Find Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Established on 13 October 1973, Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank is one of the major banks in Ahmedabad. The bank provides all digital marketing services through its net banking platforms, but to avail of them, you need to know the Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank Ltd IFSC Code.
Established on 13 October 1973, Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank is one of the major banks in Ahmedabad. The bank provides all digital marketing services through its net banking platforms, but to avail of them, you need to know the Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank Ltd IFSC Code. ​
The Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank bank has its headquarters in Ahmedabad, and it has a total of nine branches. These branches, spread across different parts of the state, have strengthened Gujarat's economic condition.
When we talk about advanced banking services, we must mention the three codes that have made online banking a cakewalk. These are- the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes. We'll discuss these codes in detail, but here is a quick idea about their functions.
You'll need the IFSC code whenever you want to make a digital fund transaction. The MICR code is needed during offline transactions like cheque clearance, and the SWIFT code helps with international payments.
Now let's move ahead and see how the IFSC and MICR codes of Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank work, their usage, and where you can find them.
The IFSC code, also called the Indian Financial System Code, is allotted by the Reserve Bank of India. We can also call it a branch identification code. The main function of the code is to locate the bank branches so that your money gets deposited in the right account.
All banks' IFSC codes have a set structure designed by the RBI. It has eleven alphanumeric characters, meaning it contains both numbers and letters. Each branch of the Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank has a unique IFSC code.
The IFSC code has three parts, each with a different function. Here is how it works-
For example, the Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank Maninagar Branch IFSC code is- HDFC0CKMNSB. The Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank is operated by the HDFC, so the first four letters of the code HDFC represent HDFC bank.
As usual, the mid-character is zero. The final six characters, CKMNSB, represent the branch location of Maninagar.
The IFSC code has made sending money using NEFT or RTGS easier. Now you can send money anywhere around the country just by entering the recipient branch's IFSC code. These fund transfer methods have dedicated space to enter this code, so without it, you cannot make a successful transaction.
We'll tell you where to find the IFSC code in the upcoming sections, so keep reading.
Is the MICR code as important as the IFSC code? Yes, it is.
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition code, or the MICR code, is quite similar to the IFSC in terms of its function, that is, to identify bank branches. But we don't need the MICR code for making online fund transfers. Instead, we need it for making offline transactions.
MICR code is a nine-digit numerical code that is printed on cheques. Every branch that participates in the Electronic Clearance System has a unique MICR code. This code also has three parts, each with its dedicated function.
The first part of the first three numbers of the MICR code is for the pin code or the city name. The next three numbers symbolize the bank name and the last three numbers symbolize the bench location.
The MICR code of Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank Maninagar branch is 380303001. Let’s break it down.
Just like you cannot proceed with an online transaction without the IFSC code; similarly, you cannot proceed with an offline transaction without the MICR code. Now, let’s see where you can find the MICR code of Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank.
Since you cannot make any online or offline transactions without the IFSC and MICR code, it's vital you know the sources from where you can get these mentioned codes. There are multiple places to get the Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank Ltd IFSC code and MICR code.
Out of all, Find Your Bank is one of the easiest and most reliable sources. Find Your Bank is a one-stop platform where you can get all banks' IFSC and MICR codes. Here is what you need to do with the mentioned codes-
You can also download the Find Your Bank Mobile App, which makes finding the codes even easier. Let's go ahead and check out the other sources to get these codes.
Every account holder of KMNSB bank will get a passbook and cheque book, which have the IFSC and MICR code printed on your branch. Whenever you need your branch's codes, you can look them up there.
The KMNSB Bank net banking platforms like the website and the mobile app are also easy and secure places to get these codes. They will have the codes of all their branches.
The RBI website is also a great place to look for the IFSC or MICR codes of any bank. To get the codes through the RBI website, you need to visit the official RBI website, scroll down the main page, and click on IFSC and MICR code tab.
When you click there, you'll be redirected to a new page, where you can see the search bars for the IFSC code of any bank.
Get in Touch with the Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank Customer Care
KMNSB bank has a supportive and helpful customer care team that will help you in every way possible. If you can't find the KMNSB bank IFSC and MICR code through any of the above means, ring up customer care.
Now that you know where you can get the IFSC and MICR codes, it's time to see how to use them. We will only talk about the use of IFSC code since MICR is mainly for bank usage.
NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are the three digital transaction methods that let you transfer money anywhere around the country. You can make both intra and inter-bank fund transfers using these means. You'll need the IFSC code for all these transaction methods, without which your transfer won't proceed.
But apart from the IFSC code, you need a smart device, an internet connection, and the receiver's details as well. Now let's take a look at each method and see how they work.
National Electronic Fund Transfer is a DNS-based transaction system. It sends money in batches and will require some time for the amount to get deposited in the receiver's account. NEFT does not have any upper or lower limit.
To make an NEFT transaction, you will need-
RTGS or Real Time Gross Settlement is another popular fund transfer method. RTGS is only for making high-value transactions, so the minimum amount is Rs. 2 lakhs. The information required for NEFT and RTGS is the same, which is-
The last and perhaps the most important digital transaction mode. Also known as Immediate Payment Service, IMPS is for making urgent transfers, which is why it is available 24*7.
You need the following recipient details to make an IMPS transaction-
Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank (KMNSB) bank was established on 13 October, 1973. The headquarters of Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank is located in Ahmedabad, and the bank was founded by Late Dr. Gajananbhai Dave.
There are currently nine branches of Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari bank, and these are located in various districts of Gujarat. Some of the services offered by the bank are- net banking, online fund transfer through NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS, locker system, missed call banking, mobile banking, savings account, current account, deposit calculator, and more.
As of 2021, the bank has a working capital of 28175.45 crores with a profit percentage of 250.35%.
You can get in touch with the Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank by calling them at 079-25460815/ 25462763. You can also email them at [email protected].
The Kankaria Maninagar Nagrik Sahakari Bank allows payment modes like- NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. You can also make cheque payments.