Doha Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

Find Doha Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.

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Doha Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

The IFSC code is of great importance when it comes to banking operations. The IFSC or the Indian Financial System Code is an essential detail required to redeem banking services. In a similar way, your Doha Bank IFSC Code is a unique code that identifies your home branch.

IFSC code plays a primary role in identifying and representing the respective branch of a bank. This code is generated under the guidance of RBI. However, it is also necessary to complete transactions using electronic transaction systems like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. 

Another important credential is the MICR code. It can be obtained from the cheque leaf, and it is required to clear and verify all cheque payments. Refer to this article if you are keen to learn further about these codes and how to complete successful transactions using them.

Doha Bank IFSC Code


The Doha Bank IFSC code is made up of 11 distinct alphanumeric digits. You can find the code from your bank passbook and even from other bank documents. To make transactions through electronic systems, you will always be needed to provide the IFSC code. 

It is needed to carry out hassle-free paperless transactions. The RBI uses the IFSC code to keep an eye on all the transactions made by you to ensure they are secure.

This information is read by the bank when any transaction is initiated. It helps in determining payment origins and destinations and aids in interbank communication. The given format for the IFSC code is ‘CDEF0123456,’ and it is followed nationally. 

For example, the Doha Bank Mumbai branch IDFC code is DOHB0000001. This eleven-digit code can be broken down into three parts, here the first four digits (DOHB) represent your bank name, the fifth digit is a zero (0), and the last six digits (000001) give the branch code. 

Doha Bank MICR Code

Your Doha Bank MICR Code, a unique nine-digit code, has a different function than the IFSC code. It is a mandatory credential that is needed to process and clear payments through check. 

This code can be located on your cheque leaf, and it is printed using the MICR or the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology. The nine digits in the MICR code are present in the format 123456789. For example, the MICR code for Doha Bank, Mumbai branch is 400234252. 

Here, the initial three digits (400) indicate the city name, and they are aligned with the PIN code used for postal addresses. The next three digits (234) represent the bank, and the last three digits (252) indicate the branch of the bank.

How to Find the IFSC Code & MICR Code of Doha Bank?


The Doha Bank IFSC code and MICR code are essential to carry out transactions. Hence, you should always be in possession of these codes. There are multiple ways to access these codes, and some convenient and easy procedures are mentioned below:

Find Your Bank

Find Your Bank is a great option to redeem your IFSC and MICR codes. It is an online website that offers multiple banking-related information and services that you can refer to. To acquire your IFSC and MICR codes, just visit their official website and fill in all the given data:

  • Name of the bank
  • State
  • District
  • Branch
  • Click ‘Enter’

When you enter these details, proceed by clicking enter, and you will find the codes in your search results. Find Your Bank has also created a smart mobile application that can be downloaded and accessed easily to enjoy these services. 

The mobile app makes it a seamless experience, and you can seek all information with a few clicks.

Bank Documents

You can easily find your Doha Bank IFSC and MICR codes through the bank documents provided to you. You can obtain them in the details mentioned on the bank passbook and also through the cheque leaf.


The Reserve Bank of India stores important credentials for all branches of the regulated banks present in India. Visit the official website of RBI and look for the inventory to seek the respective codes.

Net Banking or Mobile Banking

You can also take help from the Net Banking or mobile portal of your bank to obtain these codes. Start by logging in to the portal using your credentials. Once done, look for the available options and select the appropriate one to obtain the required codes. 

Contact the Bank

There are chances that none of these methods work for you. In that case, reach out to the customer care unit of your bank or home branch, and they will provide the necessary help with the required procedure.

How To Transfer Money through NEFT, RTGS & IMPS Processes?


Paperless transactions make it easy to make transfers from anywhere at any time, and they are comparatively more convenient. Electronic fund transfer methods have made it easier to send money effortlessly. However, you need a few details to complete these transactions.

Along with the Doha Bank IFSC code, you will need the following details:

  • The amount of transaction
  • Beneficiary’s bank name
  • Beneficiary’s name
  • Account number of the remitter
  • Account number of the beneficiary
  • IFSC Code of the beneficiary’s branch
  • Sender to receiver information, if any

You will always need these details to make digital transactions. Hence, you should note these carefully.

NEFT or National Electronic Fund Transfer

National Electronic Fund Transfer or NEFT is among India’s various electronic payment systems. It was initiated by the Reserve Bank of India and is very easy to complete. 

This payment system works in the settlements of batches and is based on the DNS or Deferred Net Settling system. The details of the NEFT service by Doha Bank are mentioned ahead:

Timings Available at all times
Charges applicable

Rs 2 up to Rs 10,000/-

Rs 4.50 above 10,000/- and up to 1 Lakh

Rs 14.50 above 1 Lakh and up NIL to 2 Lakh

Rs 24.50 above 2 Lakh

Settlement Hourly batches
Maximum and Minimum limits No limits on NEFT

GST applicable.

To initiate an NEFT payment, use the Netbanking or Mobile banking service of Doha Bank. Start by logging in to the portal with your username and password. 

Then select the NEFT option and add your beneficiary by entering all the required information. Read the terms and conditions mentioned before you complete the transfer.


RTGS or Real-Time Gross Settlement works on a real-time settlement and is a popular electronic transaction system. The transactions made through RTGS are completed at the time of receipt and are based on a gross or individual design. 

However, these payments are not reversible, and hence, it is used to make transfers of higher amounts.

Timings Bank hours
Charges applicable

Rs. 15 on 2 Lakhs to 5 Lakhs

Rs. 40 above Rs. 5 Lakh

Settlement Real-time
Minimum and maximum limit

The minimum limit is Rs. 2 lakhs

No maximum limit


If you wish to send money through the RTGS service of Doha Bank, log in to the net banking or mobile banking service using your credentials. Select the RTGS transfer and fill in your Doha Bank IFSC code along with the other credentials mentioned above. 

Keep in mind to read all terms and conditions carefully before you complete the transaction.

IMPS or Immediate Payment Service

IMPS or the Immediate Payment Service is an immediate electronic fund transfer method, and it can be accessed throughout the year, even on holidays. It has instant settlements, and therefore, it is widely used by people to send around money quickly and conveniently.

To avail the IMPS service provided by Doha Bank, you need to use the mobile banking app or portal. To complete a successful transaction, you will require:

  • MMID or Mobile Money Identifier code 
  • MMID code of the beneficiary
  • Account number of the beneficiary
  • Your mobile number 
  • The AADHAR card number of beneficiary
  • IFSC code of beneficiary’s branch
Timings Available around the clock
Settlement Instant

Up to Rs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 5

Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 2 Lakhs - Rs. 15

Minimum limit Rs. 10
Maximum limit Rs. 2 Lakhs


To send money using the IMPS service, firstly, log in to the mobile app of Doha Bank with your username and password. Then, select the ‘IMPS’ option from the available transaction methods and fill in the details as stated above. 

During this process, a passcode will be sent to you, and you need to enter it to complete the transfer. By entering the passcode, you will verify the process, following which you will receive an affirmation text message with a transaction number on your registered mobile number. 

This will indicate that the transaction has been completed successfully. The transaction number provided to you can be utilized to keep track as well as to raise an issue if any sort of inconvenience occurs.

About Doha Bank


Doha Bank is among the largest well-established commercial banks based in Qatar. Ever since 1998, Doha Bank has been operating successfully on domestic as well as international grounds. The services by Doha bank officially started on 15th March 1979. 

Doha Bank started its first branch in India on 10th June 2014, and now it has a network of multiple branches operating at Sakhar Bhavan, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kochi.

For the past decades, it has focused on uplifting society through valuable schemes and plans. They aim for a bright future for its consumers and a considerable amount of returns to its shareholders. It is a customer-friendly bank dedicated to safeguarding its identity through reliable and quality services. 

Apart from the customers, it is also dedicated to the progressive development of all the employees. Doha Bank has multiple banking and financial services, including deposits, loan schemes, NRI services, and other products.


1) How do I know my Doha account number?

You can find the Doha account number through bank documents like your passbook and cheque leaf. You can also seek the help of the ATM service, online banking service, or customer care of your branch.

2) How can I add a beneficiary in Doha bank?

To complete payments, you need to add a beneficiary to whom you wish to send money. To do so, you need to enter the bank account details and the IFSC code of the beneficiary’s bank branch, along with other information required.

3) How do I activate Doha online banking?

DBank online is the net banking portal of Doha Bank. To activate Doha Bank online banking, visit their website and click on ‘Register.’ Then enter the username along with the required account and ATM details. 

Following this, you will receive an OTP that you need to enter to complete the process. Once done, you will be registered on the online banking service.

4) Does Doha Bank have a QR code?

Yes, Doha Bank has QR code payments. You need to download the Doha Pay app and register with your bank account. Then you can select the scan and pay option and scan the QR code of the merchant or remittee. 

Verify the details and enter the required amount. Then proceed to complete the transaction through the desired bank account.

5) What is MMID?

MMID code, short for the Mobile Money Identifier code, is a distinct seven-digit number. It is generated by the bank and provided to all the registered customers who are using the Mobile banking platform. MMID code is mandatory to complete a successful IMPS transaction.