Find Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Indian Financial System Code or IFSC is an eleven-digit alphanumeric code that is distributed by the Reserve Bank of India as an identification code to every branch of a bank based in India. Your Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code is also a unique identification code assigned to your bank branch.
The IFSC code facilitates multiple online fund transfer methods and ensures that all your transactions are completely secured. The primary function of this code is identification, but it is also vital for acknowledging the origin and destination branch of a transaction and routing interbank communication throughout the time. IFSC code is significant for various banking purposes as well.
The MICR code printed on the cheque leaf is another crucial code used for processing and verifying cheques. Your bank issues this code. If you want further information on all related aspects and learn how to find and use them in transactions, refer to this article.
Your Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code enables you to complete successful and secured transactions through offline or electronic payment methods. The IFSC code is also compulsory for electronic payment methods like NEFT, RTGS or IMPS, etc. RBI uses this code to monitor and track every transaction to avoid any inconvenience or fraudulent activities during the process.
The code is always in the format' ABCD0123456.' For Instance the Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank, Sikaria branch, IFSC code is 'PUNB0MBGB06.' Here, the first four letters (PUNB) indicate the bank's name, the fifth digit is always a zero, and the following six characters (MBGB06) represent the branch code.
MICR code is another distinct code that is printed on the cheque leaf using the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology or the MICR technology. It is used for the identification and clearance of cheque payments. The MICR code can be easily found on the cheque leaf. It is printed on the bottom next to the cheque number.
It's a nine-digit code, and for the Samastipur branch of Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank, the MICR code is 848834002. The first three digits (848) represent the city name and are aligned with the PIN code used for postal addresses in India. The next three digits (834) indicate the bank name, while the last three digits (002) represent your branch.
Your Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC and MICR code is crucial for enjoying a seamless banking experience. If you are wondering how to obtain these codes, follow the simple procedures mentioned below:
Find Your Bank is an online website that dispenses several banking services. It is among the most convenient ways to get a hold of your bank credentials. To obtain your IFSC and MICR code, you need to go to their official website: and enter the following required details-
Once you fill in the details, click enter to complete the entire procedure. In just a moment, you will be provided with the required codes. Find My Bank has also created a smart mobile application that can be downloaded and accessed anywhere. The mobile application makes it even simpler for you to redeem their services.
You can always find your bank credentials on the bank documents provided to you. The IFSC and MICR codes are printed on the bank passbook as well as the cheque book. You can find the codes on the first page of your passbook or among the details mentioned in your cheque leaf.
You can obtain your Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code and MICR code from the official website of RBI or the Reserve Bank of India. RBI stores all the IFSC and MICR codes for the bank branches present in India.
To get your codes from net banking or mobile banking, simply log in to the net banking or mobile banking portal along with the required bank credentials. Once you log in, you can surf through the available options and select the most appropriate ones to find your credentials.
If, due to any reason, these above-said procedures do not work out for you or you face any inconvenience, kindly approach the customer care of your respective bank or branch. They will guide you completely. You can also visit your branch and inquire in person.
NEFT, RTGS & IMPS are electronic fund transfer methods that let you complete transactions in a very convenient and effortless manner. They also enable you to send or receive money from the comfort of your homes without any hassle.
Your Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code is essential to successfully complete these transactions. Along with the IFSC code, you will require:
Using all these details, you can complete an electronic fund transaction without approaching your bank in person.
The National Electronic Fund Transfer or NEFT, developed by the Reserve Bank of India, is the most utilized form of electronic payment method. This fund transfer method works in settlements of batches and works on a DNS or Deferred Net Settling system. The details of the NEFT service of Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank are mentioned ahead.
Timings | Available round the clock |
Available round the clock |
Rs 2.50 for transactions up to Rs 10,000 Rs 5 for transactions above Rs 10,000 & up to Rs 1 Lakh Rs 15 for transactions above Rs 1 lakh and up to Rs 2 Lakh Rs 25 for payments above 2 Lakhs Charges may vary |
Settlement | Batch type |
Maximum and Minimum limits | No limits imposed |
GST applicable.
NEFT payments can be made through the Netbanking or Mobile banking service of Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank. All a user have to do here is to log in to the desired platform, look for the NEFT payment option, add a beneficiary, and enter the required details as mentioned above. Keep in mind to read the terms and conditions. After reviewing everything, complete the transaction.
RTGS or Real-Time Gross Settlement is an electronic payment method that settles the transactions on a real-time basis; that is, transactions are completed at the time of receipt itself. It is based on a gross or an individual system. Payments that are made through RTGS are not reversible, and it is used mostly for higher amounts.
Timings | Bank working hours |
Charges applicable | Contact the bank for precise details |
Settlement | Real-time |
Minimum and maximum limit |
The minimum limit is Rs. 2 lakhs There is no maximum limit |
To use the RTGS service of Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank, you need to log in to the online banking service of Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank with your credentials. You will require Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code and other details, as mentioned earlier.
Go to the RTGS fund transfer option and fill in all the details. Before you complete the transaction, read the terms and conditions carefully.
IMPS is a fast or immediate electronic fund transfer method that is available throughout the year, even on holidays. This payment method is widely opted by people for its instant settlement service. To redeem the IMPS service of Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank, you need to use their internet or mobile banking service. Make sure that you have all these vital credentials at the time.
Timings | Available all times |
Settlement | Instant |
Charges |
Rs. 5 up to Rs. 1 Lakh Rs. 15 on Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 2 Lakhs *Charges may vary |
Minimum limit | Rs. 1 |
Maximum limit | Rs. 2 Lakhs |
To complete an IMPS payment, go to the mobile banking service of Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank. Log in with your provided bank credentials and select the ‘IMPS’ option from all the fund transfer options available on the menu. Then, enter the required details for IMPS as mentioned above. You will be given a passcode that you need to fill in, in order to verify the transaction.
Once you verify using the passcode, you will receive an affirmation text message along with the transaction number on your registered mobile number. This indicates that your payment has been completed successfully.
You can use the transaction number provided to you in order to keep track of the transaction and to raise concerns in the future in case you face any inconvenience. In order to receive money through these methods, provide the remitter with all the required details.
Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank is a renowned regional rural bank based in the state of Bihar. The bank was formed by the amalgamation of two regional rural banks of Bihar, namely, Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank (MBGB) & Bihar Gramin Bank (BGB) through a notification in the year 2018. Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank is a customer-centric bank dedicated to uplifting all fractions of society.
The bank is spread across 20 districts of Bihar and is renowned for its reliability and quality banking services catering to each and every need of the customer. They provide secure technology-savvy services for their customers at affordable rates for inclusive growth. The financial products are devised to empower weaker sections of society, especially women.
They have various deposit and loan schemes available for their customers. Reach out to Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank for further details.
Yes, Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank is a completely safe and secure bank. It is a reputed regional rural bank providing reliable and customer-centric banking services.
It is also designated by RBI; hence all your transactions and deposited funds are safely monitored. You can approach the branch directly in person and also call the customer care number anytime for queries.
Your Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code is a unique eleven-digit identification code that represents your bank branch. It is compulsory to complete online fund transfers through NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. The IFSC code also helps in tracking the origination and destination of payments and facilitates interbank communication.
There are many ways to check the balance of your Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank account. You can either directly go to an ATM and check your balance or retrieve it through SMS banking, net banking, or by calling the toll-free balance enquiry number.
There are plenty of online and offline ways to transfer money through Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank. To complete offline transactions, you can go to the bank directly and send money through deposit or cheque payments. To make online transactions, you can use the NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS service of your bank. You will require certain bank credentials like the IFSC and the MICR code.
MMID is an abbreviation of Mobile Money Identifier code. It's a seven-digit number that is issued by your respective bank branch for the customers who are registered on Mobile banking. MMID code is required to complete transactions through the IMPS service.