Find Kurla Nagarik Sahakari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Kurla Sahakari Bank had a very inspiring take off from the runway when established in 1950. This was the same bank that started with the capital of Rs. 31000 to help the common man in distress, now the bank is working with 645 crores, and ten branches spread all over Mumbai. The founder members, when started neither have the financial backing nor the knowledge to run a bank. Instead of that, the founder members had the urge to learn and work. They worked to uplift the common masses, and they succeeded. The Kurla Nagarik Sahakari Bank has only one motive to empower the working class. Small workers, hawkers and the entrepreneurs have always got what they were looking for from the bank.