Find Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
'IFSC' code is widely used whenever it comes to money transfers. The Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank IFSC code is a unique 11-digit alphanumeric code that aids in recognition of payments and origins.
KBS Bank, or the Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank, is one of the country's currently operating local area banks. The bank now has a presence in 12 districts across three states, namely, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka, with headquarters in Hyderabad.
The code enables money transfers via NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, and other electronic payment systems. The Reserve Bank of India uses IFSC codes to facilitate communications and monitor transactions to ensure their completion successfully and securely.
The MICR code is another necessary code that banks employ to expedite the processing and verification of check payments. Check out this detailed guide to learn more about these codes, their purpose, and how to get them.
The KBS bank IFSC code is required for all electronic payments. It speeds up and secures electronic transactions. To make a payment utilizing an electronic transaction system, you'll need your bank's IFSC code and the IFSC code of your remitter's branch.
The code makes interbank payment identification and monitoring easier. The typical format for the code is 'WXYZ0123456.' The bank's name is represented by the first four letters, the fifth character is always a zero, and the following six characters constitute the branch code.
The Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank Mahbubnagar branch IFSC Code is HDFC0CKBS01. The first four letters (HDFC) represent the bank name, the fifth number is a zero, and the final six characters (CKBS01) are the branch code.
MICR or Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology is a process used to print the MICR code on the cheque leaves, making it a one-of-a-kind code. It helps identify and complete cheque payments. The MICR code is present next to the cheque number at the bottom.
It's a nine-digit code divided into three parts. The first three numbers will depict the city and match India's PIN code for postal addresses. The following three numbers are the bank's name, and the last three digits are the branch's name.
For example, the MICR code of the Mahbubnagar branch of KBS bank is 509663002. Here the first three numbers (509) give the city name, the following three numbers(663) indicate the bank's name, and the last three characters (002) give the branch name.
You'll need the IFSC code and MICR code for Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank to make payments; hence it's vital that you know all of your credentials. You can obtain these codes in a variety of ways. The techniques for acquiring the codes are below:
Find Your Bank is a website that provides a number of different financial services. It's one of the most practical ways to track your bank account information. To obtain the Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank IFSC code and MICR code, go to their website and enter:
When you type in this data and hit enter, the results will show you the appropriate codes. Find My Bank has also built a mobile app that you may access at any time and from any location. With only a few taps on this phone app, you can quickly discover these codes.
Your details are always available on the bank documents. The IFSC and MICR codes are present on the bank passbook and cheque book. You can find the codes on the passbook's first page. To find these in the cheque book, look for the information on any cheque leaf.
The official website of the RBI or Reserve Bank of India can give you your Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank IFSC code and MICR code. The Reserve Bank of India maintains a database of all IFSC and MICR codes for Indian banks' branches.
Just log in to your bank's net banking or mobile banking platform using your credentials to obtain these codes. After logging in, look through the many choices and choose the code you want.
The procedures outlined above might not be successful in getting the codes. In this case, you can directly contact the customer service department of your bank branch or approach them in person for assistance.
Online cash transfer systems such as NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS make it simple to send money. With your Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank IFSC code, these transactions become much more accessible. You'll need the following credentials to make a money transfer:
NEFT, or National Electronic Fund Transfer, created by the Reserve Bank of India, is an online fund transfer system for rapid transactions. It processes transactions in batches using the DNS or the Deferred Net Settling process.
Timings | Available at Bank Working Hours |
Charges Applicable | No charges |
Settlement | Batches of 23 hours |
Maximum and Minimum limits | No Limits Imposed |
GST applicable.
To conduct an NEFT transaction, you can utilize the Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank's Netbanking and Mobile Banking facilities. Simply connect to your preferred platform, select the NEFT option, and fill out the required information.
Ensure that you read all terms and conditions thoroughly and with care before proceeding. Only finish the NEFT transaction after double-checking everything.
It's a different type of transaction that enables real-time settlements. RTGS is based on a gross system or a person and conducts transactions at the time of receipt. RTGS payments are non-reversible and are frequently used for more significant amounts.
Timings | Bank Working Hours |
Charges Applicable | No charges |
Settlement | Real-time |
Minimum and maximum limit |
GST applicable.
To utilize the RTGS service, log in to Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank's online banking system. You will need the Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank IFSC code and the other credentials listed above, so you must keep it ready with you.
Select the RTGS fund transfer option and provide the needed information. Before completing the transaction, please read all the terms and conditions.
IMPS is a real-time electronic money transfer system that may be used at any time of year, including holidays. It's a better transaction choice because the settlement is instantaneous, and the procedure is straightforward.
Timings | Available all Times |
Settlement | Instant |
Charges |
GST applicable
Go to the Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank's online or mobile banking platform to use the IMPS service. For IMPS, you'll need the following details:
Using your bank credentials, log in to the Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank mobile application. Then, among the many available fund transfer methods, select 'IMPS' and provide the required information as stated before.
You will get a passcode during the transaction, which you must input in order to complete the transaction. Once you verify your password, you'll receive a confirmation text message with the transaction number to your phone number.
This means that your transaction was successful. The transaction number you get can help you track the transaction. It will also help you raise issues in the future if you have any. To receive funds using these electronic transfer alternatives, simply provide the remitter with the required info for your bank account and branch.
KBS Bank, or the Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank, is among the several local area banks that are currently functioning in India. The Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank Limited was founded on February 19, 1999.
It's a non-government organization registered with the Registrar of Companies in Hyderabad. The bank now has a presence in 12 districts across three states, namely, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka.
The law enables a LAB to function in just five districts. But the remaining districts are the result of the administrative division of the old district of Gulbarga into Yadgir and Gulbarga, as well as the administrative splits of Telangana's Rangareddy and Mahabubnagar districts.
The bank now operates 29 branches, including 14 Business Correspondent Outlets throughout the district. The operational model of KBS Bank is what makes it distinct. It's the country's only bank with a business plan based on Financial Inclusion as its sole goal and Micro Finance as a delivery mechanism.
The bank aims to be a genuinely sustainable community-based organization that provides financial services to the underprivileged. The bank also undertakes a number of measures in this regard, and it continuously develops itself to serve the community.
You can check your KBS bank account balance by simply using the net banking or mobile banking service. If you wish to use an offline method, then you can visit any nearby ATM to check your balance. If these methods do not work out, then approach the bank directly.
You can make a phone call on the toll-free number 1800 123 6230 for issues related to debit cards and call on 1800 419 3383 for problems regarding UPI payments. You can also send a mail to [email protected].
In India, there are only four Local Area Banks (LAB), all of which are non-scheduled banks. These are:
Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank assures the safety of internet fund transactions. It also uses industry-standard security features, including a multi-level authentication procedure to verify your identity when connecting to your online banking account.
Yes, the Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank is a very safe and secure organization. It is a well-known local area bank that provides reliable financial services to its customers. The RBI has also recognized it, ensuring that all of your transactions and deposited cash are secure.