Find Jalandhar Central Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The Jalandhar Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. was registered date back on 11/02/1909 and considered as a prestigious bank. In the year 1956, there were only two functioning branches in the district. Today, the Bank is providing the banking facilities to Nakodar, Phillaur, Shahkot and Jalandhar tehsils in the Jalandhar District. The Bank has spread almost every corner of the district and having a huge network with 72 branches. It can be noted that the Bank has the membership of 814 cooperative societies. Out of which, 245 are predominantly Agricultural Cooperative Societies. These societies are covering almost 90% of families in the rural area, who is associated with the Bank.