Find DMK Jaoli Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
DMK Jaoli Bank was established in July 1973. It has been providing various banking services like savings and current accounts, deposits, loans, and digital banking. The DMK Jaoli bank IFSC code plays a significant role in error-free online transactions.
DMK Jaoli Bank has its head office in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It has 24 branches in Maharashtra. The bank offers NEFT and RTGS that facilitate customers for quick funds transfer.
One of the essential requirements for an online transaction is the IFSC code. It recognizes the two branches participating in funds transfer and enables a quick process. It ensures that no fraud occurs in an online cash transfer.
Another vital banking code is the MICR code that makes cheque clearance easy for the banks. SWIFT is somewhat similar to the IFSC code except that it must carry international funds transfers online.
The article here discusses the DMK Jaoli bank IFSC code and MICR code. It also discusses the methods of funds transfer and details about the bank and its growth.
Indian Financial System Code is a unique code that ensures hassle-free online wire transfers. Each branch of a bank has a different code assigned by the Reserve Bank of India. IFSC code correctly identifies the two branches participating in the online cash transfer.
The code ensures that the money reaches the correct account without any fraud. It associates an account number with the branch to result in a smooth transaction. It prevents you from visiting the bank again and again for cash transfers.
IFSC code is alphanumeric and has 11 characters.
For example, the DMK Jaoli bank Head Office branch, Maharashtra, Mumbai IFSC Code is DMKJ0000001. Here, the first four letters DMKJ are the bank name. The following number is a zero. The last six digits, 000001, are the branch code.
Magnetic Ink Code Recognition or MICR is a special code that you can find on your cheque book. The code is different for each branch. RBI assigns the MICR code to all the banks in India. MICR code helps verify the cheques and clear them in less time.
MICR is a more effective method for clearing checks than traditional methods. MICR authenticates a cheque, whether valid or not, and sends it further for quick processing through the Electronic Clearing System. Special ink known as magnetic ink is used for printing MICR code on the cheques. The banks use the code for filling up investment and SIP forms.
MICR is a numeric code with nine digits. The first set of 3 numbers signifies the city code. The next set indicates the bank code, while the last three digits are unique. DMK Jaoli Bank does not reveal its MICR code, so it is unavailable.
All the bank codes are crucial in conducting the banking processes. But it is equally important to find the correct codes. Providing incorrect codes to the bank can lead to a wrong transaction.
So, from where will you get the valid codes? Various offline and online sources are available to get the correct codes. Here is the list.
Many third-party websites provide bank codes. One of the websites to find IFSC and MICR codes is Find Your Bank. It is a user-friendly website that the visitors find easy to use and search for the codes.
Visit the website's home page
You will get the DMK Jaoli bank IFSC code as soon as you submit the details. You can also get the bank's MICR code. Similarly, you can access any bank's IFSC and MICR codes in India.
Find Your Bank also has a mobile app available in Google Play Store on your Android phone. The app is free of cost, from where you can find any bank code from any location at any time.
You will have a chequebook that your bank branch issues. Each branch has a different chequebook. It contains your branch's IFSC and MICR codes. IFSC code is at the top, while you will get MICR code at the bottom.
Every DMK Jaoli bank account holder gets a passbook from their branch. It tracks your banking transactions taken place from your account online and offline. The passbook's first page includes the account holder's name, account number, contact number, email id, and address.
The passbook also has your branch's address, IFSC, and MICR codes.
Each bank has an official website which you can visit to access useful and latest formation of the bank. You can easily find the DMK Jaoli bank IFSC code and MICR code from the bank's website.
RBI is the governing bank that controls the operations of all other banks in India. Its website has the IFSC and MICR codes of all the banks.
A bank's customer care center is available 24*7. So, you can contact the customer care team and request them for the codes. You only have to provide the branch name and address and get the codes.
The banking system is focusing more and more on paperless transactions to reduce risk and fraud. Customers rely on NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS methods for wire transfers. You need an active internet connection, beneficiary details, and a smartphone for paperless transfers.
You also need DMK Jaoli Bank IFSC code for successful transactions from one branch. Here is a description of the three main payment methods.
NEFT is the most used method by the customers. National Electronic Funds Transfer is a reliable funds transfer method that takes place in batches. The bank settles funds transfer in a gap of 1-2 hours, and it is not instant.
NEFT operates on deferred net settlement or DNS, so the bank completes the transfer before a cut-off time. DMK Jaoli bank makes NEFT available for customers from 8 am to 6:30 pm on all days. But NEFT is not available on Sundays, bank holidays, 2nd and 4th Saturdays.
DMK Jaoli bank does not set a minimum and maximum limit for transactions through NEFT. But it applies to some charges.
Amount | Charges + Applied Taxes |
Up to Rs 10,000 | Rs 2.50 |
Rs 10,000-Rs 1 lakhs | Rs 5 |
Rs 1 lakh – Rs 2 lakhs | Rs 15 |
Rs 2 lakhs – Rs 5 lakhs | Rs 25 |
You have to provide the following details to the bank for NEFT -
RTGS is a quick way of transferring funds. The Real-Time Gross settlement enables cash transactions from one branch to another in real-time based on gross -settlement. DMK Jaoli bank allows cash transfer through RTGS on weekdays and Saturdays but not on Sundays and national holidays. RTGS is a suitable method of cash transaction of above Rs 1 lakhs. The minimum RTGS limit set by the bank is Rs 2 lakhs.
Amount | Charge Per Transaction (Excluding Taxes) |
Rs 2 lakhs – Rs 5 lakhs | Rs 25 |
Rs 5 lakhs – Rs 10 lakhs | Rs 50 |
You will need the same information for an RTGS transaction as in NEFT.
Immediate Payment Service is an instant service for transferring funds. It was introduced by NPCI or National Payments Corporation in 2010.
IMPS is available 24*7, including bank holidays and Sundays. IMPS can be utilized through multiple channels like ATMs, mobile phones, and internet banking. IMPS does not have a minimum limit for funds transfer but has a maximum limit of Rs 2 lakhs.
You will have to provide the following details for funds transactions through IMPS.
DMK Jaoli Bank was started in 1973 by Late Dattatraya Maharaj Kalambe. It was previously known as Jaoli Sahakari Bank Ltd. It started with the aim of sustainable economic growth of working-class people through co-operative movement.
DMK Jaoli Bank offers various savings and current account services, deposits like FDs, Rds. and term deposits. It provides multiple loans to the customers. The bank adopts the latest banking advancements like ATMs, automated printing of passbooks, mobile and net banking.
The bank has 24 branches that it aims to increase in the future.
You can open a bank account in DMK Jaoli Bank if-
You can transfer money from the DMK Jaoli bank offline and online. For offline use, you have to visit the branch. Fill out the amount transfer with the necessary details and submit it to the bank.
For online, you need a net banking account with the bank. Login to your account and go to Payment. Select the fund's transfer option. Choose the suitable option and confirm the details.