Find Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank, with a presence of over five decades, was established with services molded for the economically weaker sections of society. Headquartered in Subzi Mundi, Delhi, distinct versions of the Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank IFSC code can be used in over 15 branches across India.
Banking codes in the form of IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes, are essential at different stages of banking, document verification, and money transfer. In this article, you will learn more about how Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank's IFSC code is composed and used and where you can find these easily.
The IFSC code is the one you'd need to carry out an NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS transaction to transfer money online. It is an 11-digit alphanumeric code with standard segments. For instance, Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank Subzi Mundi branch IFSC Code is YESB0DNB002.
In the above-mentioned code, "YESB" is the bank code. A standard digit "0" follows the sequence. The ending six digits, "DNB002," compose the branch code. The accuracy of the IFSC code is crucial since, without it, no digital transactions can be initiated.
The MICR code is one you'd come across less frequently. This is the one you might have seen several times at the bottom of cheque leaves. These are used for banking documents and cheque authentication. Printed in special magnetic ink, the MICR code has a distinct composition.
Let's take the MICR code of Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank's Subzi Mandi branch. It is the nine-digit code - 110196002. Here, "110" is the city code, followed by "196", the bank code, and ending in "002", the branch code.
With some clarity of the use and working of IFSC and MICR codes, one can't help but wonder how to keep track of the updated ones? Here are some easy ways to find your desired banking codes, starting with the handiest method!
The easiest way to track down your IFSC code is by using dedicated IFSC search tools. These are specially designed to help find the right Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank IFSC code when many seemingly similar branches are involved.
Using an authentic and well-reputed tool like Find Your Bank can make your search more streamlined. Here, you can not only find your desired IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes of all Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank branches but also explore other details about that specific branch.
You can follow these steps to get started:
The page will be redirected to the bank branch's details. Thus, you can access all details for your Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank IFSC code and other specifics all in one place.
Find Your Bank also provides a user-friendly mobile app that can make your search even easier. You can download it from the PlayStore and keep it ready for a quick search anytime you need it.
There are some other ways as well to check your bank's IFSC and MICR codes. Here are some documents/sources you can refer to for this:
NEFT and RTGS are the two popular modes of money transfer through Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank. You can easily initiate NEFT and RTGS transfers by filling in NEFT and RTGS transaction request forms at your branch.
NEFT or National Electronic Fund Transfer is a quick mode of digital fund transfer. Once you initiate an NEFT transfer, the settlement will be carried out in 30-min batches. This service is available 24x7.
You can transfer any amount with no specific lower limit right up to ₹2 Lakhs using the NEFT services. If you're filling the in-branch form to avail these, then you'd have to do the same during bank hours. Some standard charges could be applicable for this, depending on the amount transferred.
The following details are required to process your NEFT fund transfer:
Real-Time Gross Settlement or RTGS transfers are those done for urgent yet high-value money transfers. Typically, RTGS ends up costing little more than NEFT transactions owing to the high-value fund transfer.
The minimum amount to be transferred under RTGS is ₹2 Lakhs per transaction. The charges may vary depending on the time of processing as well. For Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank, you can initiate an RTGS transaction by filling out the form during banking hours.
The following details are required to initiate an RTGS transfer:
Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank Ltd. is a cooperative founded in 1969. The bank was founded in the cooperative sector by Mr. T.C. Gupta with the focal goal of providing service to the marginalized and economically weak members of society.
Since its inception, its range of services and provisions have been targeted for the same. It has over 15 branches across India, 11 of which are scattered through prime locations in Delhi. Its headquarters are set in Subzi Mundi, Delhi.
The interest rates for savings deposits in Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank are as follows as of 01.10.2020:
Tenor | Interest Rates |
15 days to 45 days | 2.90% |
46 days to 180 days | 3.90% |
181 days to less than 1 year | 4.40% |
1 year to less than 2 years | 4.90% |
2 years to less than 3 years | 5.10% |
3 years to 5 years | 5.30% |
Above 5 Years | 5.40% |
To open your Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank account, you need the following documents:
NEFT and RTGS are the primary modes of payment accepted in Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank. You can also initiate these transfers offline by filling out a form with a cash deposit.
The customer care numbers for Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank include 011-28717331 to 28717334.
No, no two branches will have the same IFSC code. Even for the same bank and city code, the branch code will always be different.