Find Vyavsayik Evam Audhyogik Sahakari Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Registrar Co-operative Society registered the Vyavsayik Evam Audhyogik Sahakari Bank Limited on 15th December 1971. It started functioning from 5th May 1973. The bank has two branches and a head office at Sadar Bazar, Madhya Pradesh. The area in which the bank operates has a large portion of people who falls in the lower-income category. That's why the core focus of the bank is to help the people to educate them about banking facilities, build a habit of savings and uplift their standard of living. The bank individually takes care of every customer and resolves their problems. The bank provides all kind of banking facilities like saving deposits, current deposits, fixed deposits, etc. All accounts of the banks are computerized. Thus, the bank provides faster service to its customers.