Find Utkarsh Small Finance Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Utkarsh Small Bank IFSC code is one of the vital aspects of its net banking procedure. As we all know, online fund transfer processes like NEFT or RTGS are incomplete without the IFSC code as it helps to locate the branches anywhere across India.
In the time of fast processing, people tend to prefer online banking a lot more than the traditional way. Hence, the Reserve Bank of India issues the system of online fund transfers like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS to fasten the process of fund transfer.
If you want to know in detail about IFSC, MICR codes, and different transfer methods of Utkarsh Small Finance Bank, keep reading this article. You'll get to know everything about the same throughout the write-up in a detailed manner.
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank IFSC code is an eleven-digit character containing both numbers and characters. The IFSC code can be divided into three parts. The first part has four characters that represent the bank, the middle character is zero, and the remaining six numbers represent the branch.
For example, the Utkarsh Bank Bihar Bhojpur Arrah branch IFSC Code is UTKS0001356. Here the first four letters UTKS corresponds to the bank name, 0 is the fifth character, and the last six numbers 001356 stands for the Arrah branch.
You will need the Utkarsh Bank IFSC Code while sending money via NEFT or RTGS. The IFSC code locates any branch of the bank immediately and initiates a fast fund transfer anywhere within the country.
Like the IFSC code, the MICR code plays a crucial role in online fund transfers. The purpose of the MICR code too is to identify bank location, but it is mainly for paper-based documents like cheques.
MICR codes are printed using a unique magnetic ink technology which helps in faster clearance of cheques. Utkarsh Bank MICR code is a nine-digit numeric code, and it is different for every branch. The MICR code of Utkarsh Bank Badakumari branch is 752762002.
The MICR code is needed at the time of cheque clearance to identify the authenticity of it, and you can find it on cheque leaves and in the passbook as well.
You can easily find the Utkarsh Small Finance Bank IFSC code and the MICR code through the website and mobile app. It is the most convenient way to find these codes on both platforms. All you have to do is-
You can find these codes via other sources as well. Let's find out about them too-
The Utkarsh Bank's online banking platforms like its website and mobile app will help you find these codes easily.
The IFSC and MICR codes are printed in the bank's passbook and cheque book. You will find them either at the top or in the middle of the cheque book or passbook leaves.
The Reserve Bank of India website has the IFSC and MICR codes of every bank. Hence, it is a reliable source to find Utkarsh Small Finance Bank IFSC code and MICR code there.
The Utkarsh Bank customer care is another easy and convenient source to get the respective codes. You can simply call them and enquire about the codes, and they will definitely help you find the same.
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank offers easy money transfers via NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. Let's see each process individually and learn about its limitations and charges.
NEFT is one of the most popular online fund transfer modes. To send money via NEFT, you will need-
Amount |
Charges |
Upto Rs. 10,000 |
Rs. 2.5 per transaction |
Rs. 10000 to Rs. 1 lakhs |
Rs. 5 per transaction |
Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakhs |
Rs. 15 per transaction |
Rs. 2 lakhs and above |
Rs. 50 per transaction |
You need the same documents as NEFT to send money via RTGS. This fund transfer mode is basically for sending higher amounts, and its minimum transfer limit starts from Rs. 2 lakhs.
Amount |
Charges |
Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs |
Rs. 25 per transaction |
Above Rs. 5 lakhs |
Rs. 50 per transaction |
To send money via IMPS, you will need-
Amount |
Charges |
Upto Rs. 1 lakh |
Rs. 5 per transaction |
Rs. 100001 to Rs. 2 lakhs |
Rs. 15 per transaction |
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank started in the year 2008, and the bank offers various bank account services like a savings account, mortgages, investment, deposits, insurance, etc. The bank currently has 590 branches across 20 states in India.
You have to submit the following documents to open an account in Utkarsh Small Finance Bank-
Any Indian citizen living in India can open an account in Utkarsh Small Finance Bank. Utkarsh Bank savings account interest rates are as follows-
Balance |
Interest Rates |
Upto Rs. 1 lakh |
5% p.a |
Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 25 lakhs |
6% p.a |
Above Rs. 25 lakhs |
7.25% p.a |
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank is not a government bank. It is categorized as a non-govt financial institution.
Yes, the Utkarsh Small Finance Bank IFSC code is necessary for online fund transfers like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.
You can find the Utkarsh Bank IFSC code on the bank's website and mobile app, in the passbook, and also on website.