Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

If you have ever gone through the various banking terms, there are high chances that you have come across terms like MICR, IFSC, money transfer methods, etc. These are important banking terms, and in this article, we'll discuss all this, including the Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC code. 

Indian Financial System Code or the IFSC code helps to facilitate electronic fund transfer systems in India. It helps in identifying different branches of the bank for smooth online fund transfer methods. Without knowing the IFSC code, you won't be able to make any online fund transfers like NEFT or IMPS. 

Let's now discuss the IFSC code, MICR code, and various transfer methods of the Jana Small finance bank, a leading digitized bank governed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC Code

IFSC code is an 11-digit code that is a combination of alphabets and numbers. The Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC code identifies its different branches as no two banks or branches of the same bank can have the same IFSC code.

Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC Code

For example, the Jana Small Finance Bank's Bangalore Jeevanbheemanagar branch IFSC Code is JSFB0004537. Similarly, for its Kengeri branch, the IFSC code is JSFB0004535.

Let's discuss these codes. The IFSC code contains three parts, and each part stands for a specific section of the bank. The first four digits, i.e., JSFB, stand for the bank's name or Jana Small Finance Bank. The next digit, i.e., 0, is for future reference. Lastly, the remaining six digits, i.e., "004537", is the code that is unique for each branch of the bank.

The Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC code is important to know for funds transfer from one bank to another. Further, to use any online payment system like NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS, you'd need the IFSC code. The IFSC code eliminates any transaction conflict that might occur during online fund transfers. 

Jana Small Finance Bank MICR Code

Jana Small Finance Bank MICR code is a 9-digit code. You can find it on the cheque leaves (bottom of the cheque, next to your cheque number). Just like an IFSC code identifies different branches of a bank, the MICR code identifies different cheques for faster processing.

For example, the MICR code for the Karol Bagh branch of Jana Small Finance Bank is 110788001. In this, the first three codes represent the city code. The next 3 digits correspond to the bank code. Lastly, the last three digits represent the Jana Small Finance Bank's branch code. 

How to Find Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC Code & MICR Code?

Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC code and MICR code are necessary for safe online fund transfers. There are multiple sources where you can find these codes, and one of them is the www.findyourbank.in website. "Find your bank" also comes with its mobile app, which makes finding these codes even easier. 

How to Find Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC Code & MICR Code?

To find IFSC and MICR code, follow these steps:

  • Head to www.findyourbank.in
  • On the first page, you'll see four dropdown menus, namely, bank, state, district, and branch.
  • Select the appropriate option from all four menus.
  • Upon selecting all four options, the website will automatically present all the details, including the IFSC code

Other sources to find the JSFB IFSC and MICR codes are-

Passbook and cheque book

You can look for the Jana Small Finance Bank IFSC code and the MICR code in your checkbook and passbook leaf. 

Net banking

JSFB has its website where you will find the correct IFSC and MICR codes of each branch. 

RBI website

The Reserve Bank of India website contains information regarding every bank that falls under its periphery. Therefore, you will find the JSFB MICR and IFSC codes there as well. 

Bank statements 

Log in to your JSFB online account and check your bank statements. It will provide you with the respective codes. 

Customer care 

If you still find difficulty in finding the JSFB IFSC and MICR codes through the above-mentioned options, you can get them through customer care. The JSFB customer care team will help you get these codes easily. 

How to Transfer Money through Jana Small Finance Bank NEFT, RTGS & IMPS Processes?

Jana Small Finance Bank provides you with various ways to transfer funds from one bank to another. Not only to another JSFB branch, but you can also send funds to branches of other banks. For example, you can send funds through Jana Small Finance Bank NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS processes.

How to Transfer Money through Jana Small Finance Bank NEFT, RTGS & IMPS Processes?

Let's discuss each of these in detail.


NEFT stands for National Electronic Funds Transfer. It's a fast and easy way to send money from one bank account to another. You can carry out NEFT transfers either through mobile or net banking.

The daily limit in both cases is up to Rs. 10 lakh. You can transfer a minimum and maximum amount of Re. 1 and Rs. 2 lakh respectively through NEFT. There is no maximum limit for the branch in NEFT. Also there is no time limit for NEFT, NEFT is available 24*7.

The transaction charges for JSFB NEFT transfers are as follows.

NEFT Amount


Up to Rs. 10,000

Rs. 2.50 + GST

Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1 lakh

Rs. 5 + GST

Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh

Rs. 15 + GST

Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh

Rs. 25 + GST

Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh

Rs. 25 + GST



RTGS stands for Real-Time Gross Settlement. As the name suggests, all transfers using RTGS are done in real-time. The best advantage of using the JSFB RTGS process is its fast settlement cycles. 

Moreover, the RTGS charges are free from the geographical boundaries throughout India. Like NEFT, you can do RTGS transfer through mobile or net banking with a maximum limit of up to Rs. 10 lakh. 

However, the minimum and maximum transfer amounts are Rs. 2 lakh and Rs. 25 lakh for (MB and RIB), and no maximum limit for branches. Also there is no minimum time for RTGS, you can use RTGS Services 24*7.

The transaction charges for JSFB RTGS charges are as follows.

RTGS amount


Up to Rs. 10,000

Not applicable 

Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1 lakh

Not applicable 

Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh

Not applicable

Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh

Rs. 25 + GST

Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh

Rs. 50 + GST



Jana Small Finance Bank also offers a swift bank-to-bank funds transfer method, i.e., Immediate Payment Service or IMPS. In an IMPS transfer, the funds are transferred to another bank within a few minutes. The minimum limit for IMPS is Re. 1, and the maximum limit is Rs. 2 lakhs. IMPS available for 24*7.

IMPS Amount


Up to Rs. 1000


Rs. 1001 to Rs. 1 lakh

Rs. 5 + GST

Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh

Rs. 15 + GST


If you are planning to use any of the above transfer methods of JSFB, you will require the following information/documents.

Transfer mode

Documents needed 




1) Remittance amount,

2) JSFB customer's account number,

3) Beneficiary's bank name,

4) Beneficiary's name,

5) Beneficiary's account number, and

6) Beneficiary's Bank branch IFSC code.


About Jana Small Finance Bank

Jana Small Finance Bank is a top-ranked financial institution approved and governed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Its headquarters are in Bengaluru, and it was established on March 28, 2018. Over the years, the bank has successfully gone on to become the largest Microfinance Institutions (MFI) in India. Besides India, JSFB is also a popular name in foreign countries. 

About Jana Small Finance Bank

Currently, the bank has a customer base of over 45 lakhs and is present in over 19 states. The combined working strength of the bank comprises 15,000 employees. 

Different types of JSFB accounts and interest rates:

Account type

Interest rate

Premium Savings Account

3% for up to 1 lakh, 6% for 1 lakh to 10 lakh, 6.50% for 10 lakhs to 50 crores, and 6.75% for over 50 crores.

Silver Premium Account

3% for up to 1 lakh, 6% for 1 lakh to 10 lakh, 6.50% for 10 lakhs to 50 crores, and 6.75% for over 50 crores.

Savings Plus

3% for up to 1 lakh, 6% for 1 lakh to 10 lakh, 6.50% for 10 lakhs to 50 crores, and 6.75% for over 50 crores.


To open an account in Jana Small Finance Bank, you have to be an Indian citizen. Further, you will need these documents to open any of the above accounts in Jana Small Finance Bank.

  • Aadhaar or any proof of application of aadhaar enrolment. It should not be older than six months.
  • PAN card or Form 60.
  • FATCA declaration, a part of the account opening form.
  • Recent Photograph.


1) Where is the headquarters of Janata Small Finance Bank?

The headquarters of Janata Small Finance Bank is in Bangalore, India. 

2) What are the customer care numbers of Jana Small Finance Bank? 

For any queries, you can contact the Jana Small Finance Bank support team at 18002080, 18004200, +918046212000, +918041525770. 

3) Is the IFSC code necessary for NEFT fund transfers? 

Yes, the IFSC code is necessary for NEFT fund transfers; without it, the bank can't identify the branch.  

4) How can JSFB internet banking help me? 

JSFB internet banking can help you with fast online fund transfers, to check transaction history immediately, and also check your bank statements immediately. 

5) How to find JSFB IFSC and MICR codes? 

You can find the JSFB IFSC and MICR codes in the bank passbook, chequebook, RBI website, bank statements, and by calling customer care.