Maharashtra State Co Operative Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

Find Maharashtra State Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.

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Maharashtra State Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Maharashtra State Co-Operative Bank has its headquarters in Mumbai. It first opened its doors in 1911 and now has 43 branches and four regional offices. The bank offers various digital banking services, and you will require the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank IFSC Code to access them.

The term 'IFSC' code is widely used for money transfers. The IFSC is a unique 11-digit code made of alpha-numeric digits. It helps in identifying payments and their sources. It also makes interbank payment verification and monitoring easier.

IFSC code is mandatory for money transfers via NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, and many other digital payments. The Reserve Bank of India uses IFSC codes to establish communication. It helps to oversee transactions to ensure that they are successful on time and are secure.

The MICR code is another important code that banks employ to expedite the processing and verification of check payments. On the check leaf, you can always spot it. Check out our detailed guide to understand more about these codes, their functions, and how to get them.

Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank IFSC Code


The IFSC code is essential when it comes to electronic money transfers. It is also useful for payment security because the RBI and your bank use it to monitor and trace transactions. Apart from that, it's critical to understand where the money comes from and where it goes.

The Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank IFSC Code is an eleven-character alpha-numeric code that looks like this: 'ABCD034567'. The Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank's Sion branch, Mumbai IFSC Code is MSCI0082006. This code is in three sections:

  • The first four numbers (MSCI) represent your bank.
  • The fifth digit, (0), is always a zero.
  • The final six numbers give the branch code (092006).

Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank MICR Code

The MICR code is a distinct credential as well. The bank prints MICR codes using the MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) technology. It is necessary for identifying, processing, and approving cheques.

The Mumbai branch of Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank has a nine-digit MICR code of 400082006. The first three numbers (400) are the city code, which matches the PIN code. The next three digits (082) are the bank code, and the last three digits (006) are the branch code.

You can find the MICR code for Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank next to the check number at the bottom of your check leaf.

How to Find the IFSC Code, MICR Code & Swift Code of the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank?


You'll need the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank IFSC code and MICR code to make the payment. You must be aware of all of your information before initiating the transaction. All of these codes are accessible in a variety of ways. Here are a few methods for getting them:

Find Your Bank

Find Your Bank is a banking services website that offers a variety of options. It is among the most effective sources to find out your bank credentials. Visit their website and enter the following information to receive the IFSC and MICR code:

  • Name of the bank
  • State
  • District
  • Branch
  • Click 'Enter'

After entering all of this information and pressing enter, the result will display the relevant codes. Find Your Bank has also developed an innovative mobile app that you can use at any time and from any location. With only a few clicks on this mobile application, you can rapidly discover the codes.

The Bank's Documents

Your bank credentials are always available on bank documentation. The IFSC and MICR codes are easily visible on the bank passbook and cheque book. The codes are present on the first page of the passbook. Search for the information on any cheque leaf to discover these in the cheque book.


The IFSC code and MICR codes for Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank are also provided on the Reserve Bank of India's official website. 

Mobile Banking or Internet Banking

Simply log in to the bank's net banking or mobile banking platform with your credentials to acquire these codes. After logging in, browse the numerous options and select the code you need. 

Contact the Bank

If the measures outlined above fail to provide results, you can contact your bank's customer care department. They can help you with assistance and lead you appropriately.

How to Transfer Money through NEFT, RTGS & IMPS?


Money can be easily transferred via online cash transfer platforms like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. These operations become considerably easier with your Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank IFSC code. To make a money transfer, you'll need the following information:

  • The size of the transaction
  • Name of the beneficiary's bank
  • Recipient's name
  • The remitter's account number
  • Beneficiary's bank account number
  • The beneficiary's branch's IFSC code
  • If necessary, sender-to-receiver information

NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer)

The Reserve Bank of India created NEFT, or National Electronic Fund Transfer, as an online fund transfer mechanism for quick transactions. It uses the DNS (Deferred Net Settling) mechanism to handle transactions in batches.

The following are the NEFT details: 

Timings Available at all times, with no specific timing
Charges Applicable Contact bank for charges
Settlement Batches of 23 hours
Maximum and Minimum limits No limits imposed

GST Applicable

You can use the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank's Netbanking and Mobile Banking services to make an NEFT transaction. Simply log in to your favorite platform, pick NEFT, and provide the needed information, including the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank IFSC code.

Before going, make sure you read the terms and conditions completely and thoroughly. After you double-check everything, you can complete the NEFT transaction.

Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) 

It's a unique transaction that allows for real-time settlements. It works on a gross system, and it executes transactions at the moment of reception. Non-reversible RTGS payments are commonly preferable for more significant sums.

The following are the specifics of RTGS:

Timings Available all times
Settlement Instant
Charges Contact bank for charges
Minimum limit Rs. 1
Maximum limit Rs. 2 Lakhs

GST applicable

To access the RTGS service, log in to Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank's online banking with your credentials. The Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank IFSC code, as well as the other credentials mentioned above, are necessary.

Choose the RTGS money transfers option and fill out the required fields. Kindly review the terms before proceeding with the transaction.

IMPS (Immediate Payment Service)

IMPS is a real-time electronic online payment system that you may employ throughout the year, even on holidays. Since the transaction is quick and the method is simple, it is a superior transaction option.

To utilize the IMPS service, go to the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank's online or mobile banking platform. The following information is necessary for IMPS:

  • MMID or Mobile Money Identifier code 
  • MMID code of the beneficiary
  • Account number of the beneficiary
  • Your mobile number 
  • The AADHAR card number of beneficiary
  • IFSC code of beneficiary's branch

Here are the IMPS details:

Timings Available all times
Settlement Instant
Charges Contact bank for charges
Minimum limit Rs. 1
Maximum limit Rs. 2 Lakhs

GST applicable

Using your bank credentials, log in to the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank mobile application. Then, among the many possible fund transfer methods, select 'IMPS' and provide the required information as given before.

You will receive a passcode to input during the transaction to finish the transaction. Once you verify using your password, you'll receive a confirmation text message with the transaction number to your phone number. This means your transaction is successful.

You can use the transaction number that you receive to track the transaction. It will also help you raise issues in the future if you have any. To accept funds using these electronic transfer alternatives, simply provide the remitter with the required info for your bank account and branch.

About the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank


The Bombay Central Co-operative Bank Limited was registered as the Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank Limited in 1911. The bank now has 43 branches and four regional offices successfully operating throughout various districts. Its headquarters are in Mumbai. 

An elected Board of Directors runs it. The bank has had a social commitment since its establishment. Their main purpose is to assist underprivileged sections of society. They work to improve people's lives by offering financial services that enable them to increase their family's income and become financially empowered.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) In Which Year Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank was Established?

In 1911, the Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank Limited became the Bombay Central Co-operative Bank Limited. It has been successfully operating ever since.

2) How many State Cooperative Banks are there in Maharashtra?

In Maharashtra, there are a total of 31 District Cooperative Banks. One type of cooperative bank is a district cooperative bank. A District Co-operative Central Bank (DCCB) is an Indian cooperative bank that operates at the district level. The Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank serves as the umbrella organization for 31 district cooperative banks.

3) Which District falls under the Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank?

Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank has 43 branches working in several districts around Maharashtra.

4) What is the MSC Bank Balance Check Number?

The Maharashtra State Cooperative (MSC) Bank customers may check their account balances both online and offline. During business hours, call 1800-102-2636 to check your balance. You can also use mobile banking or internet banking to check your credit.

5) How do I Transfer Funds from One Cooperative Bank to Another?

You have the option of sending money from your cooperative bank to another bank using either online or offline means. You can approach the bank directly to send money offline. You may send money online via NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS, among other online financial transfer techniques. All of the information stated in the article will be required.