Find Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The IFSC code was introduced by the Reserve Bank of India to facilitate electronic fund transfers in India. It is a unique combination of alphanumeric codes that identify each branch of a bank. The APGVB IFSC code is also allotted by the Reserve Bank of India for the same purpose.
On the other hand, the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) code is used for faster cheque clearance. Unlike the IFSC code, which has both alphabets and numbers, the MICR code consists of numbers alone.
Both the codes differ from each other in terms of their functioning as well. While the IFSC code is used for digital fund transfers, the MICR code is used for cheque clearance. You'll get to know more about both these codes and also about different funds transfer methods like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS throughout this guide.
The APGVB IFSC code is an eleven-character alphanumeric code including both numbers and letters. Each branch of the Andhra Pradesh Grameena bank has unique IFSC codes, which helps in the identification of each branch.
Going by the RBI format, the first four letters of the APGVB IFSC code represent the bank name, the fifth character is zero, and the concluding six numbers correspond to the branch name.
The APGVB Bank, Chintoor branch IFSC code is APGV0004111. As you can see in the initial four letters, APGVB symbolizes the Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank, the fifth digit is zero, and the last six characters, 004111, represent the Chintoor branch.
IFSC code is a must when you make online fund transfers via NEFT or RTGS. Without entering the remitter's IFSC code, your transaction won't be successful.
The MICR code is a nine-digit code containing numbers only, which is printed using magnetic ink technology. The MICR code or also called the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition code is used during cheque clearance and also to locate bank branches.
The MICR code identifies branches that have the Electronic Clearing System (ECS) facility. The nine-digit MICR code can be broken down into three parts- the first three numbers represent the city or place of the branch, the following three numbers stand for the bank, and the remaining three numbers symbolize the bank routing number.
The MICR code of the APGVB Allipuram branch is 530806003. As you can see, the MICR code has only numbers and no letters. You will need this code during cheque processing. The MICR codes are printed using a unique font and magnetic ink to prevent any fraudulent transactions.
You can find the APGVB IFSC code and MICR code through the Find Your Bank website and mobile app. Finding these codes on the find your bank website and mobile app is easy as it contains information regarding all bank's IFSC and MICR codes.
Follow the below-mentioned steps to get the aforementioned codes-
Here are a few other means to find APGVB IFSC code and MICR code-
The bank passbook and chequebook are easy sources to find the IFSC code and MICR codes. The IFSC code is generally printed in the middle of the passbook, and the MICR code is found at the bottom of the chequebook.
The Reserve Bank of India website contains data regarding the IFSC and MICR codes of all Indian bank branches. Hence, you will find APGVB IFSC codes there as well.
Andhra Pradesh Gremeena bank has its own digital platforms like its mobile app and website, which is yet another means to get these codes.
One of the easiest ways to source the IFSC codes and MICR codes is by contacting the bank's customer care service. The APGVB's customer care number is- 18004251515.
Online fund transfer modes like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS have made sending money seamless. Let's have a look at these modes and see their specifications-
To send money via NEFT, you will need-
Amount | Charges |
Upto Rs. 1,00,000 | Rs. 2.5+ GST |
Upto Rs. 1 lakh | Rs. 5+ GST |
Rs.1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakhs | Rs. 15+ GST |
Above Rs. 2 lakhs | Rs. 25+ GST |
The RTGS payment method is used primarily when you have to make high-value fund transfers. You will need the same details for the RTGS fund transfer as NEFT. The charges of RTGS are mentioned here-
Amount | Charges |
Rs.2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs | Rs. 30+ GST |
Above Rs. 5 lakhs | Rs. 60+ GST |
IMPS fund transfer mode is for instant fund transfers. To send money via IMPS, you will need-
Amount | Charges |
Upto Rs. 1 lakh | Rs. 6+ GST |
From Rs. 100001 to Rs. 2 Lakhs | Rs. 18+ GST |
Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank was established in the year 2006 as a regional rural bank with its headquarters in Warangal. The formation was sponsored by the State Bank of India with an amalgamation of five other rural banks to uplift the farm sector and non-farm sector. The bank is under the ownership of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
APGVB bank currently has 771 branches and 1526 bank Mitra points, and it is one of the leading rural banks in the Telangana state. Out of the 771 branches, 62% branches are located in rural areas.
You can activate APGVB mobile banking by contacting the bank customer care and following the instructions they provide. You can also visit your nearest Andhra Pradesh Grameena bank branch and submit the channel access request form and submit it after duly filling it.
You can create your own UPI pin when you link your APGVB account for UPI payments.
You can get your APGVB mini statement by giving a missed call on 9289222024.
Follow the steps to log into APGVB net banking-
To open an Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank account, you will have to-