Find Ratnagiri District Central Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Ratnagiri District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. was registered on 24th May 1957. However, the bank started working on 5th December of the same year. The opening ceremony of this bank was first held on 5.12.1957 under a great leader and our chairman back then, Shri Ramanlal Saraiya. The bank was first registered for the United Ratnagiri District before the time when the district was split and become Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts. After this division, the Ratnagiri Central Cooperative Bank came into existence on 1st July 1983. The bank got its permit to do banking business by the Reserve Bank of India in 1995. The Ratnagiri District Central Co-operative Bank has always helped the fishery and tourism industries here in Ratnagiri. It has also helped to grow the agricultural workers too.