Find Ganganagar Kendriya Sahakari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Ganganagar Kendriya Sahakari Bank Ltd. has completed more than seven decades in the state of Rajasthan. The bank has successfully served the purpose of benefiting the rural, especially the farmer's community. The Head office of the Ganganagar Kendriya Sahakari bank is at the Court Road on Sri Gangarampur. The bank provides short term agricultural loans to the farmers. The bank also grants loans for rural developments, non-agricultural loans, employment oriented schemes and some other short-term loans too. The bank has been honoured on the national level for a few times and has an image on the national level too. GKSB wants to become a strong and competitive Co-operative banking network with a variety of services. The bank wants to serve the people in the rural areas.