Find Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank was founded in 1998 and has five branches in Bangalore, including the head office at #113, R.V.Road, and V.V. Puram. The bank offers various financial services, along with online fund transfers like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. You can use the Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank IFSC Code to send money to an account with the bank.
The IFSC code is a unique code allotted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to facilitate online money transfers between two accounts in the country. Similarly, the MICR code is used to validate electronic cheque deposits.
In this article, let’s know more about the IFSC and MICR codes. We’ll also learn how to find banking online and offline. Lastly, we will read about online funds transfer methods like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.
Indian Financial System Code is a unique 11-character code provided by RBI to every bank branch in the country. By using the IFSC code, you can identify the branch where the receiver’s account is located. This helps the banking system eliminate errors and deposit the money correctly into the beneficiary’s account in less time.
A combination of alphabets and numbers makes up an IFSC code. The first four characters are the bank code, and the fifth character is zero. The remaining six characters are the branch code, which can be alphabets, numbers, or both.
For example, the Souharda Sahakari Bank Head Office Branch IFSC Code is INDB0SSBN01. It is located at V.V.Puram, Bangalore. Here,
But what is the need for an IFSC code? You have to enter the IFSC code of the receiver’s bank to send them money through online methods like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. RBI has developed the IFSC coding system to identify every bank branch in India using its distinct code. This speeds up the online fund transfers and deposits money into the correct account.
How does it affect your online transaction if you enter the wrong IFSC code? It can lead to two results, depending on whether you entered the correct account number or not. If the beneficiary’s account number is correct and both accounts belong to the same branch, the transaction may still be successful.
However, if the account number and the IFSC code are incorrect, the transaction is likely to fail. In such instances, the amount will be credited back to your account in a few business days. Sometimes, the transaction may be successful, but the amount will be sent to the wrong account number you mentioned. You should contact the branch immediately to reverse the transaction.
That’s why it is essential to find out the correct IFSC code of the bank branch before sending money to another account. It saves time and prevents complications.
The Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) code is printed at the bottom of the cheque using MICR technology. The MICR code has nine digits, which are divided into three parts- city code, bank code, and branch code.
But what is the purpose of a MICR code? A MICR code is used to validate the authenticity of the cheque during electronic processing. Banks use ECS (Electronic Clearing System) to clear cheque transactions faster and deposit money in the receiver’s amount in less time.
However, not all bank branches have MICR codes. Some branches are called non-MICR branches and process cheques manually. The MICR code is different from the IFSC code. It is not used by account holders for online transactions. It is only used by the banks for clearing cheques electronically.
By now, you’ve understood the importance of using the correct IFSC code for an online fund transfer. But how can you find it? There are many online and offline ways to find the Souharda Sahakari Bank IFSC Code.
The online methods are useful for senders who want to know the beneficiary bank’s IFSC code. The offline methods are convenient for beneficiaries to find the IFSC code of their bank and share it with the sender. All methods are free to try and just as easy. Let’s check them out in detail.
Online search are simple and easy to use. You can open websites like Find Your Bank and search for the IFSC code, MICR code, and SWIFT code (if applicable) of any bank branch in India. The website is free and reliable. Here’s how to do it:
Open the URL in your browser:
Use the form on the homepage to enter the bank details. The fields have drop-down lists to save time. The webpage will automatically reload after each selection to prevent confusion and narrow down the choices.
The webpage will load the available details about the bank branch. The name, address, and contact information of the branch are provided along with the IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT (if applicable) codes. The SWIFT code is used for international transactions and is not allotted to every bank branch.
Another easy way to use the online search tools is by downloading the free Find Your Bank Mobile App on your smartphone. The app is available on the Play Store for Android users.
The banks provide a passbook to every account holder. It is used to maintain a record of the transactions that happen in your account. The first page of the passbook has important information about the branch and the account holder. It contains:
A chequebook is provided to customers/ account holders who request one at the branch. The first page of the chequebook is similar to that of the passbook and has the IFSC and MICR codes printed on it.
Every cheque also has codes for easy authentication. Cheques are printed with the IFSC code at the top, next to the bank's logo. The MICR code is printed at the bottom beside the cheque number. The MICR code will be the same on every cheque, and the cheque number will change.
The bank’s official website will have the IFSC code listed for all branches. Senders and beneficiaries can access the website and note the IFSC code if you know the branch details.
A final way to find the bank codes is by calling the bank’s customer care department. Senders can also call customer care for the IFSC code. There is no need to share confidential information like passwords or PINs.
Most of us know how convenient it is to make online payments and transactions. Fund transfer methods like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are among the most used processes to initiate a transaction between two domestic bank accounts. Let’s know more about each of the three online money transfer methods.
National Electronic Funds Transfer is a highly popular method to transfer funds online from one account to another anywhere in the country. NEFT uses the DNS (Deferred Net Settlement) system to clear the transactions in batches.
Generally speaking, the transactions are processed once every two hours. Some banks have an hourly clearing system. NEFT can be used 24*7*365 when initiated through net/ mobile banking. An NEFT payment can also be sent from the branch, but only when the bank is open.
There is no minimum or maximum amount for NEFT transactions. You can send any amount per transaction and initiate as many transactions as you want. Each transaction is charged based on the amount sent. The service charges range between Rs. 2.50 and Rs. 25 plus GST.
You need the following information to make an NEFT payment:
Real-Time Gross Settlement is a secure real-time payment used for high-amount transactions. It credits the amount instantly to the beneficiary’s account. People use RTGS to send large amounts in one go and for emergencies. An RTGS payment is irreversible once processed.
An RTGS transaction requires a minimum amount of Rs. 2 lakhs. There is no maximum limit. The service charges are costlier than NEFT and range between Rs. 25 and Rs. 49 plus GST. You can send money through RTGS from your net/ mobile banking account or by visiting the branch. The documentation is the same for NEFT and RTGS transactions.
Immediate Payment Service is an instant fund transfer method that uses the MMID (Mobile Money Identifier) to complete transactions between two bank accounts or the corresponding mobile numbers. Register your mobile number and get the MMID from the branch.
IMPS payments can be initiated through net/ mobile banking, SMS, ATM, or AADHAR. The minimum limit is Re. 1, and the maximum limit is Rs. 2 lakhs. IMPS works 24*7 and requires the following details:
The service charges are determined by the bank, though they cannot exceed Rs. 25 plus GST.
The Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank Niyamitha was founded in 1998 with a motto of service to the common man. The bank has a computerized setup from the initial days and offers seamless services to the account holders.
The bank’s head office is located at #113, R.V.Road, V.V.Puram, Bangalore. It is also known as the administration office. The Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank has another branch at the same address along with four more branches in Bangalore, one each at Bommanahalli, Marathahalli Raghuvanahalli, and Arekere.
The Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank has grown exponentially over the years and continues to provide various financial services to its customers. The bank believes in transparency and has a duly elected board of directors to manage the overall administration.
Monday through Saturday, Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank is open from 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM and 2 PM to 5 PM. The bank is closed on Sundays and every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.
You can contact Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank by calling +91-080-2660 1152 or +91-080-2660 1153. You can also email the bank at [email protected].
The head office of Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank is located at #113, Administrative Office, R.V.Road, V.V.Puram, Bangalore 560 004.
No. Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank doesn’t have its own ATM center but has a tie-up with HDFC Bank. Customers can use HDFC Bank’s ATMs for free debit card transactions.
The Sreenidhi Souharda Sahakari Bank offers mobile banking SMS alerts to customers who register their mobile numbers with the branch. Currently, the bank does not have a mobile app for smartphones.