Find Paschim Banga Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Reserve Bank of India allows a unique code for every bank's branch for easy identification. The Indian Financial System Code is popularly known as the IFSC code. It is used for banking and other financial transactions. To send money to a receiver with an account in the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank, you must know the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank IFSC code.
However, the IFSC code is not the only identification number for a bank and its branch. MICR code is basically a 9-digit unique code that facilitates funds transfer from one bank account to another via cheques. Both codes are exclusive to the bank branch and cannot be substituted or replaced.
Continue reading to know in detail about the IFSC code, MICR code, the ways to find the codes of a specific Paschim Banga Gramin Bank branch, and the procedures to send money using NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS payments to Paschim Banga Gramin Bank accounts.
Let's start with the IFSC code and its purpose.
The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC Code) is an eleven-character alphanumeric code assigned to every single branch of every bank in the country. The IFSC code combines bank code in the first four characters (alphabets) followed by a zero and continued by the branch code in the remaining six characters. The branch code can be alphabetical or numerical.
We will consider the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank IFSC code as an example to understand the IFSC code. Paschim Banga Gramin Bank head office branch IFSC code is UCBA0RRBPBG. The first four characters- UCBA is the bank code, followed by 0 and RRBPBG, the branch code.
The IFSC code is essential for online wire transfer. You cannot make an NEFT, RTGS, or an IMPS payment without knowing the IFSC code of the branch where the receiver's account exists. The main reason to use the code is to avoid unnecessary confusion and ensure that the money is transferred to the correct account.
Using the wrong IFSC code will lead to different results. If you use a code of another branch but the same bank, the funds might still be transferred based on the account number. If the IFSC code belongs to a different bank, the transaction will fail.
However, it is risky to use the wrong code and end up with your funds blocked if the transaction goes halfway through. You will have to wait for your bank to credit the amount back to your account in such instances. It's important to find the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank IFSC code and use it for online money transfers to send money to receivers with an account in that branch.
MICR Code has nine digits and is found at the bottom of the cheque. It is printed in black ink using the special MICR technology. The code helps in verifying the credibility of the financial instrument, aka the cheque. The code is compared to the bank's database to test the authenticity of the cheque before transferring the funds from one account to the other.
So how do you find the MICR code of a branch? Apart from the cheques, the code is found on the cheque book, the passbook provided to every account holder, and on the bank's electronic platform. The MICR code is used to clear the cheques through the Electronic Clearing System (ECS) and complete the money transfer. RBI uses the MICR code to identify the bank and its branch.
The MICR code is divided into three parts, where the first three digits are the city code, the next three are the bank code, and the last three digits are the branch code.
Some branches do not have MICR codes. These are categorized as non-MICR branches. The Paschim Banga Garmin Bank doesn't have a MICR code.
So, how do you find the correct IFSC code for the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank for local, national, and international wire transfers? Luckily, there are ways to find the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank IFSC code. It can be found on the bank's website, on the passbook (if you also have an account in the same branch), and on many other websites.
Using an online search to find the IFSC code is a simple and easy process. One such method is to use the Find Your Bank website.
That's it. The Paschim Banga Gramin Bank IFSC code will be displayed on the screen, along with other information such as the MICR code (if applicable), the branch address, pin code, etc.
Find Your Bank also has a mobile app that can be downloaded from Play Store. Using the app, you can easily find the IFSC code of a bank's branch anytime and from any place (if you have an internet connection).
It's easy to find the IFSC code on the cheque. The code is usually printed at the top of the cheque. The MICR code (if applicable) is printed at the bottom.
The first page of the passbook has all the relevant information about the branch and the account holder. The branch name, address, phone number are printed along with the account holder's name, address, and phone number. The IFSC code, MICR code, and other necessary codes are also printed on the same page.
You can find the IFSC, MICR, and other bank codes on the bank's website or mobile application that facilitates online transactions by creating a user id for the account holder.
The last option to find the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank IFSC code is to call the branch and ask the staff directly. If you could not find the code through any of the above methods, contact the branch. The branch phone number is also mentioned on the passbook.
The main reason to find the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank IFSC code is to make an online find transfer. Electronic payments are faster, secure, and easy. The money is transferred almost immediately to the receiver's account. You don't need to visit the bank to initiate the fund transfer. The following are the ways to send money online.
NEFT is a well-known method to transfer funds online. It is based on the DNS (Deferred Net Settlement) system, where the transfers are done in batches. NEFT can be used round the clock on any day of the year. The amount will be credited within two hours after the transfer has been successful.
There's no limit on the amount transferred through NEFT. However, the charges vary based on the amount being transferred in one go. Paschim Banga Gramin Bank charges Rs. 3/- (+service tax) per NEFT transaction up to Rs. 10,000/-
The charges are doubled to Rs. 6 (+ service tax) for amount above Rs. 10,000 and below Rs. 1,00,000/- (one lakh). The charges are Rs. 18 (+ service tax) for amount over Rs. 1,00,000 and less than Rs. 2,00,000/-. Finally, all NEFT transactions above Rs. 2,00,000/- are charged at Rs. 30 (+ service tax).
You have to enter the below information to make an NEFT payment/ transfer.
Remember that the transfers are made based on the account number and IFSC code and not the beneficiary name. Double-check these two fields before making the payment.
RTGS is a country-wide online payment system that works in real-time. It is used for high amount domestic transactions with a minimum amount of Rs. 2,00,000/- and no maximum limit. Paschim Banga Gramin Bank charges Rs. 30 (+service tax) for an amount between Rs. 2,00,000 and Rs. 5,00,000/-. The charges are doubled to Rs. 60 (+service tax) for transfers over Rs. 5,00,000/-.
RTGS transaction requires the same details as NEFT payment. However, it is an irreversible transaction.
IMPS is a 24*7 instant find transfer system that can be accessed through internet banking, mobile banking, ATMs, and SMS. The minimum amount for IMPS transfer is Re. 1/- with the maximum capped at Rs. 2,00,000/-. The bank charges Rs. 5 (+service tax) for an amount up to Rs. 1,00,000/-, and Rs. 15 (+service tax) for transfer between Rs. 1,00,001 and Rs. 2,00,000/-.
You need to provide the following information to make an IMPS transfer:
Paschim Banga Gramin Bank is a Regional Rural Bank established on 26th Feb 2007 with the head office in Howrah, West Bengal. The bank is an amalgamation of Howrah Gramin Bank, Mayurakshi Gramin Bank, and Bardhaman Gramin Bank (sponsored by UCO Bank, West Bengal).
Paschim Banga Gramin Bank is a joint venture of the GoI, GoWB, and UCO Bank, with the Government of India having a 50% share capital. The Government of West Bengal has 15%, and the UCO Bank has 5% share capital.
Paschim Banga Gramin Bank is a regional rural bank (RRB) with headquarters in Howrah, West Bengal. It was founded in 2007.
An easy method to check your Paschim Banga Gramin account balance is by giving a missed call to the number 90220 99400 from the registered mobile number. The balance details will be sent as an SMS to the same number. Registered mobile number is the one you've provided to the branch for communication.
Paschim Banga Gramin Bank is a Government of India Enterprise, jointly owned by GoI, the Government of West Bengal, and UCO Bank.
Follow the below steps to open an account in Paschim Banga Gramin Bank. You need to be an adult Indian citizen to be eligible.