Merchants Souharda Sahakara Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Merchants Souharda Sahakara Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

The Merchant Souharda Sahakara Bank NI is one of the best Sahakari banks. Well, they are providing their banking services to people for a long time. Well, this bank was established in 1951. Therefore, you can see that this bank is providing its services for a long, long time. There are nine fully organized branches of this bank. You will find those banks in the Chitradurga. In the year of 1986, the bank got its license from the Reserve bank of India. After that, in 2001, it got its recognition under Suaharda Sahakar act. Finally, in the year of 2009, it received the award of best Sauharda Bank.