Sberbank IFSC Code and MICR Code

Find Sberbank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.

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Sberbank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

An IFSC code is a mandate for online transactions in India. The Reserve Bank of India assigns the IFSC code to each bank branch for hassle-free wire transfers. For example, you will need the Sberbank IFSC Code to send money through the bank.

IFSC is a unique code necessary for wire transfers through NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. RBI ensures that the online transaction occurs without any fraud by identifying the correct branch participating in the process.

MICR is different from IFSC as it enables quick processing of cheques. MICR identifies the code printed on cheques and validates them.

This article will talk about Sberbank IFSC Code and MICR code. We will also learn about the various sources to find the correct bank codes and send money online. You will also get to know about the Sberbank.

Sberbank IFSC Code


RBI has introduced a unique coding system to enable error-free wire transfer between two branches of the same bank or two different banks. Each bank is assigned another Indian Financial System Code to identify the branches participating in online money transfers.

IFSC contains 11 characters having alphabets and numbers. For example, the Sberbank Rtgs-ho Delhi branch IFSC Code is SABR0000001.

Here, the first four alphabets SABR represent the bank's name followed by a zero (0). The remaining six digits, 000001, are the branch code. Sberbank has only one branch in India, located in New Delhi.

But why do you need an IFSC code? The IFSC code is critical for transferring money online to a bank account. You need to know the Beneficiary's IFSC code to initiate a transaction through RTGS, NEFT, and IMPS methods.

The IFSC code connects the account number to the respective bank branch without any error. For this, you have to provide the correct IFSC code details while making an online transaction.

Sberbank MICR Code

MICR is a Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology that prints identification codes on cheques. Unlike the Sberbank IFSC Code, MICR Code is not required for wire transfers.

The code validates the cheques and allows quick processing through the Electronic Clearing System. RBI assigns the MICR code to each branch for easy cheque settlements. It has nine digits in three sets each.

The MICR code of Sberbank, New Delhi, is 110720001.

  • 110 – city code (New Delhi)
  • 720 – bank code (Sber bank)
  • 001 – branch code (Ugf, Gopal Das Bhawan)

RBI does not assign MICR to all banks in India except the RRBs or Regional Rural Banks that follow the traditional cheque clearing system.

How to find IFSC Code & MICR Code of Sberbank?


You now know the importance of IFSC and MICR codes in online transfer and cheque processing. But you have to provide the correct branch codes for easy processing. So, how do you find the valid codes?

There are multiple online and offline sources through which you can get the correct code of the specific branch.

Online Search Tools

One of the reliable websites to find the valid Sberbank IFSC Code is Find Yor Bank. It is a user-friendly website that helps you locate the correct codes quickly. You only have to follow the below steps.

  • Visit the home page
  • Fill out the form on the home page using the drop-down option. The page will refresh itself after you fill in each detail.
  • Enter the bank name. Here it is, Sberbank.
  • Next, fill in the state that is New Delhi. Here the city is also the same.
  • Then is the bank branch, that is, Gopal Das Bhawan, New Delhi

That is all! The screen will display the Sberbank IFSC Code, bank address, and contact information. Find Your Bank is a quick and secure website to find the IFSC and MICR codes of multiple Indian banks.

You can also download the Find Your Bank app from your Android Play store for free. It allows you to find the bank codes from any place anytime with an active internet connection.

Cheque Book

Your branch will issue a cheque book to you once you raise a request for it. Your cheque book has IFSC and MICR codes for the branch you have an account. Each cheque has an IFSC code on the top, while you will find MICR code at the bottom.

Bank Passbook

Each bank issues a bank passbook to each customer to track the transactions, both online and offline, in their account. The passbook's first page has almost all the bank branch and account holder details.

It contains your name, address, contact number, email id, and account number. It also mentions your user/ customer ID. The passbook has bank name, branch address, and contact information. It mentions the IFSC and MICR codes of the branch.

Net Banking

Each bank has its website to find the IFSC and MICR codes of a particular branch. You will find the Sberbank IFSC Code on the bank's official website.

RBI Website

RBI is the principal bank that manages the working of all other banks. RBI assigns the IFSC and MICR codes to the banks in India. RBI has a website from where you will find the codes of any bank.

Customer Care

You can contact the bank's customer care center and request the codes if the other options do not work. You can find the customer care number or email id on the bank's website.

How to Transfer Money through NEFT, RTGS & IMPS?


Online banking makes it convenient for you to transfer money from any location with an internet connection. There are different ways which you can use to send cash online. NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are the standard methods for wire transfers.

All the modes require the Beneficiary's Sberbank IFSC Code. Let us look at the details to help you understand the methods.


NEFT is the first choice for the majority of users. It is a reliable and straightforward method that completes transactions in batches. The banks accomplish online cash transactions through National Electronic Funds Transfer in 2-3 hours of batches.

The service is unavailable on holidays, and the bank will settle all requests made on those days on the next working day. NEFT works on a Deferred Net Settlement (DNS) basis.

You can use NEFT by logging into your internet banking account. Sberbank does not have any minimum and maximum limit for the amount you can transfer through NEFT. However, the bank charges some fees per transaction.

  • For cash transfer up to Rs 1 lakh – Rs 5 per transaction
  • For the money transfer between Rs 1 lakh – Rs 2 lakhs – Rs 15
  • For transactions above Rs 2 lakh – Rs 25

All the above charges are inclusive of taxes.

You will need the following information for transaction through NEFT-

  • Your account number
  • Beneficiary's name
  • Beneficiary's account number, IFSC code, and bank name
  • Amount to transfer


RTGS is a safe and quick method for transferring funds online. RBI supports the Real Time Gross Settlement and is suitable for carrying cash transactions above Rs 2 lakhs. The bank processes funds transfer through RTGS in real-time that settles the amount immediately without delay.

RTGS payments have a minimum limit of Rs 2 lakhs, while no maximum limit. Sberbank levies the following charges per transaction.

  • For cash transfer of Rs 2 lakh – Rs 5 lakhs – Rs 25
  • For transactions of above Rs 5 lakhs – Rs 50

The above charges do not include service tax.

You will require the below information for the RTGS transaction.

  • Your account number 
  • Beneficiary name and account number
  • Beneficiary's bank name and IFSC code
  • Amount to transfer

If you do not have a net banking account in Sberbank, you can visit the branch to use NEFT and IMPS services. You can submit a request form to the bank to start your net banking.


The IMPS service transfers funds in real-time quickly and instantly. Immediate Payment Service is faster than NEFT and RTGS. You can access the service through the internet, mobile, SMS, branch, and ATM channels.

IMPS is available 24*7, including bank holidays and Sundays. IMPS does not have a minimum transfer limit, while the maximum limit is Rs 2 lakhs.

You need the below information for IMPS transfer.

  • Your mobile number
  • Amount to transfer
  • Beneficiary's name, bank name, account number, and IFSC code
  • Beneficiary's (mobile money identifier) MMID number for P2P transfer

You can approach your branch to apply for an MMID number.

About Sberbank


The largest financial institution in Russia, Eastern, and central Europe, Sber was established in 1841. The bank has its headquarters in Moscow and is a reliable service provider of financial products.

Sberbank is a state-owned Russian financial service and banking company with more than 14,000 branches across 83 regions in Russia. It serves over 100 million clients across 18 countries.

In 2010, Sberbank got the license to start its operations in New Delhi, India. Its primary objective in India is to allow accessible business for Indo- Russian bilateral trade and maintain the presence of the Sber group here.

Sberbank is India's most significant operational Russian bank, having tie-ups with banks in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and UAE. The bank provides direct settlements in national currencies and financing secured by EXIAR in India.  


1) Is Sberbank a Good Bank?

Yes, Sberbank is considered one of the best banks in Russia Europe for its explicit services to customers for a long time.

2) Can I Transfer Money to Sberbank?

Yes, all Sberbank customers can use the Sberbank website and online app to send money to the bank. You can also send money to Sberbank cards at the MTS offices. For this, you have to specify the recipient's phone number for transferring cash to their Sberbank card.

3) Can I Open a Sberbank Account Online?

Yes, Sberbank offers convenience to the customers by opening their accounts online any day and any time.

4) Is Sberbank the Largest Bank in Russia?

Yes, Sberbank is the largest Russian bank as of November 2021. The bank's assets value was approximately 39 trillion Russian rubles.