Gurgaon Gramin Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

Find Gurgaon Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.

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Gurgaon Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Gurgaon Gramin Bank is now Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank after amalgamation with Haryana Gramin Bank in 2013. The bank offers various financial services to customers, including NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. You require the Gurgaon Gramin Bank IFSC Code to make online money transfers. 

The Indian banking system relies on unique codes to easily identify the branches of a bank. The codes have been allotted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to streamline online transactions through net banking and mobile banking. 

The IFSC code and MICR code are most used by the banking system to clear wire transfers and cheque transactions. In this article, we’ll read more about the IFSC and MICR codes of Gurgaon Gramin Bank and learn ways to send funds online through payment services like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. 

Gurgaon Gramin Bank IFSC Code


The IFSC or Indian Financial System Code is an 11-character unique code allotted to every branch of each bank in the country. The IFSC code is necessary to send money through online fund transfer services. It helps correctly identify the branch with the beneficiary’s account to deposit the amount. 

The IFSC code is a string of alphabets and numbers. The first four characters of the IFSC code are alphabets and denote the bank code. The fifth character is a zero (0). The remaining six characters can be alphabets or numbers, depending on the type of the bank. 

For example, the Gurgaon Gramin Bank Gurgaon Main Branch IFSC Code is GGBK0001148. Here, 

  • GGBK is the bank code for Gurgaon Gramin Bank 
  • Zero (0) is the fifth character 
  • 001148 is the branch code for the one located in Gurgaon Main

The IFSC code is compulsory when you want to send money to a person through net banking or mobile banking services. It narrows down the beneficiary’s account to the right bank branch and removes discrepancies. Online transactions will be faster and more efficient. 

What happens if you enter the wrong IFSC code? If the sender and receiver are from the same branch, the money will still be credited, provided you enter the correct account number. If the IFSC code and account number are incorrect, the transaction may fail. Or, the money may be deposited to the wrong account number you provided. 

In case of a failed transaction, money will be credited back to your account in a few working days. Now you see why it is important to provide the correct IFSC code and account number of the receiver when sending money online. 

Gurgaon Gramin Bank MICR Code

The MICR code is imprinted at the bottom of the cheque using the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology. It is used to verify and authenticate the credibility of the cheque and complete the transaction. The MICR code is used by the ECS (Electronic Clearing System) to process cheques online. 

The MICR code contains nine digits and is unique to every branch. It is different from the Gurgaon Gramin Bank IFSC Code and is limited to cheques only. Account-holders don’t have to use the MICR code during an online transaction. You can find the code to verify that the cheque you received is genuine. 

The MICR code of Gurgaon Gramin Bank is 110025251. It is divided into three parts. Each part represents a different code. For example, in the Gurgaon Gramin Bank MICR code, 

  • 110 is the city code (Gurgaon)
  • 025 is the bank code (Gurgaon Gramin Bank)
  • 251 is the branch code (located at Old Railway Road, Gurgaon Main) 

Not all banks in India have a MICR code. Some bank branches are categorized as non-MICR, where cheques are manually processed. The clearing takes time compared to ECS. 

How to find the IFSC Code & MICR Code of the Gurgaon Gramin Bank?


Now that we know the importance of the IFSC and MICR codes let’s look at the ways to find the bank codes online and offline. Luckily, there are many ways to search for the IFSC and MICR codes of any bank branch in the country. 

Internet Search Tools

It is easiest to use the Internet to find the Gurgaon Gramin Bank IFSC Code. While there are many free websites, we’ll talk about the Find Your Bank website to get the necessary details of a bank branch. 

  • Open the website through the link:
  • Fill out the form on the home page to find more information about a bank.
  • The form has drop-down lists for you to select the answers for the fields. 
  • First, select the bank name. 
  • Then, select the state.
  • Next, choose the district.
  • At last, select the branch. 

Please note that the page will automatically reload after each selection to avoid confusion. The final result page will give you the bank name, IFSC code, MICR code (if available), SWIFT code (if applicable), branch name, address, and contact information.  

You can also download the Find Your Bank mobile app from Google Playstore for free. The app allows you to find the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes of any bank located in India. 

Bank Cheque Book

Account-holders in a bank branch can apply for a chequebook to make cheque payments. The chequebook contains the branch details, account number, IFSC code, and MICR code of the branch. Every cheque has both the codes printed on it. The MICR code is at the bottom of the cheque, and the IFSC code is at the top. 

Bank Passbook

The bank passbook is provided to every account holder by default. The first page of the passbook has the identifying information about the account holder and the branch. It contains: 

  • Bank name 
  • Branch name, address, and contact information 
  • Account holder’s name and address
  • Account number and type 
  • Customer ID 
  • IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes 

Official Website 

The official website will have the IFSC codes of all its branches. You can either find the codes directly or have to log into your net banking account. Gurgaon Gramin Bank has a mobile banking application that can be downloaded from Google Playstore and Apple App Store. You can find the bank codes, check balances, and make online payments through the mobile app. 

Customer Care

As a last resort, you can also call the customer care of the bank to ask for the IFSC code. You don’t have to reveal any confidential information such as debit card details or PIN numbers to ask for the codes. Even non-account holders of the bank can access the codes to make payments.  

How to Transfer Money through NEFT, RTGS & IMPS?


Transferring money online is convenient, simple, fast, and effective. You can transfer money to any person’s bank account using net banking and mobile banking services like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. Let’s find out the way to send money using these services and the details required for each transaction. 

NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) 

NEFT is a popular online fund transferring used by many people. NEFT uses the DNS system (Deferred Net Settlement) to clear the transactions in batches. An NEFT payment takes around 2-3 hours to be deposited in the beneficiary’s account. 

The Gurgaon Gramin Bank IFSC Code is compulsory if you want to send money to a person with an account in Gurgaon Gramin Bank. Apart from the IFSC code, you also need the following information: 

  • The amount to transfer 
  • Beneficiary name 
  • Beneficiary bank name 
  • Beneficiary account number 
  • Beneficiary bank branch’s IFSC code 
  • Your account number to debit the amount 

You can make NEFT transactions at any time of the day. They are processed 24*7*365 so that you can send money to a person whenever you want to. Additionally, there are no minimum or maximum limits for sending payments through NEFT services.  

However, transaction charges are applicable for each NEFT payment. The charges are levied based on the amount sent per transaction and are as mentioned below: 

  • Rs. 2.5+ tax of fee for transaction up to Rs. 10,000
  • Rs. 5+ tax of fee for transaction between Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 1,00,000
  • Rs. 15+ tax of fee for transaction between Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs. 2,00,000
  • Rs. 25+ tax of fee for transaction above Rs. 2,00,000

RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement)

RTGS transactions are secure and sent in real-time. It is a nationwide online payment system used to send huge amounts of money in real-time to other bank accounts. RTGS payments are immediate and irreversible. 

The same details are required for NEFT and RTGS transactions. Similarly, both payments can be sent through net banking, mobile banking, or by visiting the branch. RTGS services are used in emergencies or to deposit large amounts through a secure and fast payment system. 

The transaction charges for RTGS are higher than NEFT. Furthermore, the minimum limit for RTGS payment is Rs. 2 lakh, while there is no maximum or upper limit. This ensures that only large amounts are sent through RTGS. 

You need to pay a transaction fee of: 

  • Rs. 24.50+ tax for the amount between Rs. 2,00,000 and Rs. ,00,000
  • Rs. 49.50+ tax for the amount above Rs. 5,00,000 

IMPS (Immediate Payment Service) 

IMPS transfer money immediately from one bank account to another. It works round the clock and can be processed through multiple channels like net banking, mobile banking, ATMs, and SMS messages. 

The most important requirements for IMPS are the registered mobile number and the MMID (Mobile Money Identifier). The bank provides a unique MMID code for registered mobile numbers of account holders (you have to apply for it). There is no need for the beneficiary’s IFSC code if you use the MMID. 

You need: 

  • Your MMID and mobile number  
  • Beneficiary MMID
  • Beneficiary account number 
  • Beneficiary bank’s IFSC code (optional)
  • Amount to transfer 
  • Beneficiary AADHAR number 

IMPS has a lower limit of Re. 1 and an upper limit of Rs. 2,00,000 per transaction. The charges depend on the bank, though you cannot be charged more than Rs. 25+ tax for an IMPS payment. 

About the Gurgaon Gramin Bank


Gurgaon Gramin Bank, with head office in Gurgaon, is sponsored by Syndicate bank. In 2013, Gurgaon Gramin Bank was amalgamated with Haryana Gramin Bank (with head office in Rohtak and sponsored by Punjab National Bank) to form Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank. 

The head office of Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank is in Rohtak. The bank has a presence in all 22 districts of Haryana and is the biggest bank in the state. In 2018, Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank had more than 650 branches in the state. 

The bank renders various financial services such as operating and deposit accounts, loans, online banking, and other schemes. It has been a major contributor to the Housing Board Scheme by offering financial assistance to BPL families in Haryana. The bank aims to empower the rural community in the state. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How can I check my Gurgaon Gramin Balance?

You ought to register your mobile number with the bank branch. Then send an SMS to *99*42# to get the balance details. The SMS format is BAL . You can also make use of the mobile app for Android and iOS smartphones to check the account balance. 

2) What is the Gurgaon Gramin Bank Customer Care Number?

The customer care number of Gurgaon Gramin Bank is 01262-243127. The email ID is [email protected]