Wardha Nagari Sahakari Adhikosh Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Wardha Nagari Sahakari Adhikosh Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Well, Wardha Nagari Sahakari Adikosh Bank MYDT started its business on 4th July 1969. Sri Joglekarji began to the journey of this bank. Wardha District was the area of the operation of this bank. The primary purpose of this bank was to assemble resources from the public so that it can take care of the credit need of the common man. Apart from the common man, it also took care of the small entrepreneurs, traders, self-employed and professional people. Let us take a note at the services that Wardha Nagari Sahakari Adikosh Bank MYDT offers. 1. SMS Facility- You will get the SMS facility with this bank. 2. RTGS services- Also, you can enjoy the RTGS service with the help of this bank. 3. ATM facility- The ATM facility of this bank is also up to the mark.