Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

Find Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.

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Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Do you ever wonder what role does the IFSC code plays? The Indian Financial System Code or IFSC is a vital credential that is provided to you by your branch. Your Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank IFSC Code is a unique identification number consisting of 11 digits and is issued under the guidance of RBI.

As mentioned, the primary role of the IFSC code is the identification of your bank branch. However, it is also mandatory to complete transactions through electronic transaction systems like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. The RBI uses your IFSC code to monitor the transactions made by you to ensure that all of them are completed safely.

MICR code is another important credential that you need to be aware of. You can spot the MICR code on the cheque leaf, and it is used by your bank to process and clear cheque payments. There are many other aspects related to these codes that you need to get acquainted with. Keep reading to learn how to find these codes and use them for transactions.

Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank IFSC Code

Your Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank IFSC Code is an alphanumeric code made up of 11 digits. You can find it on the bank passbook and other bank documents as well. It is the most crucial detail that you will be required to fill in while completing online transactions. This code enables you to make safe and easy paperless transactions.


The IFSC code is in the format CDEF0123456. For instance, Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank Rohtak (Sunaria Chowk) IFSC code is PUNB0HGB001. You can break it down into three parts, where the first four digits (PUNB) represent the name of your bank, the fifth digit is mandatorily a zero, and the last six digits (HGB001) represent the branch code.

The bank uses the coded information to identify payment source and destination. It also aids in interbank communication.

Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank MICR Code

Your Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank MICR Code is a unique nine-digit code, but it has a different function altogether. You can find this code on the cheque leaf. It is printed using the MICR or Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology and is mandatory for identifying and clearing cheque payments.

The nine-digit code has three segments. Here, the MICR code of the Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank Ambala City branch is 133696001. The first three digits (133) indicate the city name and are aligned with the PIN code used for postal addresses. The next three digits (696) represent your bank, and the last three digits (001) represent your branch.

How to Find the IFSC Code & MICR Code of Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank?

The Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank IFSC code and MICR code are essential to complete payments, so it is crucial that you are familiar with all your credentials. There are several ways you can obtain these codes. They are explained below:


Find Your Bank

Find Your Bank is an online webpage that provides a range of banking services. It is among the most convenient ways to find your bank credentials. To find the IFSC and MICR code, you need to visit their website and enter the following details:

  • Name of the bank
  • State
  • District
  • Branch
  • Click ‘Enter’

Once you enter these details and click enter, you will find all the required codes in the results. Find Your Bank has also designed a mobile application that you can easily access anywhere at all times. The mobile app lets you find these codes without any hassle in a matter of a few clicks.

Bank Documents


You can always find your bank credentials easily on the bank documents. You can locate the IFSC and MICR codes on your bank passbook and the cheque book. In the passbook, the codes are printed on the first page. To find these in the cheque book, look for the details mentioned on the cheque leaf.


Your Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank IFSC code and MICR code can be acquired from the official website of the Reserve Bank of India. RBI has an inventory of all the IFSC and MICR codes for the branches of several banks present in India.

Netbanking or Mobile Banking

To obtain these codes from the Netbanking or Mobile banking portal of your bank, simply log in using your credentials. Once you are logged in, surf the available options and select accordingly to obtain the desired code. 

Contact the Bank

If the procedures mentioned here do not work out for you, you can choose to directly approach the customer care unit of your respective bank branch, and they will guide you with further details. 

How to Transfer Money Through NEFT, RTGS & IMPS Processes of Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank?

Electronic fund transfer methods like NEFT, RTGS & IMPS are becoming quite popular as they are convenient and quick compared to traditional methods. You can use these transactions from the comfort of your space using a few details.


Electronic fund transfer methods like NEFT, RTGS & IMPS are becoming quite popular as they are convenient and quick compared to traditional methods. You can use these transactions from the comfort of your space using a few details.

  • Amount of transaction
  • Beneficiary’s bank name
  • Beneficiary’s name
  • Account number of remitter
  • Account number of the beneficiary
  • IFSC Code of the beneficiary’s branch
  • Sender to receiver information, if required

These details will always come in handy to you to carry out various payments via electronic systems.

NEFT or National Electronic Fund Transfer

The National Electronic Fund Transfer or NEFT initiated by the Reserve Bank of India is among the most opted online transaction methods. It works in batch settlements and works on a Deferred Net Settling or the DNS system.

The details of the NEFT service provided by Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank are mentioned ahead:

Timings Available at all times
Charges applicable

Rs 2 up to Rs 10,000/-

Rs 4 above 10,000/- and up to 1 Lakh

Rs 14 above 1 Lakh and up NIL to 2 Lakh

Rs 24 above 2 Lakh

Settlement Batches
Maximum and Minimum limits

No limits on NEFT


GST applicable.

You can complete the NEFT transaction using the Netbanking or Mobile banking service of Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank. Just log in to the desired platform, select the NEFT option and enter the required information. Ensure that you thoroughly and carefully read the terms and conditions. After reviewing, complete the NEFT transaction.


RTGS or Real-Time Gross Settlement is another transaction method that works in settlements on a real-time basis. These transactions are completed at the time of receipt itself and are based on an individual or a gross system. Payment made through RTGS is not revocable and is used mostly for higher amounts.

Timings Bank working hours
Charges applicable

Rs. 20 on 2 Lakhs to 5 Lakhs

Rs. 40 above Rs. 5 Lakh

Settlement Real-time
Minimum and maximum limit

The minimum limit is Rs. 2 lakhs

There is no maximum limit

To use the RTGS service of Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank, simply login to the online banking service. You will be required to fill in the Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank IFSC code and the other credentials mentioned above. Select the option for RTGS fund transfer and put in the information. Before you complete the transaction, read the terms and conditions carefully.

IMPS or Immediate Payment Service

IMPS, an instant electronic payment transfer method that is available throughout the year, even on holidays. It is a good transaction choice as the settlement is instant, and the method is quite convenient. To use the IMPS service, use the net or mobile banking portal of Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank. For IMPS, you will need:

  • MMID or Mobile Money Identifier code 
  • MMID code of the beneficiary
  • Account number of the beneficiary
  • Your mobile number 
  • The AADHAR card number of beneficiary
  • IFSC code of beneficiary’s branch
Timings Available all times
Settlement Instant

Up to Rs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 5

Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 2 Lakhs - Rs. 15

Minimum limit Rs. 1
Maximum limit Rs. 2 Lakhs

Log in to the mobile application of Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank with your bank credentials. Then, select the ‘IMPS’ option from the various fund transfer options available and enter the details required as mentioned above. A passcode is provided to you during the transaction process, and you need to fill it in to complete the transaction.

Once you verify using the passcode, you will receive an affirmation text message along with the transaction number on your respective mobile number. This means that your transaction is completed successfully. You can use this transaction number provided to you to keep a check on the transaction. It will also help you to raise concerns in the future if you face any issues.

In order to receive money through these electronic transfer methods, simply provide the remitter required details of your bank account and branch.

About Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank

Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank is a product of the amalgamation of two regional rural banks, namely Haryana Gramin Bank & Gurgaon Gramin Bank. It came into existence in 2013. Currently, Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank has its head office in Rohtak, Haryana. 


Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank has a broad operation in about 22 Districts of Haryana State, and it has over 650 successfully running branches spread all across Haryana. The bank is dedicated to uplifting the economically backward rural groups with financial needs in order to make them self-reliant and provide better and optimum saving opportunities. 

It provides quality banking services to every section of society and has a customer-centric approach. You can opt for different types of deposit accounts, loan schemes, and other financial services with reasonable interest rates to help you manage funds smartly. Go to the official website of Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank for further in-depth details and inquiries.


1) How can I check Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank?

To check your Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank, you can give a missed call at 18001807777 from your registered contact number. You will get an instant text with the balance. This facility is only valid for current and savings account holders. 

2) How can I fill an account opening form for Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank? 

You can visit the nearest branch of Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank to obtain the Account Opening Form (AOF). Then fill in all the details of the account opener in different sections, including their name, contact number, email address, residential address, and PAN account details.

3) How do I check my SHGB balance online?

If you want to check the balance of your SHGB account online, you must download the SHGB mBanking application. Log in with your registered phone number and enter the bank details to set up. You will be able to view your account balance through the app. 

4) Is Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank safe?

Yes, Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank is entirely safe and secure. It is among the most well-established banks present in Haryana and provides reliable and authentic services. It is monitored by RBI, and hence all your payments and funds are carefully managed. In case of any inconvenience, you can go to the bank branch directly or make a phone call to the customer care number during banking hours.

5) What is the difference between NEFT and RTGS?

RTGS payments have a gross or individual settlement and operate throughout the RTGS working hours on a real-time basis. But NEFT payments are processed in timely batches. These payments are settled in half-hourly batches, usually in the timeframe of 8 a.m to 7 p.m on all bank working days.