Visakhapatnam Co Operative Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Visakhapatnam Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank is one of the renowned multi-state cooperative banks in India. Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank was established in 1916 and had been delivering all banking services to its customers. The Visakhapatnam Cooperative IFSC code plays a major role in this case. 

There are a total of 50 Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank branches in India, with headquarters in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The Bank offers all types of digital banking facilities like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. 

The IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes play a very important role in this regard. We use the IFSC code for digital payments. The MICR is used for cheque clearance, and the SWIFT code is used for any online international fund transfers. 

If you want to learn more about VCBL IFSC code and MICR code, keep reading this article till the end. 

Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank (VCBL) IFSC Code


IFSC or the Indian Financial System Code is a unique elven character code we use during digital fund transfer. This code is different for every bank branch, and it was introduced by the Reserve Bank of India. 

The IFSC code is alphanumeric in nature. We can divide it into three parts. Here is a breakdown of how the IFSC code operates- 

  • The first four characters of the code are for the bank name. 
  • The central character is zero. It is reserved for future use. 
  • The last six characters correspond to the branch name/location.

The Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank IFSC code also falls under the same format. For example, the Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank Visakhapatnam branch IFSC Code is IBKL0031VCB. The first four letters here are for the bank name. 

Going by the standard structure, the central character is zero. The final six numbers represent the branch name. The Indian banking system has seen rapid digitization in the last few years, which is why people nowadays prefer online fund transfers. 

The IFSC code plays a major role in all types of digital fund transfers like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. It identifies the receiver's branch instantly, making sending money hassle-free. 

There are different IFSC codes for all branches of Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank, so make sure you check the correct one while making any online fund transfers. 

Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank (VCBL) MICR Code

The MICR code is another banking code that plays an important role in fund transfer. But you will need the MICR code only when you are making cheque payments. The MICR code is known as the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Code. 

Like the IFSC code, the MICR code is different for every bank branch. MICR code is a nine-digit code with numerics only. We can also divide the MICR code into three parts. All three parts have different functions. 

The first part of the MICR code symbolizes the city name, the second part is for the Bank's name, and the third part is for the location name. The unique magnetic ink used to print MICR code helps in faster cheque clearance. 

The MICR code of Visakhapatnam Bank, Visakhapatnam branch is 530469002. The first part of the code, 530, is for the city name. The middle part, 469, is for the Bank's name and the last part, 002, is for the location. 

How to Find the MICR Code and IFSC Code of Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank?


You can't proceed with any online or cheque payment without knowing the VCBL IFSC code and MICR code. If you're wondering where to get these codes from, don't worry. There are various means through which you can get the Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank IFSC code. 

The easiest means to acquire these codes are the Find Your Bank website and mobile app. Find Your Bank is a reliable source that has records of the IFSC codes of all banks, including VCBL bank. 

To get the VCBL IFSC and MICR code from the Find Your Bank website, you have to- 

  • Either download the Find Your Bank mobile app or visit the website by clicking here
  • Next, select these tabs- 
  • Bank name
  • Branch name 
  • District
  • State name.

Once you select these tabs, the IFSC and MICR codes of your desired Bank will appear on the screen. Apart from Find Your Bank, there are other sources to access the mentioned codes. Let's have a look at them as well- 

Bank Documents (Passbook and Cheque Book)

Bank documents like passbooks and Cheque books are authentic sources to get your VCBL IFSC and MICR code. You will get a passbook and chequebook if you have an account in the Visakhapatnam bank; hence, you can look for these codes there. 

Reserve Bank of India Website

The Reserve Bank of India initiated the system of IFSC code; hence you can find these codes on their website too. Just search for your branch name along with other required details, and the IFSC and MICR code will be on the screen. 

Visakhapatnam Bank Netbanking Sources

There is another source to find the Visakhapatnam bank MICR and IFSC code. You can look for the IFSC code of any Visakhapatnam bank on their website and in their mobile banking app, as well.

Bank Customer Support Team 

Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank comes with a supportive customer care team who is ready to answer all questions at any time of the day. If you find any difficulty in finding the codes, ask the customer care team for help. 

How to Transfer Money Through NEFT, RTGS, IMPS? 


NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are the most common online fund transfer methods we use on a daily basis. These have made sending money effortless and fast. All you need is your device, an internet connection, and the receiver's details to send money via any of these means. 

The IFSC code is mandatory in any of these methods, so make sure you know the remitter's IFSC code. There are different charges, timings, and limitations for NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS of Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank, so let's have a look at them- 


National Electronic Fund Transfer is the most frequently used fund transfer method. It is available 24*7, and there is no upper or lower limit for sending money via NEFT. 

To use the NEFT method, you will need- 

  • Receiver's name
  • Receiver's account number
  • IFSC code
  • Beneficiary bank name
  • Branch name 
  • The amount you are going to transfer 

Here are the NEFT charges of Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank- 

Amount Charges
Up to Rs. 1 lakh No charges
Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh Rs. 15+GST



Real-Time Gross Settlement is another mode of digital fund transfer that you can use to make high-value fund transfers. The minimum amount of RTGS is Rs. 2 lakhs. You will need the following details to send money via RTGS- 

  • Receiver's name
  • Receiver's account number
  • IFSC code
  • Beneficiary bank name
  • Branch name 
  • The amount you are going to transfer

Here are the RTGS charges of Visakhapatnam Bank- 

Amount Charges
Up to Rs. 2 lakh No charges
From Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs Rs. 15+ GST
Above 5 lakh Rs. 25+ GST



IMPS or Immediate Payment Service is for sending emergency funds. IMPS services are available round the clock, so you should not have any problem sending money at any time of the day. 

To send money via IMPS, you'll need- 

  • Beneficiary's name 
  • Beneficiary's MMID code (for transfer from person to person)
  • The IFSC code of the receiver's branch (for transfer from a person to an account)
  • Beneficiary mobile number 
  • Beneficiary account number

About Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank 


Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank was initiated by a few patriots, namely- Sri Balijepalli Ramakrishan Sastry, Sri Sripathi Bhadrayya Pantulu, Sri Bhamidipati Thammayya Sastry, Sri Vepa Kamesam Pantulu, Sri Pandangri Narasingarao Pantulu, Sri Akella Suryanarayana, and a few more. 

Sri Polla Rama Rao led the Bank for 40 years till 1983. In 1983 Sri Manam Anjaneyulu took over as the chairman of Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank and continued as the same for 30 years. 

The Bank has more than 50 branches all over Andhra Pradesh and has been offering dynamic banking services for over 106 years. The primary goal of the Bank is to provide easy finance and cost-effective banking services to its customers. 

By providing cooperative and innovative banking services to its customers, the Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank has become one of the most advanced banks in the country. 


1) How many Branches are there for Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank?

There are over 50 branches of Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank. 

2) Is a Cooperative Bank a Nationalised Bank? 

Cooperative Banks are owned by cooperative societies but are established under the Government of India By the Act of Parliament. 

3) What is VCBL?

VCBL is the acronym for Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank.