Meghalaya Rural Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Meghalaya Rural Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

The Reserve Bank of India has introduced the Indian Financial System Code (IFSC). It is different for every bank branch as the main function of it is to identify bank branches. Meghalaya Rural Bank IFSC code also falls under the same category and is different for every branch. 

The introduction of the IFSC code has been a blessing for people. It has made online fund transfer super quick and hassle-free. It is an eleven-character alphanumeric code that helps to locate bank branches irrespective of their location. 

You will need the IFSC code during digital fund transfers modes like- NEFT and IMPS. It is imperative to enter the IFSC code during such fund transfers as, without it, all online fund transfers will be a failure. 

Another extremely important banking code is the MICR code. The purpose of the MICR code is the same as the NEFT code, which is the identification of bank branches. The only difference is their mode of function. MICR functions in offline mode, whereas the IFSC code, is in online mode. 

Let's learn in detail about Meghalaya Rural Bank IFSC code and MICR code in the following paragraphs- 

Meghalaya Rural Bank IFSC code


The Meghalaya Rural Bank IFSC code falls under the Reserve Bank of India. The Meghalaya bank's IFSC code is an eleven-character code comprising both letters and numbers. It is the standard format of all IFSC codes under the RBI. 

The first four letters in the IFSC code symbolize the bank name; the central character is zero. It is reserved for future usage, and the last six characters represent the branch name or location. 

The Meghalaya Rural Bank Head Office Branch IFSC code is SBIN0RRMEGB. MRB is under the State Bank of India; hence the first four letters of the IFSC code symbolize the State Bank of India. The middle character is zero as per the standard formation, and the last six characters, RRMEGB, correspond to the Shillong branch. 

If you want to make any online fund transfer using NEFT or RTGS, you must know the IFSC code. It finds the recipient's bank location irrespective of its location. Every branch of the Meghalaya Rural Bank has a separate IFSC code so that identification becomes easy. 

 The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) code has made sending money a cakewalk. Now you won't have to visit the bank every time you have to transfer money. You can open the bank's mobile app, and within a few clicks, the remittent will receive the money. 

You will need a few other information like the recipient's name, account number, phone number, etc., to transfer funds successfully. Make sure that you enter the right IFSC code, as even the misplacement of a single number will lead to an unsuccessful transaction. 

Meghalaya Rural Bank MICR Code 

The MICR code is again very important in the Indian banking system. The banks use the MICR code during cheque clearance. It is a nine-digit numeric code you can find in the bank cheque book or passbook. The MICR corresponds to the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition code. As the name says, it is printed using a unique magnetic ink to prevent any unethical transactions. 

Like all bank branches have different IFSC codes, the MICR code is different for every branch. Moreover, the MICR code, like the IFSC code too, helps in-branch identification. We can divide the MICR code into three parts. The first part corresponds to the city name, the middle part corresponds to the bank's name, and the last part stands for the branch name. 

For example, the Meghalaya Rural Bank Shillong branch MICR code is 793620002. Here the first three codes, 793 is for the city of Shillong, the middle part, 620 is for the Meghalaya bank, and the last part, 002, is for the Shillong branch. 

Likewise, all different branches of the Meghalaya Bank have different IFSC codes. Banks use it for paper-based transactions like cheque clearance. There is still a huge part of people in India who are yet to experience digital fund transfer systems. For them, the MICR is quite crucial. If you're wondering where to find the MICR along with the IFSC code, read the following section to find out about them. 

How to Find the IFSC and MICR Codes of Meghalaya Rural Bank?


As you must have understood by now, sending money digitally without the IFSC code is quite impossible. The MICR code, too, is important for the ones who rely on cheque transfers. But where do you find these codes? Well, there are numerous ways, and all of them are easily accessible. Let's have a look at them one by one. 

The Find Your Bank website has IFSC and MICR codes of all bank branches, including the Meghalaya Rural Bank. It comes with its own mobile app as well, making finding the mentioned codes even easier. To get your IFSC and MICR code through the find your bank mobile app, you will have to- 

  • Download the Find Your Bank mobile app or visit the website, i.e.,
  • Now you have to select details like- 
  • Bank Name
  • Branch Name 
  • District
  • State Name

After you put the required information in all these tabs, the IFSC code and MICR code of Meghalaya Bank will appear on the screen. 

Bank Passbook

The bank passbook is another means where you can get the codes. The IFSC code is printed in the middle of the passbook along with other information of the account holder. Whenever you need the IFSC code, just open your Meghalaya Bank passbook and look in the passbook leaves. 

Bank Cheque Book

Bank cheque book is again an authentic source to find the IFSC and MICR code. The IFSC code is there at the top of the cheque book, and the MICR code is at the bottom. 

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Website

The Reserve Bank of India website maintains a record of all Indian banks' IFSC and MICR codes. Hence, it is another trustworthy website to source the Meghalaya Rural Bank IFSC code and MICR code.  

Meghalaya Rural Bank Net Banking Sites

Every bank comes with its net banking sites and mobile app to make digital banking easier for its customers. They also have the IFSC code and MICR code of every branch. MRB also has its net banking sites where you can look up the IFSC and MICR codes. 

Bank's Customer Care Service

Lastly, you can contact the bank's customer care service to ask for the IFSC code and MICR code. Meghalaya Rural Bank has a very helpful customer care service that is always ready to answer their customers' calls. 

How to Transfer Money through NEFT, RTGS & IMPS?


The digital fund transfer modes NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS have made sending money smoothly. All you've to do is download the bank's mobile app on your smartphone or computer and send money by selecting the correct tabs. 

All three methods- NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS, have different charges, fund transfer limits, and time slots. We will learn about them all through the following paragraphs- 


National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) is a DNS-based fund transfer system. Here the money is transferred in batches. NEFT is available all round the clock, and there is no lower or upper limit. 

To send money via NEFT, you'll need the following information- 

  • Receiver's Name
  • Receiver's Account Number
  • IFSC Code
  • Beneficiary Bank Name
  • Branch Name 
  • The amount you are going to transfer
Amount Charges
Upto Rs. 10,000 Rs. 3.00
Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1 lakh Rs. 6.00
Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh Rs. 20.00
Above Rs. 2 lakh Rs. 30.00



We use RTGS for making high-value fund transfers. The minimum limit for sending money via RTGS is 2 lakh. Meghalaya Rural Bank RTGS services are available from 9.00 AM to 4.30 PM from Monday to Friday and on Saturdays from 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM. 

You need the same details for sending money via RTGS like the NEFT, which are- 

  • Receiver's name
  • Receiver's account number
  • IFSC code
  • Beneficiary bank name
  • Branch name 
  • The amount you are going to transfer 

Now let's have a look at the RTGS charges. 

Amount Charges
Rs. 2 lakhs to 5 lakhs Rs. 30
Above 5 lakhs Rs. 60



When you have to make an immediate fund transfer, you should use the IMPS method. It is a real-time fund transfer method that is available 24*7. Here are the details you will need to send money via IMPS- 

  • Beneficiary's name 
  • Beneficiary's MMID code (for transfer from person to person)
  • The IFSC code of the receiver's branch (for transfer from a person to an account)
  • Beneficiary mobile number 
  • Beneficiary account number

The charges of IMPS of Meghalaya Rural Bank is as follows- 

Amount Charges
Upto Rs. 25,000 Rs. 6
Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 1 Lakh Rs. 12
Above Rs. 1 lakh Rs. 20


About Meghalaya Rural Bank


The Meghalaya Rural Bank was established on December 29, 1981. It has its headquarter in Shillong, and currently, the bank has a total of 87 branches in the State of Meghalaya. 

These branches are spread in different regions of the state. Some of them are situated in Garo Hills, East Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills, West Khasi Hills, Ri-Bhoi, and others. It is the second-largest banking institute in Meghalaya, which serves almost 600 small towns and villages in the state. 

Meghalaya Rural Bank created history in the banking sphere by opening eleven branches simultaneously at the same time and on the same day in 2013. Meghalaya Rural bank is also termed the best rural bank in India. 

MRB offers all essential banking services to its customers like- savings account, fixed deposit, recurring, net banking facilities (NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS), loans, different Yojanas availed by the government of India like the Pradhan Mantri Jandhan Yojana, Atal Pension Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and many more. 


1) Who is the Chairman of Meghalaya Rural Bank?

The current chairman of Meghalaya Rural Bank is Mr. MukuUeishi. 

2) What is the IFSC code of Meghalaya Rural Bank?

The IFSC code of Meghalaya Rural Bank is different for every branch. It is an eleven-character alphanumeric code with both letters and numbers. For example, the IFSC code MRB, Shillong branch is SBIN0RRMEGB.

3) How can I check my account balance in Meghalaya Rural Bank?

You can check your Meghalaya Rural Bank account balance through mobile banking. You have to first log in to the mobile banking site or app and enter your ID and password. After logging in, you will see the balance checking tab. 

4) How can I generate Meghalaya Rural Bank ATM pins?

After you open an account in MRB, the bank will send you a temporary ATM pin. You can use it to activate your ATM service. Later on, you can change it to generate a new ATM pin.