Find Sarvodaya Commercial Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank was founded under the chairmanship of Late Shri Motilal Nagindas Maniyar and managing director Late Shri Kantibhai Sombhai Mehta. The bank offers multiple banking services, and to avail of them, you must know the Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank IFSC code.
Currently, the bank has 14 branches and eight premises that it owns. Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank offers all advanced banking facilities to provide a seamless banking experience. The bank has its headquarters in Mehsana.
When we talk about digital or advanced banking services, we must mention three terms- IFSC code, MICR code, and SWIFT code. The IFSC code has made sending money online extremely easy; the MICR codes make cheque clearance a seamless experience, and the SWIFT code is for international wire transfers.
Now let's go ahead and learn about the IFSC and MICR codes of Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank and how to use them.
The IFSC code, also known as the Indian Financial System Code, was introduced by the Reserve Bank of India. The main function of this code is the identification of bank branches. RBI has made a specific format of the IFSC code, and all banks must adhere to it.
In fact, RBI has allotted the IFSC codes to all banks. The code instantly identifies where the bank is located, making sending money easier to any bank. Now let's talk about the pattern of IFSC code.
There are three parts to the codes. The first part has four characters and signifies the bank's name. The central character is zero; this is reserved for future use. The final part has six characters that represent the bank's names.
For example, the Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank Head Office Branch IFSC Code is IBKL0443SCC.
Let's break down the code according to the format-
As you can see, the IFSC code is alphanumeric in nature, i.e., it contains both letters and numbers. NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are the three most important digital money transfer modes. You cannot proceed with any of the fund transfer modes if you don't know the IFSC code of your branch and the recipient's branch.
Therefore, before initiating a transaction, make sure you know the mentioned codes. We'll talk about where you can find the IFSC code of Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank in the coming section so keep reading.
The MICR code is a nine-digit code comprising only numbers. The function of the MICR code is also quite similar to the IFSC code, which is finding bank branches. But we need the MICR code for offline transactions.
The MICR code has three parts, each with its dedicated functions. Let's see how these three parts work. The first part represents the city or the pin code. The second part of the next three numbers represents the bank's name, and the last three parts represent the branch location or city.
For example, the MICR code of the Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank Mahesana branch is 384805001. As per the format, the first three numbers, 384, correspond to the zip code of the city.
The next three numbers, 805, correspond to the bank name, which is Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank. The final three numbers, 001, represent the exact location of the branch. Now let's see where to get the MICR codes of Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank branches.
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Code is mainly for bank usage. The bank requires the code to clear cheques faster. Every bank that participates in the Electronic Clearance System has its unique MICR codes. Like the IFSC code, the MICR code is different for each branch.
You will need the IFSC code every time you make an online transaction; therefore, you must know about the sources where you can get these codes. You can find the IFSC and MICR codes of Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank on multiple platforms. Let's take a look at all of them one by one.
One of the best and most reliable platforms to find the mentioned codes is Find Your Bank. It has records of all national banks' IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes, including the Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank.
Getting these codes through the platform is quite easy. All you need to do is follow the mentioned steps-
Find Your Bank has its Mobile App as well. Downloading it makes securing these codes even easier as it is faster and more convenient. Now let's have a look at the other sources-
The IFSC and MICR code is always printed on the bank's passbook and cheque book. Whenever you need the code of your branch, you can find it in your Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank cheque or passbook.
The bank passbook and cheque book will only give you your branch's IFSC and MICR code. But to send money to others, you will need their branch's codes too. The RBI website has the mentioned codes of all Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank branches.
All you need to do is visit the RBI website, scroll down and click on the IFSC/ MICR code tab. The website will redirect you to a new page; on the search bar, you can select the bank and branch location to get the codes.
The Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank website or mobile app is another reliable platform to get the IFSC and MICR codes of all its branches.
Ring the bank's customer care if you need any help in finding the codes or are unable to get them from the above-mentioned sources. Their customer care team can assist you better in getting the codes of any branch.
NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are the three ways to send money digitally. These three have different limitations, timings, and charges to make money transfers easier for everyone. You can use these modes to transfer money either within your bank or to any third-party bank.
But the recipient's IFSC code is the most important thing while using any of these means. Without this code, your transaction won't proceed. Apart from the IFSC code, you'll need a stable internet connection, a smart device, and other information about the recipient's bank account.
Let's see each mode in detail-
Out of all the fund transfer modes, NEFT is probably the most widely used. Also known as National Electronic Fund Transfer, NEFT is a DNS-based system. It means your money gets deposited in batches.
To send money via NEFT, you'll need the following information-
Amount | Charges |
Up to Rs. 10,000 | Rs. 2.50 + taxes |
Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 | Rs. 5 + taxes |
Rs. 1,00,000 to 2,00,000 | Rs. 15 + taxes |
Above Rs. 2,00,000 | Rs. 25 + taxes |
The Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank NEFT services are available from 8 am to 7 pm on weekdays and 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays.
Real-Time Gross Settlement is for making high-value transactions, so the lowest limit is Rs. 2 lakhs. As the name suggests, your money gets deposited in real-time when you use RTGS.
To make an RTGS transfer, you'll need this information-
Amount | Charges |
Rs. 2,00,000- 5,00,000 | Rs. 25 + taxes |
Above Rs. 5,00,000 | Rs. 51 + taxes |
The Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank RTGS services are available from 10.30 am to 3.30 pm from Monday to Saturday.
IMPS or immediate fund transfer is for making emergency transactions. IMPS is available 24*7, and here is the information you'll need to make an IMPS transaction-
Amount | Charges |
Up to Rs. 10,000 | Rs. 5 + taxes |
Above Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 | Rs. 5 + taxes |
Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank is one of the major Co-Operative banks in India. It has its headquarters in Mehsana, and there are a total of 14 branches. These branches are present in five districts of the state, namely- Mehsana, Ahmedabad, Banaskantha, Patan, and Surat.
The bank provides all necessary banking services to its customers like- savings, recurrent savings, fixed deposits, etc.
Other services you can avail of from the bank are- mobile banking, internet banking, NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, ECS, SMS alert, lockers, debit cards, education loan, house loan, fixed assets loan, gold loan, HP loan, and more.
You can contact the head office of Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank by calling at (02762) 252224, (02762) 231967, or (02762) 231603. You can also email them at [email protected].
Sarvodaya Commercial Co-Operative Bank is a private sector bank.