Lakshmi Vilas Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

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Lakshmi Vilas Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Established by a group of seven businessmen in 1926, Lakshmi Vilas Bank was founded with the intention of supporting agriculture, industry and general business around Karur. Officially licensed to begin operating as a full-scale commercial bank in 1958, Lakshmi Vilas Bank has consistently gone from strength to strength ever since. To date, this impressive organisation has opened more than 520 branches across the region, along with 984 ATMs and seven extension counters. Along with some of the most advanced computerised branches ever to open in India, customers have access to financial products and services such as corporate banking, investment banking, consumer banking, private banking and insurance, mortgage loans, finance, wealth management and many more besides.