Find Paytm Payments Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
While many are aware of Paytm's super-handy digital payments system, many still don't know about Paytm Payments Bank. Established almost a decade ago, Paytm Payments Bank is just like a normal bank. The only difference is - everything is virtual. You'd still need the Paytm Payments Bank IFSC code to send or receive money online.
Thus, Paytm brings the best of both worlds - virtual banking and secure banking codes to the table. The IFSC and MICR codes fulfill their own unique purposes of authenticating a genuine payment to the right bank branch and validating a document/process, respectively.
Let's have a look at how IFSC and MICR codes work for the Paytm Payments Bank and where you can find these. You will also read about the composition and structure of these codes and where you can use them.
Paytm Payments Bank IFSC code is an eleven-digit code. It Composed of both letters and numbers; this code can be used by customers to add money from a different bank account to their Paytm Payments Bank Savings account.
Much like other banks' IFSC codes, the 11-digit code is composed of different sections. The first four digits correspond to the bank name, the next digit is set to zero, and the last four indicate the specific branch.
For instance, the Paytm Payments Bank, Noida Branch IFSC code is PYTM0123456. The Paytm Payments Bank IFSC code mostly comes in handy to send money to other bank accounts through your digital payments bank account.
Paytm Payments Bank is a primarily digital operative bank; MICR codes are yet not available for the Bank Branches across the country. MICR codes are typically nine-digit codes with a three-part break-up.
The first three digits reflect the city code, followed by the next three indicating bank code, and the final three reflecting the branch code. MICR code typically helps in the authentication of physical documents, which is not that prevalent in this case.
However, you can request a Paytm Payments Bank cheque book, which would consider the relevant MICR codes and other bank codes to authenticate the cheque. You can purchase ten cheque leaves at Rs. 100 + delivery charges for this purpose.
You can easily find the Paytm Payments Bank IFSC code and MICR code with a quick search on Find Your Bank's website. Just follow these simple steps to find what you're looking for:
Note - Find Your Bank also offers a handy mobile app that can be used to find your correct Paytm Payments Bank IFSC code and MICR codes faster on the go!
If you want to double-check IFSC and MICR codes in your bank's official documents, there are some specific places to find them. Paytm Payments Bank's free online passbook can be referred to for finding the IFSC and MICR codes.
If you are opt-in for the paid cheque leaves, you can easily find both the code there as well. Finally, the official Paytm Payments Bank Website or the RBI website can be reliable sources to confirm your IFSC and MICR codes.
With a wide range of novel services offered by the Paytm Payments Bank, you can use your IFSC and MICR codes to make payments through NEFT, IMPS, and UPI transfers.
NEFT or National Electronic Funds Transfer can be done using Paytm Payments Bank IFSC code. You can initiate this transfer to any Bank of your choice without any need to visit the branch counter. NEFT can be done for amounts over Rs. 2 Lakhs up to Rs. 10 Lakhs. It is available from 8 AM to 6:30 PM in scheduled batches of 30 minutes.
Immediate Payment Services can be used for quick fund transfers and is applicable 24x7. You can transfer up to Rs. 2 Lakhs through IMPS on even Sundays and Bank holidays. The money will be credited immediately to the receiver's bank account.
When it comes to Paytm, UPI is the most common and convenient way for money transfer. You can initiate easy fund transfers to someone else's UPI id. A secret MPIN is used for this process.
A general set of details are required to carry out these transfers using your Paytm Payments Bank account/app:
Paytm Payments Bank is an Indian payments bank registered with RBI since 2015. Headquartered in Noida, it is an internationally accepted banking system, which promises effortless payments to its customers. It has reported a Rs. 19 Crore profit in the 2018-2019 financial year and has over 64 million account holders as of April 2021.
With Paytm Payments Bank, you can open a Savings Account, Salary Account, or operate through your Current Account. Payments can be navigated through the Paytm wallet and other options provided through the app.
Opening your Paytm Payments Bank account is quite a simple process. You need to download the latest version of the Paytm App to do so. Your identification proof documents for proof of age, Copy of Pan Card or Form 60, Passport photographs, and KYC documents are needed to do the same.
If you open a Savings Bank account, you can avail of a 2.5% per annum interest rate which is paid out every month.
Yes, RTGS transactions through Paytm require a minimum fund transfer of Rs. 2 Lakhs.
Yes, your Paytm app gives the option to "Request an ATM Card" and "Digital Debit Card" at your convenience.
Paytm Payments Bank provides the option to request your Cheque book under the "Bank Services" option at the Bank's Home page at the bottom when you use your Paytm app.
No. Currently, you can open only one Savings account as a unique customer.
Customers can send up to Rs. 10 Lakhs each day through different modes of Paytm Payments Bank money transfer.