Aryavart Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Aryavart Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

The IFSC code, short form for ‘Indian Financial System Code,’ is an alphanumeric code consisting of 11 digits. It is issued by the Reserve Bank of India to track the origination and destination of transactions. Similarly, your Aryavart Bank IFSC Code is the unique code assigned to you by the bank under the guidance of RBI.

In the era of digital payments, online transfers involving IFSC code are fast and secure at the same time. It facilitates interbank communication. All electronic transaction systems use the IFSC codes specifically for surveillance of the branches involved. Hence there is no chance of fraudulent activity. Without the IFSC code, the remitter and the bank would stand at risk during transfers.

MICR code is another special code used for the processing and clearance of cheques. These codes are essential to redeem certain banking services and complete them successfully and safely. This article will further give you an insight on how these codes work and how to obtain them, so continue reading.

Aryavart Bank IFSC Code

The Aryavart Bank IFSC code represents your branch with the bank. Nowadays, IFSC code is necessary to complete money transfers through NEFT, RTGS or IMPS, and other automated payments services as well. The IFSC code is usually in the format “ABCD0456789” where the initial four letters represent the name of the bank, the fifth digit is zero, and the following six characters give you the branch code.

Aryavart Bank IFSC Code

In the case of Aryavart Bank, the IFSC code is “BKID0ARYAGB," and it is applicable for all the branches of the bank. For electronic payments, you will need this code and the respective IFSC code of the beneficiary’s bank. It will help in monitoring the transaction and taking quick actions in case of any inconvenience. The code will also help in routing communication between the banks.

Aryavart Bank MICR Code

The MICR technology or Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology is used to print the MICR code on the cheque book. These codes are read to process and clear transactions done through cheques.

The code has 9 digits. The initial 3 digits give you the city, aligned with the PIN code used for postal addresses. The next 3 digits indicate the bank, and the 3 digits at the end depict the branch code. Your MICR code can be found on the bottom of the cheque leaf, printed next to the cheque number.

How to Find the IFSC code and MICR Code of Aryavart Bank?

You will always require the IFSC and MICR codes of your branch to complete transactions successfully. These codes are also crucial as they indicate where the payment has stemmed from and its destination. RBI uses these to keep a check on the transactions to prevent deceitful activities.

How to Find the IFSC code and MICR Code of Aryavart Bank

Ways to find your Aryavart Bank IFSC code and MICR code-

Find Your Bank

Find Your Bank is an initiative in the form of an online website that provides you with several services related to banking. This website can help you find the IFSC and MICR codes very easily. To find the codes, you have to:

  1. Visit their official website:
  2. Fill in the following details from the drop-down option on the site-
  • Name of the bank
  • State
  • District
  • Branch

When you’re done filling up the details, you will be given the codes in just a click. For easier services, Find Your Bank has also launched a mobile application where you can find your IFSC and MICR codes in seconds.

Passbook and Cheque Book

Your Aryavart Bank IFSC code and MICR code can be found on the bank Passbook and Cheque book. They are always printed on the bottom or top of the first page of your passbook or the cheque leaf.

Reserve Bank of India

You can also checkout the official website of RBI to obtain these codes. RBI stores the codes for all the approved banks based in India.

Netbanking or Mobile banking

The Netbanking portal and Mobile banking application can also be used to find your Aryavart Bank IFSC and MICR code. Just log in to the Netbanking portal and Mobile banking application using your credentials. If none of the above options work out for you, you can approach the customer care number of your bank and ask for guidance.

How to Transfer Money Through Aryavart Bank NEFT, RTGS & IMPS Processes?

How to Transfer Money Through Aryavart Bank NEFT, RTGS & IMPS Processes?

Aryavart Bank NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are online transaction services that you can easily use to send or receive money successfully. Aryavart Bank IFSC code aids in these processes. To complete a transaction through these methods, you will require the following details:

  1. The amount of transaction
  2. Bank designation of the beneficiary
  3. Name of the beneficiary
  4. Account number of the remitter
  5. Account number of the beneficiary
  6. IFSC Code of the beneficiary’s branch
  7. Sender to receiver information, if applicable

NEFT or National Electronic Fund Transfer

NEFT, short for National Electronic Fund Transfer, is an online interbank transaction method developed by the Reserve Bank of India to make transactions fast and easy. It works on batch settlements and follows a DNS or Deferred Net Settling system.


09:15 AM - 03:45 PM on weekdays

09:15 AM - 11:45 AM on Saturday

Subject to change


Rs.2.50 on transactions up to the amount- Rs.10,000

Rs. 5 on transactions above Rs. 10,000 and up to the amount- Rs. 1 lakh

Rs. 15 on transactions ranging from 1 lakh to 2lakhs

Rs. 25 per transaction above Rs. 2 lakhs



Maximum and Minimum limits No minimum or maximum limits imposed

GST applicable

RTGS or Real-Time Gross Settlement

This payment service settles transactions in real-time and on a gross or individual system. Payments made through this method are not reversible, and it opted for higher amounts.


09:15 AM - 03:45 PM on weekdays

09:15 AM - 11:45 AM on Saturday

Subject to change


No charges below Rs. 2 lakhs

Rs. 30 on Transactions from Rs. 2 lakhs- Rs. 5 lakhs.

Rs. 50 on transactions above Rs. 5 lakhs.



Minimum and maximum limit

Minimum limit- Rs. 2 lakhs

No maximum limit


To use Aryavart Bank NEFT and RTGS services, go to their online banking platform, log in with your credentials and select the desired fund transfer option. Fill in the required details and then initiate the transaction. Before completing the transaction, make sure to read the terms and conditions carefully.

IMPS or Immediate Payment Service

It is an instant transaction service and is accessible throughout the year at all times. You can carry out the transfer using the internet or mobile banking service of Aryavart Bank. For a successful IMPS transaction, you will need to have the following credentials:

  • MMID code
  • Beneficiary’s MMID code
  • Account number of beneficiary
  • Your mobile number
  • Beneficiary’s AADHAR number
  • IFSC code of beneficiary’s bank
Timings Available at any time

Rs. 2.60 on transactions up to the amount- Rs. 10,000

Rs. 5.20 from Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 50,000

Rs. 5.20 from Rs. 50,000 to 1 Lakh

Rs. 14.80 from Rs. 1 Lakh to 2 Lakhs

Settlement Instant, Real-time


You can also receive money through the IMPS service and other online payments by providing the remitter required details.

About Aryavart Bank

Aryavart Bank is a Regional Rural Bank (RRB), and it was established in the year 2019. It is an amalgamation of two RRBs, namely Gramin Bank of Aryavart and Allahabad UP Gramin Bank, carried out as per the Government of India Gazette notification No. 338, dated 25-01-2019. Aryavart Bank has its head office located in the city of Lucknow, and it is sponsored by the Bank of India.

About Aryavart Bank

It is currently operating in 26 districts of the state of Uttar Pradesh along with a network of 1367 Branches & 22 Regional Offices. Aryavart Bank is a reliable, customer-centric bank offering several successful services for its customers. It has a range of schemes available for the betterment of people around the state.

Aryavart Bank offers the following deposit accounts-

Saving deposits:

Regular Savings Account

Eligibility: Resident Individuals of India as specified by the RBI guidelines.

Formal documents required: Identification proof and address proof along with passport size photograph.

Current Account

Eligibility: Individuals or joint associations, firms, private and public companies, societies, trusts, or as specified by RBI guidelines.

Contact branch for information regarding documents and charges. (Subject to change)

The bank also provides other services like term deposits, loan schemes, etc. Go to the website of Aryavart Bank or contact your branch for more details on other services, charges applicable, etc.


1) Is Aryavart Bank safe?

Yes, it is completely safe, and all the activities are monitored by RBI; hence you can be assured that their services are safe and secured. You can contact or approach the bank anytime for transaction-related details.

2) What is the purpose of the Aryavart Bank IFSC code?

Your Aryavart Bank IFSC Code helps in distinguishing your branch. At the same time, it is also necessary for initiating and completing online fund transfers through different services like NEFT, RTGS, etc. It also aids in keeping track of the payments made by you, as RBI uses these codes to monitor transactions.

3) Is internet banking with Aryavart Bank?

Aryavart Bank provides its customers with a safe internet banking portal and assures that the transactions are completely safe. It runs on the guidelines issued by RBI and abides by the industry-accepted security services, along with a multi-level authentication process that verifies your identity when you log in to your internet banking account.

4) What happens if I forget the login password?

You can go to the internet banking portal of Aryavart Bank, and when you are logging in, click on the 'Retrieve password' option present and fill in the required information. You will then be provided further instructions to generate a new password. If you are availing the net banking for the first time, contact the base branch for details on net banking.

5) What if I have further queries regarding Aryavart Bank?

In case of any query, you can contact the NEFT RTGS cell of Aryavart Bank on the number: 91-7388800601 on all working days between the period 10:00 am to 07:30 pm or even write a mail at the bank email address - [email protected].