Find Fino Payments Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Online banking has become a vital aspect of today's modern life. IFSC code in this regard plays an important role as it helps in the authentication of the branches. Fino Payments Bank IFSC code is also a must if you are using transfer modes like NEFT, RTGS or IMPS. Online banking has become a vital aspect of today's modern life. IFSC code in this regard plays an important role as it helps in the authentication of the branches. Fino Payments Bank IFSC code is also a must if you are using transfer modes like NEFT, RTGS or IMPS.
The Reserve Bank of India has complete authority over the IFSC codes and is responsible for assigning them to all banks. All Fino Payments Bank branches have unique IFSC codes, which help in faster fund transfers.
In this blog, you'll learn about different banking codes like IFSC and MICR, along with different fund transfer modes. Hence, keep reading!
Fino Payments Bank IFSC Code is an eleven-character alphanumeric code. The code has three parts in it- the first part has four letters, and it represents the bank name. The second part is zero, and the third part has six numbers that correspond to the branch name.
For instance, the Fino Payments Bank Mumbai City head office branch IFSC code is FINO0009003. Here the first part, FINO, represents the bank name, the middle one is zero, and the last part, 009003, represents the Mumbai branch head office.
Each branch of Fino bank has separate IFSC codes, and it can't be similar for all at any cost. IFSC code is crucial for all online transfers like NEFT, RTGS and IMPS because it helps in verifying the branch immediately.
Without the IFSC code, you can't make any successful fund transfers. As mentioned earlier, the IFSC code helps in verifying the branch location and helps in streamlining the process.
MICR is the acronym for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It is a technology used for printing codes printed on cheques. The job of a MICR code is quite similar to an IFSC code. The only difference is that the IFSC code is for online fund transfers and the MICR code is for paper-based payments.
Fino Payments Bank MICR code is a nine-digit code. It is used for verifying cheques and for their faster clearance. MICR code is composed of numbers only, and it helps in locating the branch no matter where it is situated.
You will need the MICR code during any cheque clearance process. You can easily find the MICR code through your cheque book as it is usually printed there.
You can find the Fino Payments Bank IFSC code and MICR code through the website. To find these codes, you need to-
Find Your Bank has its mobile app as well, which makes finding the IFSC and MICR codes even easier. You can easily find the app in the app store and have it installed on your smartphone.
There are multiple other sources to find the IFSC and MICR codes of Fino Payments Bank. Let's have a look at each of them one by one-
Your Fino Payments Bank passbook is a reliable and convenient source to find the IFSC code. It is usually printed in the middle of the page.
Another fastest and easiest way to find the IFSC and MICR code is the Fino Payments Bank cheque book. The cheque leaves have these codes printed so you can find them easily.
The Reserve Bank of India website keeps a record of each bank's IFSC and MICR codes. Just visit the website and look for Fino Bank's MICR and IFSC codes.
Fino Bank customer care will help you get these codes. You can ring them up and ask them to provide you with the Fino Bank IFSC and MICR codes.
The availability of online fund transfers has made sending money across quite effortless. By using the NEFT, IMPS and RTGS modes, you can send small and big sums of money anywhere across the country.
Each mode has separate limitations and charges. Let's learn about them one by one.
National Electronic Fund Transfer is a popular method of sending money. To utilize this mode, you will need-
There is no limit for NEFT fund transfers in Fino Payments Bank.
The NEFT charges and limitations are as follows.
Amount | Charges | Timings |
Upto Rs. 10,000 | Rs. 2.5 per transaction | Service available from 8 am to 6.30 pm weekdays |
Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1 lakh | Rs. 5 per transaction | Service not available on 2nd and 4th Saturdays |
Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh | Rs. 15 per transaction | - |
Above Rs. 2 lakh | Rs. 50 per transaction | - |
RTGS is used for making large fund transfers, and the minimum limit for sending money via RTGS is Rs. 2 lakhs. You will need the same beneficiary information as NEFT for sending money via this mode.
Amount | Charges | Timings |
Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh | Rs. 25 per transaction | Service available 24*7 365 days |
Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakhs | Rs. 50 per transaction | - |
You'll need the following documents to send money via IMPS-
The minimum limit for Fino Payments Bank IMPS fund transfer is Re.1, and the maximum limit is Rs. 2 lakhs.
Amount | Charges | Timings |
Upto Rs. 25,000 | Rs. 5 per transaction | Service available 24*7 365 days |
Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 1 lakh | Rs. 10 per transaction | - |
Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh | Rs. 15 per transaction | - |
Fino Payments Bank was established in 2017 on 4th April. Currently, the bank has over 410 branches all over the country and has almost 25,000 banking points spreading in India. You can open both savings and current accounts in Fino Payments Bank and send money both domestically and internationally.
Any Indian citizen can open accounts at Fino Finance Bank. You will need your AADHAR card, PAN card, any utility bill as address proof, passport size photo and your mobile number to open an account there.
Fino Finance Bank's saving account interest rate for up to Rs. 2 lakhs is 2.75% p.a which came in effect from 1st May 2021.
Yes, Fino Payments Bank is approved by the RBI. It received approval from the Reserve Bank of India on 31st March 2017 to operate as a payments bank.
You can easily find the Fino Payments Bank IFSC code on the website and mobile app. You can check the same on the Fino Payments Bank Official website, their internet banking platforms, RBI website as well.
Payments banks are a new type of financial institution initiated by the Reserve Bank of India. These banks cannot issue credit cards and loans, and currently, they can accept Rs. 2 lakh of deposit per customer and not more than that. Payments banks can issue debit cards and provide the facility of internet banking and mobile banking.