Find DBS Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Online banking has made all our lives simpler. Whether it is quick shopping from your couch or perhaps urgent payments that you need to make for your business - internet banking is an everyday phenomenon today. For example, your DBS Bank IFSC code will be needed if anyone wants to make a transfer to your bank account.
To ensure that banking online remains secure and authenticated, banking codes have been implemented by RBI. The IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes are the most popular banking codes that are used with Internet Banking.
The IFSC code is an 11-digit alphanumeric code assigned by the RBI to each bank for unique identification. In the case of the DBS Bank IFSC code, it is required for different modes of online money transfer. The structure of the IFSC code can be understood in different segments.
For instance, DBS Bank Pune District IFSC Code is DBSS0IN0830. Here, the first four characters, "DBSS," are the bank code. This is followed by a standard digit 0. "IN" is the country code followed by "0830" as the indicative branch. Typically, the last six digits indicate the branch code.
MICR codes have a slightly different purpose of validation and authentication of official documents. Popularly found at the bottom of cheques, these are printed in magnetic ink and authenticated using MICR technology.
The DBS Bank MICR code is a nine-digit number. Let's consider the MICR code of DBS Bank Bangalore Urban Branch. It is 560641002. Here, the first three digits, "560", are the city code. This is followed by the bank code "641". The last three, "002", are the branch code.
The SWIFT code is one that people rarely use. Unless you have foreign income or relatives overseas, you might not need to use this one. SWIFT is short for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication and is a code used for global identification and communication.
The SWIFT code for DBS Bank can have 8 or 11 digits. Say, the SWIFT code of DBS Bank is DBSSSGSGXXX. Here, the first four letters, "DBSS," are the bank code. "SG" is the country code, followed by "GS." The last three digits, "XXX," as the branch code, allow global identification of your specific branch.
After understanding the composition and break up of the different kinds of banking codes, you'd also want to know how to find your desired banking codes. What good is knowing which part is the bank code if you can't find the right DBS Bank IFSC code right?
Punching in the wrong IFSC code for net banking transactions is common and quite a hassle. There are many ways to pinpoint the right IFSC code on different banking documents and online resources. Let us have a look at some of these methods:
Let's begin with the no-nonsense sure-shot method. You can find your DBS Bank IFSC code or any other bank's code, for that matter, with advanced IFSC search tools. Find Your Bank is a top IFSC search tool that lets you access different IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes, along with other banking information.
Follow these steps to do a quick search:
1. Visit their official website -
2. Select your DBS Bank branch from the Dropdown list.
3. Alternatively, you can fill in details in the code finder.
4. Also, select your bank state, district, and city.
5. Fill in the specific branch.
With these details, the page will be redirected to all the details you're looking for. For a quick search, you can also use Find Your Bank's mobile app to make an IFSC search on the go. Download this app from the Playstore and keep it handy whenever you need that code urgently.
Your bank cheque book is actually an excellent place to find both your DBS Bank IFSC code and MICR code. The IFSC code is printed up top, while the MICR code is found at the bottom next to the cheque number.
All DBS Bank account holders also get a passbook issued, which has the IFSC code printed alongside the account holder's information.
Another place to find your DBS Bank IFSC code is on the DBS banking portal. With mobile banking and internet banking, you can find your DBS banking codes on the official banking or even RBI's official website.
IFSC and MICR codes are still easy to find with official bank documents. Your bank SWIFT code can be a little more novel to some users. If you can't seem to get a hold of the right branch SWIFT code, simply call your nearest bank branch and collect the details.
While there are several ways of online money transfer, NEFT, RTGS and IMPS are the most popularly used modes of fund transfer through online banking. Here are what these transfer modes constitute.
NEFT stands for National Electronic Fund Transfer, which is an online transaction mechanism that operates in batches. NEFT for DBS bank works 24X7 on all 365 days. The NEFT batches are cleared in half-hour settlements.
While no strict minimum limits are set, DBS bank allows a maximum transfer of up to Rs. 2 Lakhs per day. As such, no charges are applicable for an NEFT transfer with DBS except for specific entrepreneurial transfers.
You can avail of NEFT services anytime on weekdays and during operative bank hours other than that. These are some documents and details that you'd require for an NEFT transfer:
RTGS or Real-Time Gross Settlement is a mode of money transfer that is usually perfect for transferring huge amounts quickly and reliably. Unlike NEFT, you cannot use this anytime. RTGS for DBS bank is available only from 7 AM to 5 PM on, and the amount is usually credited within 30 minutes from the transfer.
The minimum transfer limit for RTGS is Rs. 2 Lakhs, with a maximum of Rs. 5 Lakhs. There are some charges applicable for RTGS depending on the amount to be transferred if you're using offline banking. These range from Rs. 10 to Rs. 25.
Internet banking with RTGS can be availed for free. Here are some details that you need to carry out an RTGS transfer:
IMPS or Immediate Payment Service is the pro mode of online bank transfers. If you're looking for instant transfer for as little or a suitably high amount, then IMPS is the one to pick. DBS IMPS service is also available 24 by 7, on all 365 days. You can avail of this even on bank holidays and public holidays. IMPS works with your registered mobile number and can operate between Re.1 to Rs. 2 Lakh transfers.
Currently, DBS Bank levies no charges for using this facility for inward transfers. Following details are needed for IMPS transfers:
DBS Bank, or the Development Bank of Singapore Limited, is a multinational banking service that is headquartered in Marina Bay, Singapore. In July 2003, it adopted its current name along with an altered global rank. DBS Bank is the largest bank in Southeast Asia, with over $518 billion in assets.
DBS Bank has operations in 17 markets with over 250 branches and 1100 ATMs spread across 50 cities all over the world. It offers premium financial services for consumer banking, asset management, equity, fund-raising, and much more.
The interest rates for a savings account fixed and recurring deposits in DBS bank would be reflected as follows as of 20th February 2021:
Balance | Rate of Interest |
Upto Rs.1 lakh | 3.25% per Annum |
Rs.1 lakh to Rs.2 Lakh | 3.5% Per Annum |
Rs.2 lakh to Rs.4 Lakh | 4% Per Annum |
Rs.5 lakh to Rs.5 Crore | 3% Per Annum |
Above Rs.5 Crore | 3.7% Per Annum |
Permanent residents and foreigners with a valid Singapore work pass can open an account. Following details are needed for opening a DBS savings account:
The BSR or Basic Statistical Return code is a 7-digit code for the identification of tax deposits in various DBS branches. You can easily find it on the bank website.
While the cheque book might have IFSC printed alongside the account holder's details as a standard detail, you can simply find it on the top of each cheque leaf as well.
If you use the wrong DBS Bank IFSC code, it is most likely that the transaction will not go through. In rare cases with the same account holder name, there can be a discrepancy that can be resolved by contacting the bank.
No, while a major portion of the IFSC code for two bank branches will be the same, the last six digits, which are the branch code, will always be distinct even for two branches within the same bank.