Mandya District Co Operative Central Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Mandya District Co Operative Central Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Cooperative banks are the banks that run to provide some financial assistance to the relatively Lower class of society. The major strength of these banks is their easy reach to the locals, very transparent and straightforward interaction and efficient service to the common masses. The Mandya District Cooperative Bank is nothing different from them. The bank was first registered on the 26th of October in the year of 1953. It started its banking business on the 28th of February 1954. The bank is currently operating the Mandya district with its 54 branches spread all over the district including the head office in the list. The bank caters 60 percent of the agricultural needs of the farmers in the district. They have more than 230 primary agricultural cooperative societies.