Dhanlaxmi Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Dhanlaxmi Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

In the age where online availability of everything matters so much, online fund transfer has also become very crucial. IFSC code in this regard plays a vital role as it helps in the segregation of branches. Dhanlaxmi bank's IFSC code also has a vital role to play in the transfer of funds through NEFT and RTGS. 

Online fund transfer modes like NEFT and RTGS can only be successful when you fill in the IFSC code. It is an eleven-digit alphanumeric code containing both alphabets and numbers, which helps in the identification of the bank's branches. 

Every branch comes with its unique IFSC codes, and it is assigned by the Reserve Bank of India to initiate hassle-free money transfers online.

Dhanlaxmi Bank IFSC Code 

The Dhanlaxmi Bank IFSC code is an eleven-digit alphanumeric code. You can break down this code into three parts. The first part has four characters, and they correspond to the bank's name. The fifth character is zero, which is reserved for future use and the remaining six characters represent the branch name or the branch location. 

Dhanlaxmi Bank IFSC Code

For example, the Dhanlaxmi bank Mumbai City Prabhadevi branch IFSC code is DLXB0000248. Here the first four letters DLXB stand for the bank, the fifth character is zero, and the remaining numbers stand for the Prabhadevi branch. 

You will need the Dhanlaxmi Bank IFSC code to ensure a safe electronic fund transfer via NEFT or RTGS. The code identifies any branch of the location no matter where it is located and ensures a safe payment gateway. 

Dhanlaxmi Bank MICR Code 

MICR or the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Code is slightly different from the IFSC code. However, the function of the MICR code is quite similar to the IFSC code, which is to identify bank locations. MICR codes are printed using magnetic ink character recognition technology and verify the legality of paper-based banking documents like cheques. 

Dhanlaxmi Bank MICR code is a nine-digit code containing numbers only. The MICR code helps to process cheques faster, and you can find this code on cheque leaves, passbooks, and the bank's digital platforms. The MICR code of Dhanlaxmi bank, Puttaparti branch is 515048602. 

Dhanlaxmi Bank SWIFT Code 

The SWIFT code or the BIC code identifies financial and non-financial institutions worldwide. SWIFT code is primarily required to make international transactions or to send messages across banks internationally. 

Dhanlaxmi Bank SWIFT code is an eleven-character alphanumeric code. Here the first four characters represent the bank name. The following two characters represent the country, followed by another two characters, which stand for the location. The final two characters are optional, and they represent the branch. 

For example, the Dhanlaxmi Bank SWIFT code for the New Delhi branch is DLXBINBBDEL. Likewise, different branches have different SWIFT codes, and you will need them while sending or receiving money internationally. 

Difference between Dhanlaxmi bank IFSC Code, MICR Code, and SWIFT Code 




The full form of the IFSC code is the Indian Financial System Code

The full form of the MICR code is the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition code

The full form of SWIFT code is Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication code 

Used for domestic fund transfers

Used for faster clearing of cheques 

Used for international fund transfers and exchanging messages 

 Allotted by the Reserve Bank of India

Allotted by the Reserve Bank of India

Allotted by the ISO

It is an eleven-digit code containing both numbers and alphabets 

It is a nine-digit code containing numbers only 

It is an eight to eleven-character code with both numerics and alphabets. 


How to Find the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT Codes of Dhanlaxmi Bank? 

How to Find the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT Codes of Dhanlaxmi Bank?

The easiest way to find the Dhanlaxmi Bank IFSC code, MICR, and SWIFT code is through the https://findyourbank.in/ website and its mobile app. All you have to do is-

  • Go to the Find Your Bank website 
  • Select bank name, state, district, and branch name
  • After filling in these details, you will find the SWIFT, MICR, and IFSC codes. 

Other sources to find these codes are:

Bank cheque book and passbook

The bank passbook and cheque books always have the IFSC and MICR codes printed on their leaves. 

Dhanlaxmi Bank's digital platforms 

The bank's net banking platforms, like its official website and app, will also help you find these codes. 

Reserve Bank of India Website 

The Reserve Bank of India website has the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes of every bank; hence, it is a convenient platform to get these codes. 

Dhanlaxmi Bank Customer Care 

You can contact the Dhanlaxmi Bank customer care to enquire about the mentioned codes, and they will surely help you with the same. 

How to Transfer Money through Dhanlaxmi Bank NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS Process? 

The availability of online funds transfer methods like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS has made sending money online very easy. Let's learn about how you can send money from Dhanlaxmi Bank using these online modes- 

How to Transfer Money through Dhanlaxmi Bank NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS Process?


Sending money via NEFT is quite easy and fast. To send money via this method, you will need-

  • Beneficiary name 
  • Beneficiary account number 
  • IFSC code 
  • Email id and phone number 
Amount  Charges


Upto Rs. 10,000

Rs. 2.5 per transaction 

On weekdays 9 am to 7 pm

From Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 1 lakh

Rs. 5 per transaction 

1st and 3rd Saturdays 9 am to 1 pm 

Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh

Rs. 15 per transaction 

Service not available for 2nd and 4th Saturdays 

Above Rs. 2 lakhs 

Rs. 25 per transaction 



There is no minimum fund transfer limit for NEFT, and the maximum limit is Rs. 10 lakhs. 


RTGS payment is primarily for making high-value transactions. The documents required for RTGS are the same as the NEFT. Let's look into the charges and timings for the same- 




From Rs. 2 lakhs to 5 lakhs 

Rs. 25 per transaction 

From Monday - Saturday 9 am to 5 pm 

Above Rs. 5 lakh

Rs. 50 per transaction 

Service not available for 2nd and 4th Saturdays 


The minimum limit for sending money via RTGS is Rs. 2 lakhs, and the maximum limit is Rs. 10 lakhs. 


IMPS is for instant fund transfers, and to send money via IMPS; you will need the following-

  • Your MMID code 
  • Beneficiary MMID code 
  • Beneficiary account number and mobile number 
  • Your mobile number 
  • Beneficiary IFSC code 
  • Beneficiary AADHAR number 



Upto Rs. 1 lakhs

Rs. 5 per transaction

Available 24*7 365 days 

From Rs. 1,00,001 to Rs. 2 lakhs

Rs. 15 per transaction 


The minimum limit for the IMPS method is Re.1, and the maximum limit is Rs. 2 lakhs. 

About Dhanlaxmi Bank 

Dhanlaxmi Bank was founded in 1927, and it is one of India's leading private banks. The bank has its headquarters in Thrissur, Kerala, and has over 250 branches and 398 ATMs all over the country. 

About Dhanlaxmi Bank

To open an account in Dhanlaxmi Bank, the customers require to have- 

  • Passport size photo 
  • Identity proof (passport, driving license, AADHAR card, voter id. PAN card)
  • Residence proof (passport, ration card, utility bills, etc.)

All Indian citizens, including NRIs, can open accounts at Dhanlaxmi Bank. To open a savings account, the individual has to be 18 years or above, but minors can also open an account via their parents. 

Dhanlaxmi Bank's savings account interest rates are as follows.


Interest Rates

Upto Rs. 1 lakhs

3.00% p.a

Above Rs. 1 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs

3.25% p.a

Above Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 50 lakhs

3.75% p.a

Above Rs. 50 lakhs

4.00% p.a



1) What is the BSR code of Dhanlaxmi Bank? 

The BSR code is also known as Basic Statistical Return Code. It is to identify the branch where tax is deposited, and the BSR code is needed to pay income tax payments. 

2) What information is required to send funds via NEFT and RTGS? 

You will need the beneficiary account number, IFSC code, beneficiary name, email id, and phone number to send money via IFSC and RTGS. 

3) How do I find my Dhanlaxmi Bank account IFSC code? 

You can find your Dhanlaxmi Bank account IFSC code in the passbook, cheque book, bank's official website, and through the https://findyourbank.in/ website.