Gandhibag Sahakari Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Gandhibag Sahakari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

The Gandhibag Sahakari Bank started its journey on 6th of April 1963. They fall under the cooperative society act, 1960. It, however, converted into a bank only after getting the license from the Reserve bank of India on 01/01/1977. The head office of the Gandhibag Sahakari Bank is at Ruikar Road. It is at Chitnispark Square, Ruikar Road, Mahal Nagpur. This bank owns a four-storied building there, and they have created sections according to their convenience on each floor. During the last 50 years of trustworthiness and active service, the bank has increased. The bank has 6 branches and almost 18668 members associated with these branches. The bank has a total share capital of 420.03 lakhs as the last update in 2012.