Manvi Pattana Souharda Sahakari Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Manvi Pattana Souharda Sahakari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Manvi Pattana Souharda Sahakari Bank was started in 1995 in Raichur by Mr. Thimmiah Shetty and has established itself as a leader over the last two decades. Its host of dedicated financial services such as savings, loans, term deposits, NEFT, RTGS, net banking, ATM and customer-friendly policies have made a great impression among the people from the beginning. Over the last decade, it has become the leading urban cooperative bank with the highest productivity rate per employee in Karnataka. Since its inception, it has always adhered to the best technology to provide smooth services to the customers. With its world-class infrastructure, it is expected to grow even more in the coming years and keep on providing dedicated service to the people of Karnataka.