code.
The RBI website is one of the most reliable sources to find the mentioned code. It keeps a record of all banks' IFSC and MICR codes. As the Coastal Local Area bank functions directly under the RBI; hence, you can easily find these codes on the RBI website.
The Bank's customer support team is there to help you 24*7 with any confusion. You can get in touch with the team in case you can't find the IFSC or MICR code.
The Coastal Local Area Bank IFSC code is important to use any online fund transfer methods like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. We will discuss how to use these payment modes, their timings, minimum and maximum limits, and other related information below.
NEFT is one of the most popularly used online fund transfer modes. You can send money to inter and intra bank accounts using NEFT. The best thing about NEFT is that there are no minimum or maximum limits, and it is available all round the clock.
You will need these details to make an NEFT money transfer-
The Bank makes NEFT payments on an hourly basis, meaning it will take a couple of hours for the money to get deposited in the receiver's account. You can make the NEFT payment either through the Coastal Local Area Bank mobile area or website.
RTGS is used for making high-value fund transfers; hence the minimum limit for making an RTGS transaction is two lakhs. As the name says, your fund will be sent in real-time, so there is no delay.
The information you'll need to make an RTGS transaction are-
Like the NEFT, you can make your RTGS transaction using the Bank's app or website. You cannot cancel an RTGS transaction once you initiate it.
IMPS services are available 24*7, and it is an instant fund transfer mode. You will need the following beneficiary details to send money via IMPS-
The Coastal Local Area bank is the first licensed local area bank by the Reserve Bank of India. It was established in 1999, and from 27th December 1999, the Bank commenced its operation.
The Coastal Local Area Bank has around 49 branches, all of which offer top-notch banking services to their customers. The Coastal Bank is subjected to services like statutory liquidity ratio, cash reserve ratio, external benchmarking of loans apart from other banking services.
Coastal Local Area Bank is a public incorporated non-government company. It's licensed by the Reserve Bank of India.
You can check your Coastal Local Area Bank balance by giving a missed call to 1800-843-1122.
There are two local area banks in India at present- the Coastal Local Area Bank and the Krishna Bhima Samruddhi LAB Ltd.
Local area banks are small private sector banks. These provide advanced financial assistance to mainly rural and semi-urban areas.