Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

The banking industry uses the IFSC code to identify the bank branch. The RBI (Reserve Bank of India) has allotted unique IFSC and MICR codes for each branch of every bank in India. For example, the Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank IFSC Code helps us identify the branch and its location.

The IFSC code is necessary for online money transfers from one account to another. The sender has to enter the IFSC code of the branch with the beneficiary's account. This makes it easy to transfer money directly into the account. 

The MICR code is used to electronically clear the cheques and verify their authenticity. We'll learn more about the codes, their uses, and ways to transfer money online using NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS services. Let's start by finding out the IFSC code of Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank. 

Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank IFSC Code


The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an 11-character unique identification number allotted to each branch in the country by RBI. The alphanumeric code is broken down into three parts, where the first four alphabets represent the bank code. The alphabets are followed by zero (0), followed by the remaining six digits or alphabets to represent the branch code. 

Let's take the Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank as an example. The Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank Main Branch IFSC Code is IDIB0PBG001 located in Mahatma Gandhi Road, Muthialpet, Puducherry.  

  • IDIB is the bank code (since Indian Bank sponsors the PBG bank)
  • PBG001 is the branch code (for the Puducherry Main branch)

The IFSC code is a key player in wire transfers. You need to know the IFSC code of the beneficiary to send money to their account through NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS. Using the IFSC code simplifies the transaction and minimizes risk. 

There will be instances when you enter the wrong IFSC code during online transactions. The money may or may not be sent to the beneficiary in such cases. The transaction will be successful if you enter the correct account number. Otherwise, the money might be deposited into another account with matching details. 

Entering the wrong IFSC code may also result in a failed transaction. In such cases, the money is credited back to your account in two to three business days. It's recommended to find out the correct IFSC code of the branch before initiating an online money transfer. 

Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank MICR Code

The MICR code is printed on cheques using Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology to help validate the cheque during ECS (Electronic Clearing System). Similar to how the Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank IFSC Code is specific to each branch, the MICR code is different for every bank branch.

The MICR code has nine digits that help RBI identify the branch and hasten the cheque clearing process. The MICR code of Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank is 605019251.

The code is divided into three sets with three digits each. Each corresponds to a different identification code. For example, 605019251 is divided into:

  • 605, the first three digits are the city code 
  • 019, the second three digits are the bank code 
  • 251, the last three digits are the branch code 

Unlike the IFSC code, not all banks have a MICR code. Some RRBs (Regional Rural Banks) are not provided with the MICR code. The cheques are cleared using traditional methods instead of the electronic system. Such cheques take more time for processing and can delay transactions. 

The MICR code is printed on the cheques, and the cheque books are provided to the account holder. You can find the MICR code at the bottom of the cheque, beside the cheque number. You can also locate the MICR code on the passbook and the internet, along with the IFSC code. 

How to find the IFSC Code & MICR Code of Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank?


Finding the corresponding IFSC code makes it easy to send/ receive money online. In the era of cashless transactions and digital money transfers, it is important to know the IFSC and MICR codes of your bank branch and the beneficiary. Knowing the MICR code will help you cross-check that the cheque is indeed genuine. 

Luckily, there are various ways to find the IFSC and MICR codes online and offline. The easiest method is to search on the internet. Let's look at the best way to find the Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank IFSC Code online. 

Online Search Tools

Use the link https://findyourbank.in/ to open the Find Your Bank website in the browser. Complete the below steps to get the IFSC and MICR codes of the bank branch along with other relevant branch information such as the address, email id, phone number, and so on. 

  • The home page of the website has a small form. Fill this using the drop-down options to get the IFSC code. 
  • Select the bank name from the first drop-down list. Here it is Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank.
  • Wait for the page to reload and select the state where the bank is located. Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank is only in Puducherry. 
  • Wait again and select the district where the branch is located. Here, you have to choose Puducherry. 
  • Now, finally, choose the branch you want. We want the IFSC code of the Puducherry Main branch. 
  • The branch details and IFSC code will be displayed on your screen. You can directly copy the codes and use them in your transactions. 

Find Your Bank has a mobile app facility. You can install the app from the Play Store to access and search for IFSC codes of any bank branch in the country. It is a completely free service and can be used anywhere with an internet connection. 

There are similar websites to find the IFSC and MICR codes of banks in India. However, Find Your Bank is the simplest of all. 

Bank Passbook

Every account holder has a passbook to keep track of the transactions in their bank account. The passbook contains information about the account holder and the bank branch. Check the first page of the passbook to get the branch name, address, contact information, IFSC code, and MICR code. The same page has the account number, name, and contact information of the account holders(s). 


You need to apply for a cheque book after opening the bank account. The IFSC and MICR codes are printed on top of the chequebook. You can also find the codes printed on each cheque. The IFSC code is at the top of the cheque, and the MICR code is at the bottom of the cheque. 

Bank Website

The bank website shares the IFSC and MICR codes to simplify things for customers. The Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank mentions the codes right in the middle of the home page on the website. 

Customer Care

As a last option, you can contact customer care or the branch office and ask them for the IFSC and MICR codes. They will share the requested information with you. 

How to Transfer Money through NEFT and RTGS?


Online money transfers are very much common in today's world. These are simple, easy, and fast. All you need are a few essential details, and that's it. You can use online banking through your account or go to the branch and ask for a wire transfer. 

The Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank IFSC Code is a must to send money through the internet. NEFT and RTGS are the two most used modes of online transfers. You can also send money using IMPS, the bank's mobile app, and other online payment methods. All payment modes may not be applicable for every bank. 

NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer)

NEFT is the most popular method used for online fund transfers in India. You can send money through NEFT either by logging into your internet banking account or visiting the branch. NEFT transactions are based on the DNS system (Deferred Net Settlement), where the transactions are grouped and cleared in batches once every hour or two. 

You can send money through NEFT throughout the year. There is no limit on the minimum or the maximum amount to send through NEFT. However, the service charges are applicable based on the amount chosen for the transaction. The service charge ranges from Rs. 2.50 (plus tax) to Rs. 25 (plus tax). 

You need the following information to send money through NEFT: 

  • Your account number 
  • The amount to be transferred
  • Beneficiary's account number
  • IFSC code of the beneficiary's branch 
  • Beneficiary name

Note that the beneficiary name is optional. The transaction takes place based on the account number and IFSC code and not the beneficiary's name. 

RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) 

RTGS is used to send large amounts of money in real-time. You can use RTGS to make large payments to any bank account in the country. The money will be sent instantly, unlike NEFT. You can't reverse the transaction once you do it. Double-check the details before making RTGS payments. 

There is a minimum limit of Rs. 2,00,000/- for RTGS payments. However, there is no maximum limit. RTGS payments between Rs. 2 lakhs and Rs. 5 lakhs have a service charge of Rs. 25 (plus tax). Transactions above Rs. 5 lakhs have a service charge of Rs. 49.50 (plus tax). 

RTGS payments require the same information as NEFT payments. It is a secure online fund transfer method introduced by RBI for hefty transactions. 

Other Payment Methods

IMPS and AEPS are two other methods used for funds transfer. IMPS can be used through internet banking, mobile app, or by visiting the branch. You require the same information as NEFT. AEPS uses the Aadhaar number for one-to-one fund transfer and can be done only through the kiosk in the branch. 

About Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank

Indian Bank sponsors Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank, a rural, regional bank. It was established on 26th March 2008 by the Government of India through the Ministry of Finance under the RRB act. The bank has its operations throughout the Union Territory of Puducherry and covers Karaikal, Mahe, Puducherry, and Yanam. 


The government of India owns 50% of the share capital in the bank. The Indian Bank has 35%, and the government of Puducherry holds the remaining 15%. 

Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank has more than forty-four branches in the region. The head office, Puducherry Main, is located on the Mahatma Gandhi Road in Muthialpet, Puducherry. The head office can be contacted via phone (0413 2227851) and email ([email protected]). 


1) How can I check my Puduvai Bharathiar Grama balance?

You can check your PBG bank account details by giving a missed call on 9289592895 from your registered mobile number. You'll receive the account information on your phone number as an SMS message. Make sure to register your mobile phone with the bank to avail of this free service. 

2) What is the AEPS service offered by Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank?

AEPS is an Aadhaar Enabled Payment System that uses the Aadhaar number to facilitate online transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, fund transfers, balance inquiries, and mini statements. Customers need to visit the branch to use the kiosk for AEPS transactions. The maximum amount for AEPS transactions per day is Rs. 10,000/-. 

3) How many Government Schemes Does Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank offer?

PBG bank is a regional rural bank (RRB) that offers the following government schemes to its customers: 

  • APY (Atal Pension Yojana)
  • PMJJBY (Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana)
  • PMJDY (Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana)
  • PMSBY (Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana)

4) Is there a Mobile app for Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank?

There is no exclusive mobile app for PBG bank. However, the bank is sponsored by Indian Bank. You can use the mobile app of Indian Bank (IndPay) to check your account balance in the PBG bank. You'll get the mini statement of your account through the IndPay mobile app. â€‹