Mumbai District Central Co Operative Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Mumbai District Central Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Most commonly referred to simply as Mumbai Bank, Mumbai District Central Co-operative Bank was founded in 1974 and commenced operations the following year. Based in an area in which there is little to no agriculture production, the organisation focuses its efforts on non-agricultural businesses and private customers - Urban co-op. credit societies, Urban co-op. banks, Housing co-op. Societies, Employees co-op. credit societies, Co-op. consumers stores, fisheries, Industrial and labour co-op. societies etc. Now operating a total of 53 branches across the region, Mumbai District Central Co-operative Bank has set its sights on becoming the undisputed market leader among co-operative banks, by setting new standards and focusing exclusively on the priorities and expectations of its customers.