Find Rajajinagar Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank was established in 1996, and it has become one of the major cooperative banks in India. It provides various banking services, including digital fund transfer, where the Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank IFSC code plays an important role.
The bank was established to help the people of Rajajinagar deal with their financial issues, and it currently has three branches in Rajajinagar, Basaveshwara Nagar, and Annapoorneshwari Nagar.
Internet banking facilities like digital fund transfer have made available banking services like fund transfer quite easy. The IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes are the three important codes that play an essential role in the scenario.
The IFSC code is for making online fund transfers like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. The MICR is required for faster cheque clearance, and the SWIFT code is for making international fund transfers.
We'll learn in detail about all the Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank IFSC code, MICR code, and how they work in this article, so continue reading till the end.
IFSC, or the Indian Financial System Code, is an eleven-character alphanumeric code. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has started the system of IFSC code for all banks to help with digital fund transfers.
The IFSC code has three sections, each with a special function. The first part of the code represents the bank name, the central part is reserved for future usage, and the final part represents the branch name or location.
RBI has designed the code in a way so that no discrepancy occurs during the fund transfer process. The Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank IFSC code also comes under the RBI format.
The Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank Rajajinagar branch IFSC Code is HDFC0CRCBLB. Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank comes under the surveillance of HDFC bank; hence the first part, HDFC stands for the mentioned bank. The mid character is zero as this is reserved for future usage and the last six characters CRCBLB represent the Rajajinagar branch.
Knowing the IFSC code is vital if you want to make online fund transfers using NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS. Without entering the IFSC code, the find transfer system won't be able to identify the branch location, and your transaction won't be successful.
Since all the branches have a separate IFSC code, identifying them becomes easier irrespective of where the location is. But make sure to enter the right IFSC code to avoid any hassle in your transaction.
Like the IFSC code, the MICR code again is very important. The function of the IFSC code and MICR code is almost the same, which is to identify the bank branches. But unlike the IFSC code, which we use for internet banking, we need the MICR code for cheque clearance.
MICR code identifies the branches participating in Electronic Clearing System (ECS) and helps with faster cheque clearance. The MICR code is a nine digital numeric code that has three parts and each with a different function.
The MICR code of Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank, Rajajinagar branch is 650226282. Let's understand it part by part.
You'll need the MICR code for cheque processing, and you can easily find it in your Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank cheque book. The MICR code is printed using a unique magnetic ink to help with faster cheque processing as well as to prevent fraudulent transactions.
The IFSC, MICR, and the SWIFT code are important for using three different modes of digital transactions; hence knowing the respective codes is quite important. Let's talk about some of the reliable sources where you can get these codes.
Find Your Bank has the IFSC and MICR codes of all banks, including the Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank, so it's a quick and easy source to get the codes. To access the Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank IFSC code from their website, you have to-
As you select these tabs, the required IFSC and MICR code will appear on the screen. Additionally, Find Your Bank also comes with their mobile app, so download that to find the codes even faster.
Now let's throw a look at the other sources where you can find the IFSC and MICR codes.
Every customer of the Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank will receive a passbook and cheque book where the IFSC and MICR code is always printed. The IFSC code is usually found in the middle of the passbook, and the MICR code is on the bottom of the chequebook.
Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank net banking platforms like their website and mobile are the other two easy sources to search for the IFSC & MICR code. They will have the mentioned codes listed for all their branches.
The RBI website also keeps track of every Indian bank's IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes. So just search on the RBI website to access them.
The customer support team is there to solve all your queries, so you can also reach out to them in case you are unable to find the SWIFT, MICR, or IFSC code.
NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are the three most popular digital fund transfer modes. Each mode is made for a particular type of fund transfer. For instance, if you have to make a high-value transaction, you'll use RTGS, and for an instant money transfer, you'll use IMPS.
If you have your recipient's details ready along with an internet connection and the required means, sending funds will take just a few seconds. Let's understand how these systems work for Rajajinagar Co-operative Bank.
NEFT or National Electronic Fund Transfers has no upper or lower limit making it one of the most widely used digital fund transfer modes. NEFT is a DNS-based system, so it works on an hourly basis.
To send money using NEFT, you'll need the following details-
As said above, we use RTGS to make high-value fund transactions, so the minimum limit for using RTGS is Rs. 2 lakhs. Details required for NEFT and RTGS are the same, which are-
IMPS is used when you have to make an instant fund transfer. IMPS has made sending money in emergencies relatively easy as now you no longer have to wait for the fund to reach the beneficiary's account.
You'll need the following details to send money via IMPS-
The Rajajinagar Co-Operative Bank was established in 1996, and it operates mainly in the district of Bangalore Urban. It has its headquarters in Rajajinagar, Bengaluru, and it currently has three branches.
The bank was established by Late Sri M.R. Nagarajan and his associates to help people in their area with their financial needs. The idea was to provide financial aid to the needy at lower interest rates.
Rajajinagar Co-Operative Bank received a license from the RBI on 14 December 1996, and from there on, it commenced its banking business. Currently, there are three branches of Rajajinagar Co-Operative Bank; these are located in Rajajinagar, Basaveshwara Nagar, and Annapoorneshwari Nagar.
Rajajinagar Co-Operative Bank offers services like savings accounts, current accounts, fixed deposits, recurring deposits, reinvestment deposits, ATM, locker, and others.
Cooperative banks are commercial and retail banking organizations, and mutual banks are financial institutions mainly owned by their members.
The Rajajinagar Co-Operative Bank Contact Number is 08023152073.
The Rajajinagar Co-Operative Bank is located in Rajajinagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560010.
You can contact Rajajinagar Co-Operative Bank customer care through-