Find Equitas Small Finance Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The advent of modernism has established the need to have everything online, and it is true for fund transfers as well. The IFSC code plays a vital role in this regard. Equitas Small Finance Bank IFSC code is also undeniably important if you want to use its facilities like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.
What exactly is an IFSC code? It is an eleven-digit code that helps to identify the bank's branches. Therefore, whenever you initiate an online money transfer, you will need to know the receiver's bank IFSC code to avoid any inconvenience in the fund transfer.
Like the IFSC code, there is also the MICR code, which helps to identify branches of a bank, but its function is quite different from the former. You will learn everything about the IFSC and MICR code of Equitas Small Finance Bank in detail here in this blog. So, keep reading.
Equitas Small Finance Bank IFSC code is a unique eleven-character code, and it is different for each of its branches. The IFSC code helps in online funds transfer methods like NEFT and RTGS, and you will require this code during such fund transfers.
The Equitas Small Finance Bank IFSC code follows a three-part structure. The first part contains four characters, and it represents the bank name, the fifth code is zero, and the last six characters correspond to the branch location.
For example, the Equitas Bank Delhi Karol Bagh branch IFSC code is ESFB0020003. Likewise, different branches have different IFSC codes following the same format.
IFSC code is quite beneficial as it avoids any confusion regarding different branches of the bank and helps in smooth money transfers. But make sure that you place the correct IFSC code while sending money as the wrong one will lead to discrepancies.
The Equitas Small Finance Bank MICR code, too, is another important element in fund transfers. But opposed to the IFSC code, which is needed during online fund transfers like the NEFT and RTGS, MICR code is needed for cheque clearing.
MICR codes are printed using a unique Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology. It helps in the faster clearance of paper-based documents like cheques.
Equitas Small Finance Bank MICR code is a nine-digit code with numerics only. The MICR code is also different for each branch of the bank. For instance, the Equitas bank MICR code for Karol bagh branch Delhi is 110756007, and the same for the Yamuna Vihar branch is 110756018.
There are various means to find the IFSC and MICR codes of Equitas Small Finance bank. The easiest way you can find it is through the website. All you need to do is-
Fill in the
After entering these details from the drop-down menu, you will find the respective codes. Find your bank also comes with a mobile app to make finding these codes even easier.
Other sources to get these codes are:
The Equitas Small Finance Bank IFSC code and MICR codes are printed on the bank passbook and cheque book. You will find the codes either at the top or bottom of the cheque book and passbook leaves.
The bank's digital platforms like the website and mobile app are convenient sources to get these codes.
Reserve Bank of India is another reliable source where you can find Equitas Small Finance Bank IFSC and MICR codes.
If you still fail to find these codes through the above sources, you can contact the bank's customer support services, and they will let you know the same.
Online money transfer has become very easy with methods like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. Let's learn about each process of Equitas bank and its limitations and charges.
NEFT or National Electronic Fund Transfer is one of the fastest and easiest fund transfer systems. To send money via this process, you will need-
Let's find out the charges and limitations of Equitas Bank NEFT mode from the table below-
Minimum and maximum limit |
Amount |
Charges |
Timings |
Minimum limit- Re. 1 per transaction |
Upto Rs. 10,000 |
Rs. 2.5+ tax |
Accessible from 8 am to 6.30 pm on all days except second and fourth Saturdays. |
- |
Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1 lakh |
Rs. 5+tax |
Accessible from 8 am to 6.30 pm on all days except second and fourth Saturdays. |
Maximum limit- Rs. 5 lakhs per transaction |
Rs. 1 lakhs to Rs. 2 lakhs |
Rs. 15+ tax |
Accessible from 8 am to 6.30 pm on all days except second and fourth Saturdays. |
- |
Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh |
Rs. 25+ tax |
Accessible from 8 am to 6.30 pm on all days except second and fourth Saturdays. |
RTGS is another fund transfer mode, but it is mainly used for sending higher amounts. The sender needs the same documents as the ones in NEFT to send money via RTGS. Let's find out the maximum and minimum limits of RTGS, along with the timings and charges.
Minimum and maximum limit |
Amount |
Charges |
Timings |
Minimum limit- Rs. 2 lakh per transaction |
Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh |
Rs. 25+ tax |
Accessible from 8 am to 6.30 pm on all days except Sundays and bank holidays. |
Maximum limit- Rs. 10 lakhs per transaction |
Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakh |
Rs. 50tax |
Accessible from 8 am to 6.30 pm on all days except Sundays and bank holidays. |
If you want to send money on an urgent basis, you have to opt for the IMPS method. To send money via this procedure, you will need-
Minimum and maximum limit |
Amount |
Charges |
Timings |
Minimum limit- Re. 1 per transaction |
Upto Rs. 1 lakh |
Rs. 5+ tax |
Available 24*7 all throughout the year |
Maximum limit- Rs. 2 lakhs per transaction |
Rs. 1,00,001 lakhs to Rs. 2 lakh |
Rs. 15+ tax |
Available 24*7 all throughout the year |
Equitas Bank started as a microfinance bank in 2007, and the current Equitas Small Finance Bank was established in 2016. The bank has its headquarters in Chennai, India, and has 412 branches across 11 states in India. Equitas Bank offers various services like a savings account, personal loan, insurance, deposits, etc.
To open an Equitas Small Finance Bank savings account, you will need-
Any Indian citizen of 18 years or above can open an account in the Equitas Bank, and children can open accounts through their parents or guardians. Equitas Bank savings account interest rates are as follows-
Balance | Interest Rates |
Upto 1 lakh |
3.5% p.a |
From 1 lakh to 1 crore |
7.00% p.a |
Above 1 crore |
6.00% p.a |
The CIF number of Equitas Small Finance Bank is the Central Identification Number. It is an eleven-digit number and contains information about all customers of Equitas Bank.
The Equitas, Small Finance Bank headquarters, is located in Chennai, India.
You will need the Equitas Bank IFSC code during online transactions via NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.