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Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank has started its journey on 1st of April 2019 as a regional rural bank. The bank started its journey after the amalgamation of two different regional rural banks. These were the Narmada Jhaubua Grameen bank and the Central Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank as per the Gazette notification circulated by the Government of India from the 11th of January 2019. The Narmada Jhaubua Grameen Bank was operating under the Bank of India, and the Central Bank of India was sponsoring the Central Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank. However, after the amalgamation of these banks, the Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank now fell under the Regional Rural Banks Act 1976. The head office of Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank is at Indore. The Bank Of India sponsors the Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank which is currently operating in 39 districts of Madhya Pradesh.