Find Town Co Operative Bank Sira IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Town Cooperative Bank Limited Sira was first registered under the cooperative societies act on 6th August 1906. It got the license from the Reserve Bank of India to continue their banking business on December 30th, 1987. The bank had started its journey with only 66 members and with a capital of 5,200 INR. Today the bank has a subscribed capital of Rs. 194 crores and 7018 number of regular members. The bank has got Rs, 31.96 crores in various reserves. The bank got its head office at Sira and is currently operating at three places namely Sira, Pavaganda, Huliyar in Tumkur district. The bank has got “A” in statutory Audit.