Find Nagpur Nagrik Sahakari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
One of the oldest and most reputable co-operative banks in Vidarbha, Nagpur Nagarik Sahakari Bank was established in 1960 to with just a single branch in the Gandhibagh area of Nagpur. As of March 2010, the bank had no less than 60,500 members and had significantly enhanced its presence across Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Raipur, Durg in the state of Chattisgarh. Nagpur Nagarik Sahakari Bank operates an extensive network of 39 fully computerized branches, along with one head office branch and dozens of ATMs. Nagpur Nagarik Sahakari Bank pays particularly close attention to the comfort and satisfaction of its customers, earning the organisation a consistently-high rating among private and business banking customers alike.