Find Tripura Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The availability of digital fund transfer modes has made sending money a hassle-free task. The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) code plays a vital role in this regard as it helps in the identification of bank branches. The same purpose is served by the Tripura Gramin Bank IFSC code. ​
As said above, the IFSC code is irreplaceable when it comes to sending money online; otherwise, a fund transfer will be a failure. Moreover, it is crucial that you know the correct IFSC code of the receiver's bank to avoid any discrepancies during the fund transfer.
Like the IFSC code, the MICR code too plays an important role in fund transfers. The central difference between the two is, IFSC code is required during digital fund transfers, while the MICR code is required during cheque clearance. You will learn more about both systems in the following paragraphs.
The Tripura Gramin Bank IFSC code is an eleven-character alphanumeric digit comprising both letters and numbers. The format of the IFSC code goes like this- the first four digits represent the bank's name, the fifth number is zero, and the last six characters stand for the branch location or branch code.
For Instance, the Tripura Gramin Bank Head office Branch IFSC code is UTBI0RRBTGB. Here the first four digits (UTBI) represent your bank name, the fifth digit is a zero (0), and the last six digits (RRBTGB) give the branch code.
The IFSC code is required when you are making online fund transfers via NEFT or RTGS. Without knowing the correct IFSC code, you won't be able to transfer money to the remitter's account. Also, make sure that you're using the correct IFSC code to send money to the correct branch, as each branch comes with its unique IFSC codes.
You can find the Tripura Gramin Bank IFSC code on the Findyourbank website. Here are the steps to find the respective codes-
There are multiple other means to find the Tripura Gramin Bank IFSC code. Let's have a look at them-
Bank passbooks and cheque books are one of the easiest and most reliable sources to find these codes. The IFSC code is usually written at the top of the cheque book and in the middle of the passbook leaves.
The Reserve Bank of India website is another option to source the IFSC code. The Reserve Bank of India keeps the IFSC code of each bank. Hence, it is a trustworthy site to collect the code.
You can find the mentioned code on the TGB bank's official website and also through its mobile app. You can call the TGB bank customer care service as well to enquire about the IFSC code.
Tripura Gramin Bank's customer care number is- 18001033470.
NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS fund transfer methods have made sending money quite easy and quick. You can use these fund transfer services to send money within Tripura bank branches and to other bank branches as well.
National Electronic Fund Transfer is a DNS system which means funds are transferred in different batches. To use the NEFT transfer mode, you will need-
RTGS fund transfer method is used when you have to make high-value fund transfers. The data required for RTGS fund transfer is the same as NEFT.
IMPS is used to make instant fund transfers. To send money via IMPS, you will need-
The charges for IMPS fund transfer of TGB is as follows-
Amount | Charges |
Upto Rs. 25,000 | Rs. 6 per transaction |
Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 1 lakh | Rs. 12 per transaction |
Above Rs. 1 lakh | Rs. 20 per transaction |
Tripura Gramin Bank was established on 21 December 1976, under the Regional Rural Banks Act 1976. TGB bank is owned by the Government of India and is sponsored by the Punjab National Bank. Currently, the Tripura Gramin Bank has 154 operating branches in eight districts of Tripura.
The TGB bank has three regional offices located in Agartala (West Tripura), Udaipur (South Tripura), and in Kailashahar (North Tripura). The head office of TGB bank is located in Agartala.
You can check your Tripura Gramin Bank account balance by calling the toll-free number 03812300325. The call will automatically be disconnected after two or three rings, and immediately after that, you will receive an SMS showing the account balance.
You can register for Tripura mobile banking by visiting your nearest branch. You will have to fill up the mobile banking form and submit the required documents. After successful submission, you will be registered for mobile banking.
You can change your mobile number in TGB bank by following these steps-